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viking mama

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Everything posted by viking mama

  1. Because you just didn’t believe enough, there 7th man! We’ll all give it a far better visualization effort, next time!
  2. Pepper him, yes, but Skinner chants just anger his teammates and give ‘em more fuel. Negative-chants targeting an opponent’s goalie will typically back-fire. Chanting your own goalie’s name in the first few minutes before he’s handled a shot or while play is going on & not in stoppage time - backfires ‘ or results as a goal-in ,too. Just like these players are learning about play-off hockey ….fans in the arena & on this board need to learn how to best support our team with our cheers, jeers, & belief - too! PP coming up! Go Canucks Go!!! PP activate!!!
  3. Stop all of the bad-karma Skinner chants. The Canucks have been pretty much highroad this series. It’’s their super-power. Luck will follow. Refs Sutherland & O’Rourke were strong negatives in 2 of the previous 6 games. I’m far more optimistic about this tilt! Mental energies unite!! Go Canucks Go!!!
  4. We’ve gotta be giving a lot more love to Mik, tonight! His shooting percentage means nothin’ …as everyone starts at zero in game 7! Hope - belief - no more doubting Mikheyev, y’all! If he buries just one tonight, he’s a hero! I mean, when he buries one….’cuz it’s coming!
  5. Yup! This game will be beyond epic! It’s time for the extra-ordinary! Help from the other-side of the veil like stuff! We KNOW they are worthy! And, so are WE! The sacrifices are real! The latest setback just adds to the challenges that makes their storied run all the more compelling! More & more eyes around the world are watching it, rooting for them & willing them to win! They can tap that power to do more, skate faster, hit harder & shoot better! It’s their time to shine for one game, & not worry about tomorrow. All hands on deck - all in! No doubters or naysayers welcome! We BELIEVE!!!! Go Canucks Go!!! Win this for the gippers!!!
  6. Yup! If the Canucks go low & dirty, it will just be mis-interpreted. Take the high road! I don’t think the league would dare deploy Sutherland after the media of both teams publicly calling him out for all of the officiating embarrassments in his last outing, as the senior official O’Rourke, similarly so. Pray the usual suspects do not get the opportunity to mar Game 7 with any of their blind eye gaffs, misinterpretations or biased delusions….if so - we will all know another attempted fix by the NHL is afoot.
  7. Hey -the dude apologized for his waivering belief. Let’s just say …..we appreciate his sacrifice!! The rest of us need to unite our mental energies & positive messaging, like the great 7th man-collective we are, and put these visualized thoughts out into the universe…trusting that OUR players will receive them, activate & respond! Believe! ^This was also the 2010 Canadian Winter Olympic team’s motto! Let’s tap into that country-wide feel-good collective-mind-meld of positivity thing, again!! Go Canucks Go!!
  8. The spear or intentional up-slash to the groin of Hoglander required reveiw, a fine & a warning…if not a game as well. Left unaddressed, dirty plays just become more common place. And, apparently, these old-school & senior officiating crews have little or no standard common understanding of what constitutes an “unsportsmanlike” penalty these days. Perhaps with the controversial appointments to the DPS, of former head-shot giving types themselves, like Pronger & Parros, more despicable & clearly cheating behaviours are getting a pass. I know that progressive NHL teams focus more on the IIHF standards of role-modelling fair-play, speed & skill, but can find the play-offs to be an open-season on thuggery…making it more difficult to adjust. It also became much harder to counter the NHL’s public pronouncements of increasing player-safety when they decided to immortalize Mark Messier as the standard bearer of leadership with that now infamous ”Mark Messier Leadership Award” …for outstanding leadership & service, for the modern era. Say what??? ^This head-shot artist being elevated to prominence anywhere other than in New York or Edmonton was hypocritical mixed-messaging! I can scarcely believe the other GMs…not just Jeremy Jacobs & his voting-block of crony owners,…would let such a thing happen! Messier cannot be trusted to give proper leadership to Olympians, or to any other young player..,until he denounces the use of his blind-side elbows! He continues to damaged the integrity of the game by making coin on protective helmets…instead of campaigning to prevent the behaviour of deploying elbows or sticks as weapons against the unsuspecting heads or the bodies of opponents, with his testimony - NOT to do so. What about vigilante justice upon the ice? A fairly officiated sports shouldnt require it. But, what was fair in Messier’s world? He became an egregiously enabled star-player in NY! It’s NOT those helmets he helped design that will spare players from concussions & brain damage… it’s the behaviour of those willing to show true leadership in preventing dangerous & disrespectful conduct upon the ice! that will make the NHL play-offs & hockey games something more akin to what the IIHF provides during the Olympics. …and not a questionable or inexplicable debaucle like the WWE. The IIHF ALSO shines by properly & completely vetting its’ officiating crews - just sayin’!!
