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Optimist Prime

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Everything posted by Optimist Prime

  1. The scandal WAS that he was asking for the Justice Minister to use a form of punishment that didn't lead to SNC lavalin closing up shop in Canada and laying off up to 12,000 people, it wasn't a scandal for the Prime Mimister until she refused and made it public. if anyone here thinks PM's throughout history have not pointed out directions to their Justice Ministers I have a bridge to sell you in New York. This was a scandal that led to the newly created office of the Ethics Commish. On account of the cabinet infighting becoming public. It is what it is, and the record shows it, but I am correcting that it became a scandal due to the PM wishing for a Deffered Prosecution Agreement that would hold the company to account for its bribery in Lybia, where nothing gets done without bribes, in order to save the companies dealings and 12000 jobs in Canada. That caused the scandal, it wasn't "Trudeau's Scandal" that he was trying to cover,.
  2. Have a good evening, I did enjoy the banter back and forth, but I wouldn't really wanna do it again. Too much of a time sink...was entertaining on my end though.
  3. I really like that the Environment Minister is someone with a lifelong passion for helping to preserve our life sustaining environs here on the only earth we will ever know. Rona Ambrose took over the portfolio from Stephane Dion, one of the smartest environment ministers in our nations history, and she said on live radio something along the lines of "It is my job as Environment Minister to work out how we can squeeze every last nickel of value out of it" Granted her version was a 90 second adlib and mine is paraphrasing of it...but you can maybe see why I much prefer the Greenpeacer, despite my general distaste of Greenpeace the organization.
  4. Some of my favourite people work in the Energy sector. I still think it is incredibly important to realize the sheer volume of ex Conservative ministers, insiders and party leaders who are now on the payroll of that same industry.
  5. I still dont really know the case, i remember the town hall quote that we both agree on: I was takin the piss just now...a british term for having fun with it...
  6. it is something I think the general population should consider when deciding who to vote for.
  7. and then the veterans won. it is almost like he knew they would and allowed it to happen...
  8. Yet there are a LOT of former Conservative cabinet ministers/party leaders on them, so it is a safe guess.
  9. TO be clear I actually don't know what court case you are referring to off the top of my head, but I can say that there have been three court cases involving veterans to my knowledge in the last decade and vets won all three that I am aware of. So you will forgive this veteran for not hating that the cases proceeded. If you can cite the Case "johnson et al v the queen" or "the queen v Col Jonson et al" or what not then i can look it up and be better informed about what you are referring to.
  10. whew thank you, my time also thanks you That was just a joke for grins. Hope your happy and smiling too. I had fun rehashing all these old arguments today, and I appreciate the opportunity to. I have seen everything you have said today said dozens or hundreds of times, like talking points from a lifelong politician were passed out on cards to the masses...oh wait, that is exactly what happened. Funny true story: Pierre Poilievre first came to Harper and Preston Manning's attention with a paper he wrote in college about why elected officials should only be allowed to serve two terms in office in Canada. Then the big wigs of Reform brought him into the fold and he ran for office in 2004, and WON! Good for Pierre, fresh out of school, a young 24 years of age and with a good idea that every elected official like fish would stink after two terms in office. I remember it like it was 2 terms ago...but it was in fact 7, seven whole elections ago that Pierre Poilievre was elected to office on a Grande Idea of limiting career politicians time at the 'trough'. Wow, hard to believe 20 years has passed that he has earned over 200 thousand a year in 'pork from the trough'...carry the one... ah yes, the guy whos only job as an Adult has been POLITICIAN has been paid almost 5 million dollars by the taxpayers and NOW he wants to be Prime Minister for another good pay raise to bump the golden parachute higher before he takes a spot on an Oil Co.'s board of directors. lol.
  11. There is separation between the government and the courts, one side in a court case can ask to have the case removed, but the Judge vis a vis consultation with both sides and stakeholders would have made that decision. If we could unilaterally end court cases we are involved in, wouldn't we all just do that rather than go to court? I just don't get the complaint in this case: SOunds mad Trudeau didn't intervene to quash a case? while simultaneosly is mad he tried to intervene to save 12 thousand jobs in the Lavelin affair. Make up your mind: should he tamper with the courts or should he not? lol Cake and Eat it too crowd is getting tiring.
  12. I thought the ommission was possible on account of most folks reading this thread would be literate adults. What i left unsaid was that IF the office of Ethics Commissioner was in existance prior to Trudeau being in office: we would see, and I am taking this from historical anecdotes, dozens of cases per PM per sitting. For the first PM to only have 2 instances of crossing the ethics czar (one of them for going to a xmas vacation with Truedeau's own godffather and lifelong friend by the way, a Vacay he has done a dozen times in and out of office), but yeah only two instances for the first PM to have to face an Ethics Commiss. I think that is pretty good to be honest. Knowing what we know about all the backroom things that have gone in every government in history, i believe two is a good low number. I hope the future PM's can keep it to two in 9 years.
