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  1. Don't mock my opinion on trans athletes if you won't even share your own. That is all
  2. Doesn't say that anywhere and I asked.
  3. So if you had or have a daughter(biological female daughter) who's been training her whole life to win an event, and a biological male who has lived their whole life as a biological male until just recently decided to join the competition with your daughter and absolutely crushes her in the event, takes the trophy, the glory, the possible scholarship. You'd be like "fair play, kudos to them?"
  4. What are you agreeing with? That experience, position, education and overtime don't matter? Women should just be paid the same no matter what? Seems reasonable I guess
  5. Does it mention anything about roles, education, experience, overtime hours? Wouldn't those things be important determining factors?
  6. 4% difference between men and women's wage gap whilst working the same job with the same experience. 4 big cents to the dollar. Crazzzyy inequality. It will never be 0% equal Most of this is just whining lefty dog water. Everybody has some sort of hardship in their lives, time to stop babying everyone
  7. They commit the most crimes... Yes the ugly history likely pays a part in this but it's not inequality. We're not going to just not send indigenous people to prison because of what happened way back when. It has nothing to do with inequality, it's just how it needs to be. men are overrepresented in prison in generl, are men unequal and treated unfairly compared to women?
  8. Alright anyways, those 75 examples of inequality in Canada?
  9. He's on record of saying he's trying to not focus on identity politics so he can focus more on important issues like the economy. The rest is him combatting the left's identity politics which he kinda has to. Cool story though
  10. I don't know what you want me to say. Politics involving race, gender, social background etc... identity politics, it's not that confusing
  11. 75 examples eh...can't wait Identity politics is the government pushing social and racial issues farther than they need to be pushed. Making people think the problem is much worse than it is, turning imaginary evil vs good
  12. We were already moving on as a species just fine without all the identity politics. Where is the inequality? What is an example of this?
  13. Identity politics is the left's go to move. The more they talk about racism the more prevalent it will become or seem. They then use that as bargaining tool and make people believe they are in this good fight against this crazy race war that doesn't even exist. The left has set back race relations by about 30 years Combatting racism by teaching white kids they are evil oppressors and that minorities are lesser than whites and have less opportunity is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
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