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Optimist Prime

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Everything posted by Optimist Prime

  1. Originally, my forum name when the original fan forum became CDC and a bunch of us piled into CDC from the original forum, was 'vain0'. Vaino was my grandfathers pet name. My grandmother would call him this as a term of endearment. In Finn it means 'persecuted one'. I added the zero instead of an 'o' at the end in reference to a 'vain little zero', which was an historical quote around atheism. Something about the difference between 'good' and 'god' is just a vain little zero. Shortly after that people were teasing me that I am always an optimist, and I said something like being the primal optimist or what not.. and its been Optimist Prime or Primal Optimist ever since. HUGE shout out to anyone here that remembers the forums before they were hosted by CDC, and cheers for coming over to the new Canucks Fan Forum, a third home for a handful of long time online supporters. P.O>
  2. Win or lose, we fans have been treated to an amazing season, and some thriller playoff games, a series win and at the very least, a home game 7 in the 2nd round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Now don't burn any cop cars after the game, one way or the other.
  3. I can't believe I have to type this, but please keep on topic and if you insist on talking about vaccines, don't do it here. There is an off topic forum available for folks who wish to discuss such things.
  4. I get that at the end of the day there is people who just never will like Justin Trudeau. What I don't get is why they are lined up behind Pierre Poilievre, who has had one job in his entire adult life: loudest most life long gator in the mud sucking swamp. Most of what people don't like about our Prime Minister is what P.P. has told them not to like for the last decade or so. it is mind boggling. Almost as ridiculous as trying to demand the duly elected Prime Minister resign because the leader of the Opposition doesn't like him.
  5. Slow down now son, if they are parroting Pepi Le Pew, they can't read that fast. They only memorize sound bites, like a parakeet, to use later when they want to whistle in the dog.
  6. the Poutineers don't even have any reading comprehension skills now? the cost, according to this article went up 25% over 25 years, or 1% per year, half the rise in cost of living on average over the same span. I don't know what to say anymore: penny candy hasn't been a penny since the 90s. I am voting out this penny candy unfriendly government: nonesense.
  7. 19 billion last year, so it is coming down, but I fail to see how it is a bad thing in any regard. again: if i have money as a Canadian and I invest that money in say an American Bio Lab and it makes me more money, how is that bad for Canada?
  8. I will edit my post, sorry. I scrolled back and found it was in fact Boudrias. I get you Peter Poutineers confused from time to time.
  9. That is a substantial difference, and not quite in the way the spin makes it sound. If I invest in Skye Biosciences, which I did, an american company, I am happy to report the penny stock is up around 12 dollars a share now. The money I bought in with 'fled the country' but the money I will spend on a new kitchen cabinets/countertops project when I sell those shares is right back in our 'Canadian' pockets. It isn't an 'end of the world' scenario, and by your own admission in the post I am quoting, it isn't specific to the Trudeau Liberals. Happy to see you back down from the two trillion number though and come in at a more scientifically backed 225 billion. In fact, come to think of it, if Foreign Direct Investment flowing into Canada is dwarfed by Foreign Direct Investment flowing out of Canada: doesn't that really mean to show that Canadians are getting richer to the point of being able to invest outside our borders? If my brother in law makes 250 a year and invests 100k of that outside of Canada, 'buying up the world', how is that bad for Canada? Foreign Capital Gains is even higher taxed.... lol lastly, the most recent numbers from the article you are quoting say less than 20 billion in 2023..so it is trending lower year over year since you said the average is 25 billion. It is funny that one can manipulate the narrative by selective choices in which sentence to quote.
  10. Good post, three things I wanted to mention. I bought and sold Loblaws shares all day for a few days this week and made hundreds a day, I will hold em now till dividend day in June and then seesaw them for a few weeks on their way down a bit. Tax loopholes exist because conservatives love their CEO buddies and generally control the house for half the years, and when the Liberals take over, they are generally well off people too, so why change it? The final one though, 100 billion a year of capital has fled Canada for decades? Nope. Just isn't rue. You are talking trillions in your rhetoric.
  11. Now you are the ones who will be the ball lickers! ~Jay and silent Bob.
  12. Vancouver is playing like they know there is another game, better wipe that mindset out and giver.
  13. The 2nd could be rough for the road team, try not to tear out your hair folks. We will win da turd.
  14. I just dont believe for one second the best player in the world "accidentally" hits our players in the face with his stick blade every day.
  15. I don't believe anything I say or do today will affect the outcome of this game at all. Shutout Shutout Shutout. Yeah I said it. Go Canucks Go!! We are deeper, better, hungrier, more balanced, and we have three capable goalies to Edmontons none. LETS GET IT!!!
  16. Best finish this now. Let's Win the First, win the second AND WIN DA TURD!!!
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