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Vancouver Canucks 2023-2024 Mid-Season Performance Report Using NHL EDGE


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Vancouver Canucks 2023-2024 Mid-Season Performance Report


The Vancouver Canucks have displayed a strong performance in the 2023-2024 season, characterized by leading the league in high-danger scoring, exceptional mid-range shooting, and efficient long-range goal-scoring. Defensively, they're adept at controlling shot locations and conserving energy with smart play. The goaltending duo of Thatcher Demko and Casey DeSmith has provided reliability, with Demko showing outstanding stats. The team's physical play has also led to drawing penalties, giving them an edge. While Demko's high-danger save percentage might dip, the team's overall efficiency is likely to remain high, provided they continue their strategic play with deflections and tip shots. Ps If anyone wants to use this for their site pay me idk? 100$???





Offensive Performance

High Danger Scoring

  • The Canucks have demonstrated exceptional skill in high-danger scoring, leading the league with their conversion rates.
  • shotlocations.thumb.png.471cf28b68c6c3d7d6baecc3767cc40d.png

Mid-Range Precision

  • With a 78th percentile in shots and a leading shooting percentage, the Canucks excel in mid-range scoring.
  • Insert overview chart comparing league averages and percentiles.

Long-Range Efficiency

  • The team's above-average long-range shot creation, coupled with high accuracy, results in a superior goal-scoring rate.
  • shotspeed.thumb.png.3b66d11e2ec8c46af3544db776a49da5.png

Defensive Strategy

Effective Shot Location Control

  • Vancouver's defense adeptly limits high-danger opportunities, guiding opponents to less optimal shooting positions.

Energy-Efficient Play and Strategic Puck Dumping

  • The Canucks' strategy of dumping the puck aids in energy conservation and allows for efficient line changes.

Speed and Puck Control

  • Prioritizing puck control over speed, the team excels in setting up high-accuracy shots with precision passing.
  • goaliecomparisonshotlocations.thumb.png.3c215dfa1fc9241700d96f99fd251e56.png

Zone Time and Puck Control

Puck Possession Dominance

  • Dominant puck possession and time in the offensive zone illustrate the Canucks' control over the game's flow.

Late-Game Scoring Surge

  • The Canucks' energy management leads to a surge in scoring during the latter stages of the game.
  • zonetime.thumb.png.e4ea630420ed822b3a80a048dadb59e7.png

Penalty Drawing

Physical Play

  • Vancouver's physical play and puck possession often force opponents into taking more penalties. we draw 1 more per game

Goaltending Performance

Thatcher Demko

  • Demko's performance is stellar, with top percentile rankings in GAA and save percentages.

Casey DeSmith (Backup)

  • As backup, DeSmith maintains strong goaltending numbers, ensuring depth in the goalie position.
  • goaliecomparison.thumb.png.924139bbe4ef4a4a2fc8f3a45d675aa2.png

Predictions and Future Outlook

  • Demko's high-danger save percentage may normalize, but improvements are expected in mid-range shot saves.
  • The team's shooting percentage is reliant on maintaining high deflection and tip shot rates.


The Canucks' strategic play, from offensive precision to defensive positioning, underpins their success. With strong goaltending as the backbone, the team is well-positioned to maintain their competitive edge. It's About Dang Time



Edited by Dankmemes187
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