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  1. RT has decreased his TOI to about 12.5 anything more than that he seems to get gassed at the end of his shift leading to bad choices and turn overs. He is blocking an average of 3 shots/game which is pretty good. The big key with Cole is to keep his TOI down. A week ago if you would have asked me I would have said scratch him. However, decreasing his Ice time seems to be the more viable option.
  2. If this is the case, Perry has likely played his las NHL game
  3. I think they have to keep Coles TOI down he seems to get gassed at the end of a shift if there is any kind of a scramble he has a tendency to make bad decisions
  4. EP playing like he is afraid to get hit and afraid to make a mistake. Both of these combined together are likely causing his confidence issue. Just like someone learning how to box, Until you take a couple to the head and lose a few you are likely not going to win a few
  5. No, you just said no one does such things knowing the ramifications. Those clips I posted are pretty much all intent to injure with High stick. So whether it is an accident or not only the perpetrator truly knows.
  6. About 10 seconds of Google searches came up with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud83Vs3RyVU
  7. Canucks: You have one line to shut down. Shut them Down
  8. There are certain things you think but don't say in a fan forum. You may think for certain that there is no way in hell the Canucks can win this series, but what is the purpose of mentioning that other than to validate your own belief. Some posters tend to analyse the death out of certain match ups only to be proven wrong because of this or that scenario that plays out. I must admit I listen to sports talk radio, as much as I can handle, but for the most part these guys are about stroking their own ego and validation. After all that is how they make their bread. It's hockey, It's a game. Have fun with it! Enjoy the drama
  9. Are you talking about the Leafs
  10. It would be really hard to watch a game especially a playoff game if all calls were made by the book. There has to be some kind of discretion and management by the ref's sometimes it goes your way sometimes ii doesn't. Could you imagine a penalty assessed for every little facewash or minor cross check after the whistle, there would constantly be players in the box. Granted if the league lets them get away with it they will and eventually will stop if they are being called on it, but where do you draw the line
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