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  1. The league has already said they have done reviewing all of it and they are done It is what it is ..... Yes it's 100% double standard and bs but it's time to move on and focus on game 4. I hope they play mean and physical but don't take the bait because even farting near a couple of the Oilers will draw a 5 for retaliation Keep it legal , mean , nasty and the then bring this series home
  2. After his stinger on the same previous injured foot I wondered if he may sit next game if we won .. to make sure it was healed Anyhow still better for him to sit a game than big Z
  3. Take comfort in the Canucks history this year. This year unlike other years when they get screwed by officiating they come out with a real mean side the next game. The coach has done a fantastic job in leading by example and instilling the attitude of screwing on ice is best resolved by destruction on ice and not moping about it infront of the cameras I suspect at least a game for saucy and I'll take that over losing big Z ... Every time I just hope big z let's mcbaby know that game 4 is being played for revenge for his crying and that he will be "breaking him" The NHL player safety department is not what it's named and is more the game management front office division ( as compared to the on ice player management system they call refs ) They are what they are are publicly calling them out always ends badly and nothing is going to clean up that wreck with Gary still in charge. Canucks of yesterday would let it fester rent free in their heads and played poorly after such screwings This version of the Canucks seem to get nasty after such crap and bring that anger to the next game juulison should make his game memorable ( nothing illegal ) ... But deliver loud and clear the message that mcjesus is an embarrassment to the game
  4. Again ..... I don't see how any hockey fan of any team doesn't get the absolute clear picture of game tampering In game three we saw McJesus to a 2.hand swipe with his stick at. Hughes cutting him. Mcjesus was not playing the puck. It was not a hockey play. No call and no fine on what should have been at minimum a 4 min and most cases a 5 and game Kane slew footing a player with a clear foot sweep motion. This has been a 5 min major with suspension for years now. No call. After the game with Kane being a repeat offender they should have applied a suspension. No actions taken and TSN called.it just play off hockey Last night Mcjesus took a 3 had stick swipe during that play as well. No fine but this time TSN demands a suspension in the name of player safety ( so canucks safety clearly doesn't matter ) Absolutely disgusting conduct from the NHL ..... Another disgraceful conduct that can't be defended as having any legitimate role in competitive sports
  5. Mcjesus did a 2 hand stick swipe at him first .... They would have to nail both of them to do anything
  6. Once the child is born conservatives don't want their taxes helping or supporting them and are against their health care and pharma and dental costs The only anti abortionists that aren't playing both sides of the fence are the ones who also support socialized programs , basic living wage , free health care and so on The conservative anti abortion supports ends the second the child takes their first breath ..... Then they can die for all they care ....so long as they don't cost them tax money This isn't targeted at you ... Just the absolute hypocrisy of the conservative movement screaming all lives matter and all unborn babies must be protected .... Then do a 360 and abandoned that child's needs after the first breath I support a women's right to choose .... But for the ones that are against abortion do you fully support your taxes providing all the social programs that child.and later as an adult needs ?
  7. To be fair thought PP follows Trump pretty close in his actions and words. One look at how Trump bragged he wouldn't touch it then back doored the workaround to have someone else do the dirty work should be a clear indicator on what to expect here Now stacking our supreme court won't work as well here ... But steps such as defunding , ordering abortion out of publicly funded health care sites etc would have just about the same effect as criminalizing it. That way PP can say he left it to provinces and blame them ...
  8. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/personal-finance/young-money/article-poilievres-promise-to-end-deficits-sets-collision-course-with-boomers/ And there it is. To fulfill his promise OAS and Health Care must be cut. And not just a bit .... To the bone If your not rich enough to retire without OAS your screwed. If you ever need health care your screwed Canada is about to.ne completely dismantled all in the name of his master's .... Corporations It's not so much his social agenda I fear ..... It's seeing 80 year olds working at McDonald and living on the streets because of the loss of OAS and their health care It's not fear mongering or hypothetical....it's the only items big enough to produce the amount he is guaranteeing. Since he's promised to cut taxes not increase ... It means cuts is all there is. And we only have a couple of items big enough to realise the amounts needed People need to I understand they are voting for neverretirement and thr leading cause of bankruptcy will be the same as the USA .... Health care bills
  9. I believe conservatives once in power will scream about it ... Move to restrict access to funded birth control ... But stop shy of actually changing the law ? Why ? in Canada unlike the USA our courts would overturn any law changing abortion rights which would then force PP to use the notwithstanding Clause Using the not withstanding clause to outlaw abortion would wipe out a party the next election. As much as I dislike PP he knows that And I disagree that more people are moving from it .... People are just now more empowered to push their religious and ideological ideas with more vorticity It's the same minority ... There just getting louder ... Not growing in numbers
  10. The high stick on Hughes was a major and the slew foot from Kane was as well Credit to the Canucks for playing through dog shit officiating ...... The series is going 7
  11. Although they won't .... I wish they would put their social agenda in the table and be honest If they did they wouldn't win many seats outside of Alberta and Saskatchewan as the overwhelming majority of Canadians support women's right to choose. I would hate to see evangelical religious fanatics take over Canada as they have in the USA
  12. At a recent presentation about post pandemic realities they dug into the top 10 things that people feel have changed and not for the better Unsurprisingly small business and night life ranks pretty high as does increased prices A suprise though was our social behaviour made the top 10. Pre pandemic people who are active in politics or discussions of such had 2 personalities. Your online social media which they were bullet proof , invisible and felt safe to push any ideology and agenda. Often under false names Your in person personality which your conscience still kept you in check and soften your words as you debated person to person Coming out of the pandemic many have lost the in person civil debate and dropped their anonymous names , now feeling empowered to internet troll in real life Heck even Harper who loathed the liberals and ran gutter attack adds was more civil in person When you think about it ..... That's what I see in our conservative movement. They have gotten use to the all empowered internet troll mode and forgot to turn it off back in public. My wife just calls it the entitled wave generation ... But really PP can't even show human kindness on any level to anything not supporting him...... Not a great roll model for sure
  13. He's not wrong though Before entering the world conservatives deem them already a person and take steps to advocate for them ( anti abortion laws ) On birth till age.18 conservatives see them as the properties of their parents After age 18 then they are again recognized as being a person In a strange oxymoronic twist in the USA up until the actual both moment they have banned abortion ... Once they take their first breath the USA supports living abortion for the rest of their lives ( the early ending of life - no right to healthcare if you don't have.the money ,)
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