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  1. Energy Poilievre has promised to cancel Ottawa’s carbon price on consumer goods and build more pipelines. He says Canada would rely on technology to tackle its greenhouse-gas emissions, but hasn’t provided further detail. - but details are exactly what we've been asking for. Government budgets He promised to enact a “Pay-As-You-Go Law” that would cap federal spending at its budgeted amount and force it to find savings when something new is added. Poilievre says emergencies such as natural disasters and pandemics would be exempt from his rule, but new spending projects would require officials to look at existing budgets and to find what can be cut or changed to curb spending. - vague again and just a little scary in regards to what might be cut. Freedom of expression Poilievre said a government led by him would promote free speech on university campuses by withholding federal funding to institutions that don’t commit to doing so. He also promises to appoint a former judge as a “free speech guardian” to probe any alleged violations. - vague and extremely scary. Do we have problem with free speech on campuses now? Maybe just too much woke talk for PP's liking. Bank of Canada Poilievre pledged to adopt a bill first introduced by former Conservative leader Andrew Scheer, who helped with his campaign, that would subject the central bank to the federal auditor general. - might be good might be bad. I'll withhold comment for now. He also received intense criticism for a promise to fire Tiff Macklem as the Bank of Canada governor over the country’s high rate of inflation. - We must have a scapegoat! Poilievre also promised to ban the central bank’s proposed digital currency, although early in the campaign he also pledged that a Poilievre government would make it easier for Canadians to use cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. - Huh? Housing Poilievre said he’d force cities such as Toronto and Vancouver to increase new home building by 15 per cent, under threat of losing federal funding, in an effort to bring down housing prices. He also promised a slate of other measures, including paying an extra $10,000 to municipalities for every new home that is built, and converting federal properties into affordable housing. - How will he 'force' those cities? Where will they get the money for this? 10 grand per new home won't help them much. Immigration He promised to incentivize provincial governments to ensure licensing bodies rule on newcomers’ applications within 60 days. Poilievre also said he would provide more study loans to those immigrating to Canada who need extra training to meet licensing requirements. -vague again. Describe the incentives. Assisting immigrant professionals to get Canadian certification is something I can agree with.
  2. I got way more than that. And it was the post I was commenting on. All I've been questioning is taking a few select words from a quote and running with them. Remember the post that initially started this? Why not quote the whole thing and then pick it apart? (and I have to admit, all the addendums at the end of posts is something I've noticed before and have always questioned. I'd ask the same questions of anyone else and have.)
  3. This I know. Do you still feel your initial post was more than just a chirp? Could any politician have said the same, or a very similar, thing? Are 'points' made quoting a few words from a quote without context really a good way to win people over to your point of view? BTW - Why must (almost) every one of your posts end with yet another chirp or yet another a review of some poll? Do you not feel your initial argument was valid enough to stand on its' own?
  4. As per somebody named always_reading on Reddit: Since this quote is being over-used in Conservative attack ads, I feel it is important for Canadians to view the quote in context. From there, people can make a more informed decision about what it means. The interview lasts less than 5 minutes and focuses entirely on the budget. The quote comes at the very end when the interviewer asked Mr. Trudeau how committed he would be to a balanced budget, would it worry him to go into deficit in the current economic climate. Justin Trudeau answered: "The commitment needs to be a commitment to grow the economy, and the budget will balance itself. This way [the way the Conservatives were doing it], they're artificially fixing a target of a balanced budget in an election year and they're going through all kinds of twists and bends to get it just right, and the timing just right in the announcement. And that's irresponsible. What you need to do is create an economy that works for Canadians, works for middle class Canadians, allows young people to find a job, allows seniors to feel secure in their retirement." An expected retort will be 'Well, what has happened since that 2015 quote?' Well, lots. Here and all over the world.
  5. Electing PP at this point would be the equivalent of hiring Mike Millbury. (That was fun to type - It's so easy to make posts like this. All offense and no defense. Reminds me of the Leafs though.)
  6. Yes, so we have heard. What we are waiting to hear is HOW any of these things will be done.
  7. That was not an answer to the question that was asked.
  8. Surovikin remains 'retired'. Russian President Vladimir Putin has replaced his defense minister Sergei Shoigu with a civilian, Andrey Belousov, citing the country’s rising military spending and the need for “innovation.” Shoigu had been “relieved” of his post of Minister of Defense by presidential decree and been appointed Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday night local time. Shoigu would also become Putin’s deputy in Russia’s Military-Industrial Commission, Peskov said, while Nikolai Patrushev, the previous Secretary of the Security Council, would “transfer to another job.” https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/12/europe/sergei-shoigu-putin-replaces-defense-minister-intl-latam/index.html
  9. Roger Corman, who directed a series of cult films including 1960's The Little Shop of Horrors, has died aged 98. Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro are among the actors he helped develop. Directors James Cameron and Martin Scorsese cut their teeth on his films. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-17127556
  10. One thing is certain, if there are no executions there is a 0% chance of a wrongful execution.
  11. ....neither of us is going to convince the other of anything. I'm opting out of this discussion in knowledge of that. ..
  12. I do not at all share your religious beliefs. I'm more science based but I don't seem to fully share your scientific beliefs either. Anyway, neither of us is going to convince the other of anything. I'm opting out of this discussion in knowledge of that. Create a specific thread on this subject if you wish and let's get back to Canadian politics. We have a God thread too.
  13. I know all about him asking the same question over and over again. I'm mildly interested in what answer he may give though I can give a good guess. To answer your last question: Judges - in consultation with doctors, scientists, philosophers, and hopefully a woman or two. For the rest of us it's our gut.
  14. That's bait.... People have gut feelings about abortion.
  15. Yes, but don't worry about it. You've already told us how you feel. That's the point I was making - in this matter there are no definitive answers; there are just gut feelings.
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