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Sabrefan1 last won the day on July 15

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  1. I won't give you a response, so here's my response!!
  2. Cuckoo bird or not, I do miss his acting. Too bad he can't keep control of himself. I don't care at all about his political views, but I'm not exactly thrilled with him being bigoted.
  3. Curious to see the CFF responses... lol
  4. I'm also just an outsider making speculations. Had Canada followed my way of thinking, it may not have become as happy and content, for the most part, that it is today. I just think with more opportunity, the happier a population becomes. If Canada took the path I think it should have taken, it would have at least double the population that it has now and there's no telling if that would have turned out better as far as happiness goes.
  5. Canada is doing fine and it's population is happy, even Quebec, they're French so they like to whine loudly on occasion for the sake of it. I'm only coming at it from an American's perspective. Canada is prosperous, but I've seen over the years where I believe it could have become much more so throughout both it's recent and far past. Although it's easy enough for me to say since I only experience the fabric of Canada as a visitor, not a citizen. Would Canada have become just as happy if it had adopted a more opportunistic and advanced economy and the challenges that situation would bring with it, such as a much much larger population to feed the workforce demand? I can't answer any of those kinds of domestic questions as someone on the outside looking in.
  6. He's all yours. No give backs!
  7. Canada could have taken in a plethora of immigrants to do it's labor decades ago. Hell, it could have started in the summer of 1867 for that matter. Immigrant labor could have help build Canada up and then the transition to a high tech producer would have become a natural evolution in the 1980's. It's one thing that I harp on occasionally. It's frustrating knowing what Canada could have become but never did for various reasons. Oh well. The majority of Canadians are happy with the current state of it's affairs, so I guess that's what matters the most. It doesn't need a foreigner b*tching about missed opportunities.
  8. I was talking about Ronny and his UK girlfriend. My only issue with Mulroney is that he kept the train on the raw materials track and never took Canada off of the raw materials economy. I think it's borderline criminal that Canada never became a powerhouse producer of finished goods. The 80's was when the high tech infrastructure economy tracks were being lain down. There's no reason why Canada couldn't have had it's own silicon valley.
  9. That's one of the things sinking Kamala. She won't say how her policies will differ from Biden's in that regard. For food prices, she's threatened to prosecute companies. Suing companies, or even heavily regulating them if you go that route instead, doesn't lower prices. It raises them. The 80's is when I was learning the political system. Leaders back then were chosen to face down the bogeyman that was the USSR. The crappy jobs they all did domestically still reverberate to this day.
  10. I'm still holding out hope that the government will be split by the House of Representatives. Although it does seem that Kamala is starting to drag them down with her. She's dropping like a rock.
  11. I didn't personally watch the CNN town hall with Kamala last night, but it seems according to CNN pundits, it didn't go well for her and she wouldn't give answers to the questions asked. Did anyone here watch it? The clips I'm seeing are not any better than when she ran against Biden for the nomination in 2020.
  12. Trump lumps Iran in with China. He's not a fan. He'd likely die in prison if he still had the kind of access needed to do that. I saw an article speculating that the guilty party will likely be a pentagon worker with a personal connection to Iran. Personally I figure it's either that or some moronic ideologue who has bought into the far left Israel is evil narrative.
  13. Leak to scare the Iranians? No... You don't give someone their enemy's attack plan to scare them. You give it to them to either foil or delay an attack. Israel was foolish to share their actual plan with the US military. We aren't known for our ability to keep secrets. Just ask Snowden or check out the Chinese fighter jets that are basically carbon copy clones of US jets. The FBI is now investigating this. It's espionage with a fair chance of a side of treason. Whoever leaked it better be a civilian, because in a military court martial, you would need a lower standard of proof for a treason charge than in a civilian court. In either a civilian or military court, espionage is a given if you get tied to the leak.
  14. Figured a couple people here might get a chuckle from this.
  15. They need to go back to their old plan of trading players for picks and then sucking for a couple of years and trade their picks during that time to load up on good players to make another SB run. It worked once for them, may as well try it again. Stafford is gonna fall off a cliff sooner rather than later. Get what you can get for him while you still can.
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