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Sabrefan1 last won the day on July 15 2024

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  1. Some blasts from the past. Some guys like Luke Rockhold worry me. They lost their chins years ago and at this point they're playing at getting CTE. Sage Northcutt has fought like 1 fight in the last 5 years so he'll be interesting. I had no idea Holly Holm wasn't with the UFC any longer. I'm guessing she'll be using this new league to sail into retirement. Paige VanZant isn't surprising. She kept getting demolished in bare knuckle fighting. Glad she left that.
  2. I won't lie. That took me a couple seconds to get...lol ICE is probably a bit too busy in Boston and Chicago. Buffalo took in some of the NYC illegal immigrants, but once we get them, we actually make an effort to make them citizens. It's one of the reasons why our population in Buffalo actually got a small bump last census. We bring in and screen immigrants and if everything checks out, we try and fast track them into legal status and then eventually citizenship. Buffalo doesn't just open up the border, let everyone flood in unchecked, place them in politically advantageous areas, and then try to give them unchecked citizenship. Only foolish and selfish people in politics looking to cheat the system would do that.
  3. I don't go out as much as I used to and occasionally I get bored. I bought an Ice Cream maker with a built-in compressor on a whim. I made 3 quarts of 3 Ben & Jerry's. Each quart has a full cup of sugar in it. I've eaten about half of the ice cream in the last 4 days. I think I'm going to dump the rest in my sink. I've noticed that I've gotten jumpy. There was someone on my porch about to knock on my door yesterday when I opened the door to leave and I nearly jumped out of my skin in surprise. Usually that kind of thing doesn't even affect me.
  4. I gave up on the Sabres last season finally. Haven't stepped foot in the arena in almost 2 years now. Even my TV habits have changed. I only watch about half of their games anymore. I'm actually more sad about the Canucks. I really thought they were Stanley Cup calibre.
  5. I've read that a sudden intake of sugar screws with your brain chemistry. Damn. No more making 1980's style ice cream for my ass. I'll just make some old 80'-90's school lunches with that Dept. of Agriculture recipe book I found and downloaded. Still haven't made anything from it yet.
  6. Found the post. -------------------- I'm ignorant of whatever happened with Tim Walz's son. I'll have to Google that and get a little sad I suppose. As for Musk's Autism. His seems to affect his perception and personality. It doesn't affect his intellect. The guy is brilliant. The stuff he's pulling with X and censoring people who don't agree with him has nothing to do with his autism. He's just a bit of a thin skinned dick and a borderline liar. I appreciate Musk, but I could never be his friend.
  7. Sorry. I got annoyed by a post that wasn't actually meant for me. Maybe I'm on a man period. That would explain the home made ice cream kick I was on for a few days. I usually don't let myself get ruffled over a single post. Hmmm maybe I'm pregnant?
  8. I'm lost. Is there a new post that I missed?
  9. Wasn't offended, just annoyed. Sorry that I misread your intention. My bad.
  10. I'll give you the same answer I did to one other person. I was having fun. I don't actually think that AOC is a 1940'S German man!
  11. Just read the 2nd part. You guys here on this board are literally the only people in my life that have ever called me a centrist. I have some beliefs that are very liberal and some that are now considered very conservative. Most are fairly moderate. Centrist to me is basically another name for neutral. I am not neutral in my stances. Never have been never will be. Currently I am VERY pissed off at your precious liberals for running as far left as they have/did. I've never once voted for a Republican to become president. In every election, when I'm presented with only 2 choices, I usually vote for the Democrat. That includes this previous one. I had to write in Jill Steins' name because the NY Democrats were threatened by 3rd party acceptance increasing and raised their pre-requisites too high so the 3rd parties wouldn't be listed and take votes from them. I even posted a picture of my ballot for everyone here to see that I'm not full of shit in my politics. Keep complaining all that you want and ignoring my non-political posts to you because I won't blindly praise everything the people that I vote for do or blindly vilify everything that the people that I don't vote for do. The Democrats irritate me so much because I actually care about where they are going. The Republicans are basically who they've always been. Only difference is that they come with more nuts now thanks to the old tea party movement making conservatives more conservative.
  12. ........ Or at this point I'm just having fun with it and you are taking this much more serious than a Canadian should. If it helps and needs to be said, I don't think that AOC is a 1940's German man from the Nazi party.
  13. The SCOTUS is first and foremost originalists. That's where I think Trump's wishes get crushed. I will be slightly surprised if the SCOTUS even takes up the case after it gets squashed in the lower courts. I could definitely see them refusing to even pick it up once it lands on their doorstep.
  14. Courts are there to step in when one of the other branches over-reaches. I said a week ago here that the federal courts would stop such an obvious breach of the Constitution. Birthright citizenship has been fully argued twice, with the most relevant being the SCOTUS case at the end of the 19th century.
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