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  1. His 3 points currently will lead to losses down the road? How does that work out? That's pure speculation.
  2. I too wish Petey played liked JTM. But they are different people and there is no reason to slag off Petey because he's not Hercules (JT). We also have to remember Petey is still a young man with very little experience in high pressure situations. JT is 30 year old ma, with not just more hockey experience but also life experience. He has a a family and that changes a person. So, to wrap it up. I wish Petey was playing like JT, but he's still young...the team is winning, he pitching in occasionally and learning what it takes to play like JT. If he's still playing like this when he is 29 and 30 (JT age now). Then I think the fan base can be rightfully upset. As is now, I suggest patience and support for an emerging young superstar finding his way in an amazing playoffs run. As a final note...I hadn't noticed much enthusiasm out of Petey prior to yesterday's game, some, but not much. Yet after helping defend for the final minute of yesterday game, he turns to Miller and is just screaming for joy! So I think he's starting to understand.
  3. He is pitching in when the chips are down though... He made a fantastic play just 2 games ago....the game 6 game winning goal against the Preds...
  4. Well, that's your answer right in there. NHL is a business, they need to sell to the weak markets. If an American NHL cities team loses, those people stop watching the playoffs and hockey. Canadians watch even if their team is not playing. Therefore the NHL has monitary incentive to keep the American cities teams in the playoffs for as long as possible.
  5. That's an idea...replace them with an AI ref that blows the horn every single infraction as per the rule book...there would never be 5on5 hockey again, constantly 3vs3.
  6. I don't think people realize how incredibly fast the game is whilst being on the ice. Both for the players and the officials. Not an excuse because it's their job, but errors will be made. It's inevitable. People watching from a birds eye view above the ice (tv or in the stands) have no clue what being on the ice feels like or looks like. People can complain and criticize all they'd like, but like you said...everyone on the ice is still only human.
  7. This 100%. Mikheyev has hands of stone. It was his scouting report while he was in T.O. and aside from some short spurts here and there, plays die on his stick. "But...but...his knee" people will say. It's been 2 years? Since his surgery. If he's not up to NHL speed by now, get him out of the NHL.
  8. I've been noticing possibly that it seems like EP is often left out of celebrations, goals. I noticed it last game a lot. The tying goal Zads had his back to him and EP was outside the circle...game winning goal nobody turned to EP and he was left on the bench. I've noticed in other games as well. Anyone else, or is it just me old eyes playing tricks?
  9. He should be expecting it though. He`s been cheap shot before, and it`s the playoffs. Teams will take any chance they can get to lay a little extra pain and suffering. Petey needs at least be aware that there are 5 larger pumped up guys barreling towards him. He was dejected and pouting with his head down heading to the bench after being scored on. Its playoffs...players should always be engaged with the play, whether or not the whistle has blown, or the puck is in your vicinity or a goal had been scored. I for one, still think its a cheap shot, but those have and will continue to always happen in the playoffs. I miss pissed off angry petey spitting out curses and yelling after a goal is scored as opposed to the sad looking fellow who got bowled over.
  10. Game 5 back home... Whole team comes out to U2 Streets... Then the music cuts out , lights dim...que Undertaker theme music... Out walks Demko. Total badass.
  11. Agree. I reckon that "C" on his chest has something to do with that. He looks like a captain and leader.
  12. I don't want to psychoanalysis Petty but I'm wondering if he is enjoying the gaming / streaming lifestyle moreso than hockey at the moment. Gaming / streaming is easy..hockey is HARD. Hard on the body, mind, etc. Steaming he can have a plethora of followers who LOVE him and don't complain or bitch at him like fans. Less pressure. He could make more money steaming if he became popular... Ah, all speculation and unsubstantiated musings.
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