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Everything posted by NoHeart

  1. Wow, I’m in awe of your eloquence. Hey, I’m not telling anyone I don’t stereotype. I’m a stereotyping MF
  2. Answer my question. How do you like parents calling you out for doing your job? Passing the accountability on to you when their kid is acting a fool? I don’t even want to hear about it. If my kid F’s up in your classroom, jump their ass. Do your job.
  3. There is structure and there is tyranny. Teachers should know the difference. Telling me I’m abusing me kids is crossing the line.
  4. Thanks again for the selective stereotyping. A teacher’s favourite weapon. The results of this this new zero accountability education system are showing their results on the streets. if you discipline a student and their parents call you and make excuses for their kid with hostility. Do you apologize and retract? What if they blame you? What do you think of that kind of engagement? if my kids teacher’s discipline my kids I support the teacher. Even if in the back of my mind I think the teacher is wrong because they need to respect authority. They’re going to run into dickhead bosses. They need to develop their own coping skills on how to deal with a teachers discipline.
  5. How do you know how I execute? Stop. I hold them accountable when they F up and reward them when they excel. They’re 11 and 15. We all take turns cleaning and making dinner. The 15 year old has a job. The 11 year old does chores. I’m in Texas for 2 weeks and I’m home for 2 weeks. They can’t wait for me to come home. I give them stability. Their mom lets them do whatever they want. Explain that? Kids love structure. Responsibility builds their confidence. My job isn’t to coddle them, it’s to prepare them for being on their own. Kids today are coddled. When they grow up they don’t know how to handle the real world.
  6. And you don’t? I’m not painting a brush I’m looking at results.
  7. There are very few cities that are red. Even in red states.
  8. Giving my kids shit isn’t abuse. Making excuses for them is.
  9. Clearly. Why don’t you go on Hastings and pick a random homeless person and personally rehabilitate them? It’s because you know you’re going to be robbed blind. Deep down you know all this compassion you supposedly have isn’t real. It’s just how you’ve been conditioned to think.
  10. It’s starts when they are children. It starts with discipline and order. My kids aren’t going to be on the streets doing drugs because I tear their asses up when they F up. Kids don’t know WTF they’re doing. We are getting softer and softer with each generation. Single parenthood. Absent parenthood. Schools don’t even fail kids anymore. How are you be prepared for the real world when you’ve been raised in a fictional world?
  11. Tell my how a utopian socialist society would work with a portion of the population doing all the heavy lifting while the other portion of the population lays around their government provided housing with a needle in their arm? Is that really my responsibility? Or should they maybe be accountable for their actions?
  12. Explain why all their siblings aren’t with them on the streets? Stop making excuses and start coming up with solutions. That’s the problem with the left people. They’ll just sit there and tell you all the reasons why these people are the way they are with absolutely no solution. Any solution they have clearly isn’t working. The dems have been in charge of the vast majority of metropolitan areas for a long time and it’s getting worse. You could probably graph the increase of social assistance with drug abuse and they’d be just as correlated as the Industrial Revolution and global warming. Making it easier for drug addicted people to do drugs does not solve the problem. How they got there is irrelevant. Excuses aren’t going to get people off the streets. You hippies need to look forward.
  13. Absolutely false. Gotta love selective Stereo typing. I personally know a handful of people that came from great homes, were great students, played sports, had high school jobs. They chose to dabble in some harder drugs. Then the drugs started bossing them around. When they got to the point where their parents started noticing. Their parents either slapped the shit out of them to set them straight or they kept making excuses for them. Either way, it was up to the individual. It was their choice. I know just as many people “including myself” that woke up one day in a fog and looked in the mirror and said. “I’m done” and live productive lives. My dad killed himself when I was 5 and I lived in extreme poverty my entire childhood. I got into drugs and alcohol bad. I have every excuse in the book to be out there stealing catalytic converters but I chose not to.
  14. We need to stop blaming capitalism. Go to Salt Lake City or Glendale Arizona. Capitalism is just as much a part of those cities and they’re clean and safe. It’s starts with personal accountability. The more excuses people make for this kind of behaviour the more enabling it is. Philly has been run by the kind hearted democrats for decades. There is no punishment anymore. It’s easier to just steal and do drugs then it is to go to work and be responsible. Look At Vancouver it’s more socialist than any other city in the USA. Most of the people on the streets are white. How are they oppressed? What is their excuse?
  15. Poor Philly. Was one of my favourite cities in the north east just 10 years ago. Right/left. Deep down we all know why the metro areas are deteriorating in North America. We are literally losing cities and nobody has the balls to do what’s right and acknowledge what’s really happening. They’d sooner see a place like Philly go down and blame it on everything but the accountability of an individual. I really don’t see our society coming out of this. Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna aren’t that far off.
  16. I also don’t care. Like as if this wasn’t a mistake. Drop it and move on. Cause I don’t care.
  17. I’m glad his number isn’t getting retired. I never liked Luongo and his sprawling starfish move in big games.
  18. It bothers me when people don’t maximize moving walkways and escalators at the airport. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      I'm on the escalator to get up faster! 


      If a long line of standing users are there, I will take the adjacent stairs.

    3. NoHeart


      I do the same thing 

    4. Crimson JH

      Crimson JH

      Oof that high heels 👠 ankle roll and getting caught in the moving seam.. 


      Frustrated World Cup GIF

  19. it’s tough times in here. Especially when @Warhippy gets ahold of you.
  20. I did it. Got drunk and started arguing with some guy like this and woke up to the red banner.
  21. Hahahaha. I can’t remember playing minor hockey with a normal goalie. Sorry to normal goalies, if you exist.
  22. Relax ole boy. Your thumb must be killing you. Go to the garage, fire up your sled and rev the piss out of it.
  23. Anyone else genuinely hope he is an alcoholic?
  24. @Rob Ehis the new forum’s first super troll. Take it all in everyone. The end is near.
  25. I haven’t been here in 24 hrs, Hahaha. That was a tough read. my eyes. I usually don’t pay attention to protests cause I have better things to do. They usually end up being like 20 unemployed weirdos who think they’re more important than everyone else. However. When the trucker convoy disgraced the Terry Fox statue, I absolutely lost my mind. I couldn’t even articulate how mad and ashamed I was. I was down in the US so I had to just ball it up and let it fester. That right there made me cheer for their suffering. I wanted them tear gassed and pelted with rubber bullets. I could live with literally anything else they did except that. Disgracing the greatest Canadian who ever lived. To add remember, this is coming from a stale heartless conservative. I have an 11 and 15 year old pair of girls. I don’t give a crap what they learn in school, even if I don’t agree with it. I cannot shelter them from this world. My job is to prepare them to be on their own the best that I can. I want them to be exposed to as much of the world as possible. They know I have their back and they come to me with their thoughts. I also know that there are some things about them I don’t know. I except that too. They need to find themselves. Just like I did at that age.
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