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Rob Eh

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Status Replies posted by Rob Eh

  1. Remember when Tyler Myers bloodied Duncan Keith 

  2. The White Noise Playlists.

    One of the best music threads on CFF by Rob Eh, One Of The Best To Always Do It.

    1. Rob Eh

      Rob Eh

      Also, I've changed my music name from Rob Eh to Rob Eh, One Of The Best To Always Do It.

  3. Sam Lafferty was a shrewd last-minute acquisition to begin the season. He's like a bottom 6 that we've always wanted. 

    1. Rob Eh

      Rob Eh

      Fast skater too, one of my favourite players now. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Where u at buddy? Ban hammer again?

  5. John Garrett is in the lineup for the Wpg/Mtl commentary.

  6. Hronek make you feel like dancing.

    Hronek make you feel alright. 

  7. Just took a look at the Rolling Stone 250 best guitarist list.


    What a load. Rolling Stone was a bearable music magazine before but these days, it's not even good for wiping in a pinch. 

    1. Rob Eh

      Rob Eh

      Possibly the most ass list ever written.

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  8. I applied for my native status. More updates to come.

  9. Pearson scores again tonight, now has more goals than everyone on our team besides Brock. Good to see him bounce back.

  10. Pacific Division is looking weak this year, I know it's early but the Canucks have a good chance this year to make it in.

    1. Rob Eh

      Rob Eh

      LV and EDM are always a lock but it looks like Calgary and Seattle aren't as good this year. Only 5 games in but the team is better prepared than last year. They can do it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Things ain't been right in the barnyard

    1. Rob Eh

      Rob Eh

      Look at my last track in the 'what are you listening to' thread, Page 33. Animal Farm (Orwellian Mix)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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