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Everything posted by -Buzzsaw-

  1. Good job Juice! Of course, this is not his ultimate goal... he wants to coach and win a Cup... I guarantee that's where he will go.
  2. Bad sign... Knoblauch is giving a speech like the Oil have already won the Cup. He should be tight lipped, just the basics... focus on the process.
  3. Heffy... why don't you say what you really mean instead of pussy footing it around...
  4. Yes, I was on record on the old forum as saying Oil should win a Cup with this guy.... Of course, they may fall short... but it would have been a result of their poor management, not from lack of good luck.
  5. Sad to say... but I suspect there will be a riot in Edmonchuck if the Oil don't win.
  6. Yep... Florida has an excellent PK. They shut down NY and NY had the hottest PP in the East.
  7. I agree... Florida is overrated... Miami Beach... been there, done that... I prefer English Bay and Spanish Banks in the summer.
  8. Edmonton does need to get it done this year. They are not a young team anymore. They are a team with players either in their prime or getting older. Eckholm is 34... he is the key to the Edmonton D... how good is he going to be next year? Nugent-Hopkins is 31... so is Hyman. McDavid and Draisaitl are both in their prime age wise at 27 and 28, but Drai has taken such a beating over the years... he always seems to come into the playoffs injured... this year the exception... who knows if he will be healthy next year? McDavid had injuries last three years in a row. He also could be getting fragile. Their supporting cast is also getting older... questions there. Maybe best chance this year.
  9. Florida crossed the line several times during the playoffs so far... Bennett should have been suspended a couple times.
  10. I think Oilers will have a tough time against Florida... odds are in favour of the Panthers in my opinion. What I think of is Barkov... he is SO good defensively... and you know he will be on McDavid. Plus you have Goalie Bob... who has been solid for Florida and actually is capable of better. Then you have the exceptional balance of the Florida top 2 lines... really high level players throughout the whole top six. And lots of speed and aggressiveness from their bottom six. All the Florida D are really mobile, with high level skill and scoring from Montour and Forsling.... with decent grit from Ekblad. Plus Florida has been there last year... they know what it takes. McDavid and Draisaitl are the wild cards... these two guys are capable of upping their game to a degree which no one else in the league is capable of. And if the Panthers get stupid and take penalties.... then all bets are off... the Oilers will eat them up.
  11. Frank Seravelli is a has been drunk... and looks like it. Don't click.
  12. Exactly... Adversity my a$$... Oilers have been the most fortunate team with the lottery of any.
  13. What a homer Gazdic is... sucking up to Dallas. "Tooth and Nail"... ...my a$$. Vancouver took Edmonton to 7... Dallas disappeared after game 4.
  14. I thought the Oilers got a couple passes tonight from the Refs.
  15. Yes, Oilers have no serious injuries... unless Draisaitl is hiding it really well. No real adversity. You have to hit Drai and McJesus... the Canucks did a much better job of that than Dallas. As I said before, I think the results of this series reflects well on the Canucks. We are the only team to take Oilers to 7.
  16. Won't happen. Oilers will win at least one game. Oilers are for real.... they are playing well. Skinner is their weak point... if the Panthers can put a lot of shots on him, he will crack.
  17. Two Dallas players had a chance on that pass which went though the paint and to the left side.... both not tight enough to the goal. Lame effort.
  18. Seguin by himself... ton of time... shoots it directly at Skinner... lame effort. He could have made a move, changed the angle, or even deked.
  19. Dallas just looks dis-interested. Weak effort by the top guys.
  20. They are a decent partnership... But I personally think Hughes having a bigger RHD playing with him would be better. They have problems controlling the boards under heavy forecheck because both of them are smaller. Not saying Z, Soucy or Myers can be slotted in, but ideally a larger more physical D-man who is a fit with Hughes is a better solution. But finding that D is tough... and do you give up a existing partnership that does work pretty well... in favour of bringing in a new guy who maybe works?
  21. Dallas bottom six are playing better than their top guys.
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