  13. A cabinet shuffle happened, she refused to accept a new portfolio, and so was no longer in Cabinet: did you see some news that I am not privy to? Some secret rule that the Justice Minister gets to decide their own tenure and dismissal? No? no. Because ministers serve at the Prime Ministers pleaure, as has always ALWAYS been the case, without regard for who the party was in power at the time. Every Single PM has fired their justice minister save for the PM who was appointed by Mulrooney's cabinet after he resigned: and only because she wasn't in office long enogh to fire any ministers.
  14. I have no idea what you think triggered means.
  15. you want to compare Canada to China's population of 1.412 billion and India's 1.408 billion in some weird attempt to throw off the very legitimate numbers I just posted? Okay be my guest...i can't wait to see what you find out. edit: those are the two economies that share the top nine with the G7.
  16. 7 of the top 9 or 10 (depending on if we use Russian numbers pre Ukraine invasion/sanctions or as it is today) is the most factual way to put it, and nice to see you changed your mind and do want to continue discussing things with me, lol. Sadly I am off to some meetings, but enjoy the rest of this wonderful Sunday.
  17. Thanks for following along. So we have some quick facts now on Canada's debt and deficit relative to the other 6 best economies in the WORLD. We lead on every measure: Debt, and Deficit with the one exception of Italy having a better deficit scenario in 2022. IN fact, now that I have read the data on each of the g7 nations i am starting to think it is fiscally irresponsible to change course/leadership during these amazing economic times. Cretien always said Tough times Is Tory Times. We don't want tough times folks, we need to avoid Conservative federal governance like the plague.
  18. German Population(2021): 83.2 million German Debt (current): 3.82 Tillion Can. Dollar German Deficit (current): 114 Billion Can. Dollar Canadian Population (2021): 38.25 million Canadian Debt: 1.2 Trillion Canadian Deficit: 41 Billion 2 times our Population over 3 times our Debt 2.8 times our Deficit -------------------------------------------- Japanese Population(2021): 125.7 million Japanese Debt (current): 12.5 Trillion Can. Dollar Japanese Deficit (current): 450 Billion Can. Dollar Canadian Population (2021): 38.25 million Canadian Debt: 1.2 Trillion Canadian Deficit: 41 Billion 3.25 times our population 10 times our Debt 10 times our Deficit
  19. Interesting to note that the financial screeching from the right wing is ridiculous: lets do Italy! Italian Population(2021): 59.11 Million Italian Debt (current): 4.28 trillion Italian Deficit (current): 21.4 billion Canadian Population (2021): 38.25 million Canadian Debt: 1.2 Trillion Canadian Deficit: 41 Billion ------------------------------------------- Italy: 1.5 times our Population 4 times our Debt OMG Italy has a better deficit scenario last year than us! wooooooo HALF OUR DEFICIT (finally proof that trudeau should be in jail, LOL) France: Double our population 4 times our Debt less than 2 times our Deficit UK: Double our population 3.5 times our Debt 5.5 times our Deficit US: Ten times our population 30 times our Debt 40 times our Deficit Only three countries left in the G7 to compare to, I will go on...
  20. Interesting to note that the financial screeching from the right wing is ridiculous: French Population(2021): 67.75 Million French Debt (current): 4.45 trillion French Deficit (current): 72.71 billion Canadian Population (2021): 38,250,000 Canadian Debt: 1.2 Trillion Canadian Deficit: 41 Billion ------------------------------------------- France: Double our population 4 times our Debt less than 2 times our Deficit UK: Double our population 3.5 times our Debt 5.5 times our Deficit US: Ten times our population 30 times our Debt 40 times our Deficit Only three countries left in the G7 to compare to, I will go on...
  21. Interesting to note that the financial screeching from the right wing is ridiculous (US Debt is 30 times ours and US Deficit is 40 times our): UK Population(2021): 67,330,000 UK Debt (current): 4.2 Trillion in Can. Dollars UK Deficit(current): 227 billion in Can. Dollars Canadian Population (2021): 38,250,000 Canadian Debt: 1.2 Trillion Canadian Deficit: 41 Billion ------------------------------------------- Double our population 3.5 times our Debt 5.5 times our Deficit So the US, UK and Canada are almost half the G7 countries, I don't mind doing this for all the G7...you can see the trendline plain as day though: Canada's financial situation is the BEST of the G7
  22. Interesting to note that the financial screeching from the right wing is ridiculous: American Population(2021): 331,900,000 American Debt (current): 33 Trillion American Deficit(current): 1.7Trillion Canadian Population (2021): 38,250,000 Canadian Debt: 1.2 Trillion Canadian Deficit: 41 Billion ------------------------------------------- Ten times our population 30 times our Debt 40 times our Deficit
  23. I should hey? Would you also like to craft my vetted answer for me? you seem to lean heavily towards control, I am guessing you support Pierre Poilievre, it is a common thread on that end of the pool.
  24. Looking further back than just 2008, interest rates are STILL very low. Selective memory is silly. edit: although I will say household debters are mostly dumb to rack up debt while interest rates are low, because we all know from living in the 80's (well the older of us anyhow) that interest rates can and will climb to stupid levels from time to time.
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