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Status Updates posted by Goalie29

  1. NL Growlers are ceasing operations.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wheres Wellwood

      Wheres Wellwood

      If it's a failure to sell by a deadline causing the team to fold, why would that make certain players (the ones on any AHL/NHL contract) ineligible to find another ECHL team to play for?

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Don't see why the players should be punished for ownership issues.

    4. Goalie29


      My guess it's the existing roster rules.  We're beyond the trade deadline so there's no mechanism for teams to acquire players with AHL/NHL contracts.

  2. I just learned that former Canuck Matt Cooke is the head coach of the Newfoundland Growlers.

    1. Bell


      Wonder if he will teach his more abrasive attributes to these youngsters?

    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      @Bell  Nothing wrong with being a pain in an azz to play against (like he was for us as a Canuck).  It's the numerous times he clearly 'crossed the line' (largely/mostly *AFTER* he no longer was a Vancouver Canuck) is something else altogether.

    3. Snoop Hogg

      Snoop Hogg

      He’s grooming future generations of turtles.

  3. We travelled all day, landed in Hawaii, go for dinner and… the Canucks game is on the big screen above the bar!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goalie29


      The night may be young, but I’m not any more.  😀

    3. brilac


      Time sure flys! I was looking at a picture of me and friends taken 20 years ago on my birthday! 

    4. DrJockitch


      Ooh loved Hawaii but man that was a long trip from out East. 
      Beautiful but wow it is expensive and over-run with those Americans.

      Happy birthday, go swim with the turtles!

  4. I love the captions on the Canucks videos... 



  5. This Eastern Final is wild!

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