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Everything posted by cuporbust

  1. Nope, he hasn't. Love the articles that him turning useless is something new , like he hasn't had 20+ game brutal stretches every single year. Lol. He's 26 next year. He's not a rookie. This is what we get for the 12 million dollar cry baby that sat out for training camp? He thinks he's in the very top tier ? My god
  2. This team is a joke. Choke artists. Miller and Pettersson with 71 goals in the regular season, and not a peep hey? Useless
  3. Pettersson's wingers have been third liners at best for most of the playoffs
  4. The threat to the NHL losing viewer interest is officiating . It is a huge problem league wide. I can't believe nothing has been done about it with all the ways they've worked on making it more viewer friendly
  5. Got it right IMO. 1 game is fair. Was a dumb move at the end of a game you just won. Pure stupidity, but stuff happens.
  6. He's playing like Halak in 2010, and I sure hope they ride him as long as he's hot, regardless of Demko's status.
  7. Why is that? Halak from the 2010 Habs run says hello
  8. In other news, Pettersson is 7th on the team in playoff points
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