  9. Hey! Have we all forgotten the “Casey, Casey, Casey” chanting debaucle so soon?! DeSmith was serenaded to his name barely after puck drop, during play, without having had the time to settle in…and the very first shot on goal by Edmonton, went into the net. What a senseless distraction by his own fans - no less! Fans chanted Casey’s name - to encourage him. BUT, Demko, DeSmith & Silovs are not just any regular players out there, requiring adrenaline to get through a mere 45 second shift! Goalies need to be lazer-focused….& calm. Goalie chants are typically deployed as punk-moves for distraction by the opposing team’s fans & for this purpose. Even these chants frequently back-fire as opposition players get all fired up with anger for the mocking of their teammate(s). Queen Karma says goalie chants are generally - bad. Cheer Silovs on to victory in the usual way & DON’T chant his name during the early stages of play in the next game…. & definitely not before he’s had a chance to handle the puck or make a few saves. A chant during play stoppages as a reward…fine! But, if someone starts an Arty, Arty, Arty, chant too early on & during play….stand-up to shut it down, for Pete’s sake! Have we learned nothin’ ??? We expect the players to grow from these play-off experiences …& so must we as their fans! Stay positive people! Go Canucks Go!!! Cheer for good plays & our skaters! Let our goalies focus on stopping the puck! That’s the job,…not glancing admiringly up into the stands, or hearing a plethora of distracting voices in his head.
  10. i personally want to see that ESPN hockey analyst, who out of a pool of 24, was the lone commentator to chose the Vancouver Canucks to win this series…& in 7 games….become a folk-hero for his predictive insights, wisdom & loyalty! Ryan S. Clark - I believe you are about to become an even more famous man! Go Canucks Go!!
  11. Because we believe that the positive or negative energy sent out into the world, can &/or will effect our players. The 7th man effect is real. Be a part of it & feel good about this collective effort…or don’t & lament the lack of it. Cheers! Go Canucks Go!!
  12. LOL No looking back now. One game. Everyone activated like in game 5,…they will win this.
  13. Will we see Cole in game 7? Who sitting out of the forward groupings would you want to see put back in?
  14. Mik may be exchangeable for someone needing new scenery as well &/or with a draft pick. j
  15. They could deploying the rope-a-dope move before game 7.
  16. I’m tossing you off the bandwagon - before you can disembark.
  17. What if the collective belief of Canucks’ Nation is 10% of the energy they feel? Don’t deny them their 7th man & all that. ^That’s the effort that’s required of us!
  18. I’m feelin’ the comeback….it’s on… it’s on….
  19. Wow. In their Game 1 comeback,…I bet, they didn’t gain an iota of energy from you. Go Canucks Go!!!!
  20. …or O’Rourke! Eyes wide-open refs! Let’s not make this game all about the zebras, but reward the players who play & not the ones who dive or embellish.
  21. Carly gets a penalty ‘cuz the guy checking him is a flopping wanker. The standard-shifts the players have faced game to game are ridiculous. Guess what refs?!! When you call these Mickey-mouse frivolous penalties - all of legit ones become so much more weighty.
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