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Kootenay Gold

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Everything posted by Kootenay Gold

  1. This the same air defense's and aircraft that the Ukrainians have been shredding? LOL
  2. Maybe he was praying, and this is all just a bad dream.
  3. I don't think that any of the non combatant countries in the Middle East want this war to escalate and are doing what they can to limit any escalation.
  4. Certainly a lot of question marks with him. He is 22 so there is still a bit of time for him to improve. Guessing he really does not want to go back to Russia and wind up getting drafted. Management must have seen something in his game to sign him to sign him in the 1st place.
  5. Doubt he is going anywhere this summer but really needs to focus on his shot release and accuracy this off season.
  6. Nothing like a, FU were moving, to change the opinion of the Mayor of Scottsdale. Always knew that politicians were good at talking out of both sides of their mouth and this is a good example of that.
  7. I only use the hoe in the garden and in a few flowerbeds.
  8. I generally plant corn where I had planted Beans the year before and continually rotate the various crops around. It seems to work really well for me. One of my Broccoli heads from last summer.
  9. My favorite variety for growing is Peaches and Cream. It needs full sun, good drainage and ample nitrogen and water.
  10. As long as your garden is not massive in size the deft use of a hoe, early and often; is a great way to rid the garden of weeds. Granted; it does help that I am retired and also have modified the hoe with 3 sharp edges.
  11. That is my take as well. IMO' the Canucks will not be signing him and he will go to free agency this summer.
  12. I'm guessing that C++ was the choice back then. My brother-in-law started out in computer programming working for the Canadian Govt back in the mid to late 60's. Cobal and Fortran were popular back at that time.
  13. The dude in the photo could use the very thing he is telling everyone else to get lol.
  14. While it is expensive the gained employment and knowledge to be had, plus it is being made here in Canada are benefits that are very hard to measure. IMO; well worth the expense.
  15. Gotta say... They know how to rock in the Netherlands.
  16. @Alflives Alf you really should check the spelling of moran vs moron. Think moron is the one you meant and not some Irish chieftain.
  17. Thanks... I did not know that. Had not really given it much thought over the years. Guess we will have to wait till next year to see if he can catch Pavel Bure
  18. I was hoping he would catch Horvat this season and there still is a chance if they go far in the playoffs but his production as of late has not been great.
  19. I would have preferred it if they had taken out the communications tower in the foreground.
  20. This was sorely lacking in previous regimes. Nice to see some positive changes being made under JR, PA and RJ
  21. @MattJVD; May I suggest you visit Canada's own world class ocean research project that was the first of its kind to continuously monitor the ocean off of Vancouver island. Since its inception back in ~ 2006 or so, many other countries are now setting up undersea observatories of their own. Canadian researchers rarely Bragg about their ground breaking achievements but they should have. I have followed the site since its inception back when the two underwater platforms were called Venus and Neptune. https://www.oceannetworks.ca/multimedia/live-cameras/
  22. Yeah; I think he saw the writing on the wall and his agent has been looking for better opportunities elsewhere.
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