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Spring Salmon

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Everything posted by Spring Salmon

  1. Ya I agree. I just read some ridiculous stuff from sapper
  2. Telling people voices are real? What people? What voices? Your whole post is absurd
  3. Are you serious? This is just pathetic
  4. Even though I don't like JT(I sure don't) that's not the reason I'm not voting for him. His policies are. Voting for him would be voting against my own best interests. You may still think he's the best choice, and that's your right, go vote for him but the vast majority of Canadians don't anymore. He's been leader for 9 years and doesn't have much to show for it besides legalizing weed, and even for that you could argue it wasn't done properly. I know some of you don't want PP to be PM but that's life in a democracy. I sure didn't want this liberal/NDP government for the last 9 years either. After all this time it's clear we won't be changing anyone's mind on here so you got one vote and so do I. Let's let the people decide, sooner than later hopefully
  5. Exactly. If you don't know Trudeau is great and if you don't like him it's because you're too stupid to know how awesome he is. Maybe if they insult conservative voters more they will change their minds
  6. Correct you are. I could never imagine Trudeau sowing division for political points...
  7. I guess you're correct people can say something and do the opposite. Just like Trudeau said he wouldn't go after hunting rifles and that proved to be BS Harper was in government for how long and didn't touch the abortion issue like the left said he would. Why would they now? It's political suicide for any party to say that. You're always gonna have a couple pro life conservatives but that doesn't mean they're gonna get their wish. They're not, even Pierre said so. The supreme court protected abortions in 1988, but if you think PP could change that(he can't) then why have the liberals not even further protected them in the Charter or something more concrete then? The bottom line is the liberals are tanking and desperate and this is one of their last go to moves. Just like the gun buyback that they coincidentally extended again to October 2025. I mean what are the odds of that. I can already see the headlines "PeePee wants everybody walking around the streets with military style assault rifles". You know the same rifles that are "too scary" for anyone to take to the gun range but have been perfectly safe in peoples gun safes for over 4 years
  8. What's basically going on is this
  9. But I thought you don't believe in parental rights?
  10. Plenty of people here supported forcing people to take the shots or lose their jobs. That's force. I agree with you there
  11. That's incorrect. At no time does a politician or anybody else ever have a right to tell you what to do or put in your body
  12. Maybe mastermind gave you a confused face because you thought people should be forced to take a covid shot and now can't understand how people can make choices for somebody else
  13. From the conservative website from Pierre himself if you don't believe that The liberals see Alex Jones and diagolon haven't changed the polls and now they're giving their last shot on abortions? What's next after this doesn't work? "Assault rifles"?
  14. Of course. I read all sides. Unmoderated opinions
  15. That is a more honest answer. I disagree with your opinion on conservatives and NDP but accept it
  16. I'm not going to get into this right now on here. Sign yourself up for twitter, it's free. Then you can see all different opinions and what different MPs say in real time. They also have a comment section which they probably do not like.
  17. Not all, but on a lot. Do you ever read what the NDP or the unions say on twitter?
  18. Have you ever heard of CUPE president Fred Hahn?
  19. Good on you for being honest about it. If the convoy really was your last straw then that's your choice and I can respect that, even though I fully disagree with you. I would never tell another person how to vote. Myself, I have never voted for the Trudeau liberals. I've never liked him and honestly think he is a moron who got elected because of his last name, weed, and his "looks". So by me not voting for him again doesn't mean I'm falling for "Skippy PeePees" hate farming or axe the tax rallies. It also doesn't make me a trumper or religious(I'm not). But by insulting people for voting conservative is not going to work out well for some of you. Ask Hillary about her deplorables comment
  20. Let's be honest. There was NO WAY you were voting for him even before this
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