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Why Can't Liberals and Conseravtives Just Sit Down and Talk?

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1 hour ago, nuckin_futz said:

There's no money in peace. The money is in riling people up and letting them fight and donate. Religion mastered this ages ago. Now the politicians have caught on.

What do they use the money for though? Buy tv ads? That's where most of the money they get go right? In religion, they can build bigger churches, fill them with luxuries, hire more people and have them service themselves. You can't do that in a political party. 


The name of your party doesn't matter at all. Left can apply right policies and vice versa as long as they are good policies. People getting fixated on a name is the conspiracy. 

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It has to do with religion, IMO. Conservatism is rooted in traditional values which makes it really appealing to people who are especially religious. However, that means that they use religion to reinforce their beliefs. This means that there's usually no room for compromise, because they literally see it as the devil trying to tempt them away from the path of God.


For example, most Catholics don't have an issue with gay people because they believe God doesn't make mistakes. However, they believe that it's "giving into lust" if you decide to date, sleep with, or marry another gay individual. To counter that, throughout history they've urged thousands of gay Catholics to become priests and nuns (which left many of them sexually inept, contributing to them praying on young kids of the same sex throughout time, leading to the present-day memes about priests). They "love" gay people as they do their neighbour, but they don't see gay love as real "love," and the consequence of not following their beliefs is an eternity in hell. 


I know to you and I it may seem archaic and silly, but these people grow up fearing God (literal wording in a lot of text/teachings). In their doctrine, they're told over and over again that they have to dedicate their entire lives to living for Him, and failure to do so results in complete pain and suffering. The devil is always trying to trick you, including by possessing other individuals with "unnatural urges." It's your duty to save them if you see the devil at work, and if you're told this enough then eventually you'll believe it. 


[Source: a significant amount of research into Catholicism as my girlfriends family is Catholic, including attending a conference back in May] 


There's also a lack of interest in real dialogue between the left and right. People are so dead-set in what they believe that they go into conversations looking to change each others mind but that isn't productive. In the end it just results to name-calling and a reinforced belief that the other side is stupid. If you want to have a good conversation, you and the other side MUST come to the conclusion that there is NO RIGHT ANSWER to most topics, that your beliefs have flaws, and you MUST be willing to discuss them without assuming differing ideas are character assassinations. 

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People come from different walks of life, and not everyone has the ability to see what living in someone else's shoes is like, nor do they have the same empathy to feel the hardships that may bring. 

I was listening to a psychology podcast some time ago and so I have to paraphrase as I can't remember the specifics but often Conservatives have just as high level of empathy as liberals, but it is extended to their community from growing up as a child in and around their local church and connected town/families.

On the other hand Liberals grow up with less community direct ties in comparison, which leads to communicating with more foreign communities, peoples and ideas (especially in universities) thus their empathy developes more as a  "general humanity" level. 

I'm in no way saying neither can have levels of empathy for the opposite, but when you think of it that way it creates understanding why one side may have fear of change/others as that fear has a direct link to their high levels of empathy for their community in their backyard.

The problem is this  isn't a black and white scenerio, and doesn't include what kind of media a person consumes, the personal agenda their leaders may have, the level to which their religious beliefs are important to them etc.

Edited by Zombieksa
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8 minutes ago, Zombieksa said:

People come from different walks of life, and not everyone has the ability to see what living in someone else's shoes is like, nor do they have the same empathy to feel the hardships that may bring. 

I was listening to a psychology podcast some time ago and so I have to paraphrase as I can't remember the specifics but often Conservatives have just as high level of empathy as liberals, but it is extended to their community from growing up as a child in and around their local church and connected town/families.

On the other hand Liberals grow up with less community direct ties in comparison, which leads to communicating with more foreign communities, peoples and ideas (especially in universities) thus their empathy developes more as a  "general humanity" level. 

I'm in no way saying neither can have levels of empathy for the opposite, but when you think of it that way it creates understanding why one side may have fear of change/others as that fear has a direct link to their high levels of empathy for their community in their backyard.

The problem is this  isn't a black and white scenerio, and doesn't include what kind of media a person consumes, the personal agenda their leaders may have, the level to which their religious beliefs are important to them etc.



I don't think it has anything to do with small towns or connections to community.  In my opinion, it has to do with religion and a lack of education and/or intelligence........mostly when it comes to social conservatism, imo.

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I had a friend who we would have "debates".  He's post some BS post about how evolution is BS or climate change is BS.  I'd make logical, points with sources.  He'd post crap and then eventually resort to name calling and calling me stupid.  He finally went on a disgusting rant in a PM then blocked and unfriended me.  


There were a few members of the old forum who kinda resorted to a similar thing.  

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I would argue that the same phenomenon is going on in the United States. Some people didn't like Biden at all, but those same people also didn't like Trump. They were thus forced to pick between two sides they really don't want to vote for, so some of them don't want to vote.


I think Trudeau has lived out his welcome. Whatever he needed to get done didn't get done. It's rather terrible PP has seemingly gained ground because if he had tried to seize power during, let's say, the Chrestien (sp?) or Martin period, PP would've been been laughed out and would've boosted supported for the Liberals.

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  Because conservatives are often ignorant, disrespectful and have no chill, they just hate, hate, hate and there’s no such thing as a liberal capable of intelligent conversation, they just create echo chambers and circle Jerk their warped views to each other. 

 The left is so far left to the point of delusion and the right is so far right that they could easily be walked into a dictatorship  without being aware at all. And the worst part is both sides scream that they’re neutral. It’s actually funnier to sit back and watch with no investment in either side. 

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