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Nuckin Kingsly

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    Nuckin Kingsly

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  1. I see your point for sure, and it’s a good one. But those contracts were signed at a different time. Inflation is going to be huge in the coming years and management and players all know this. Petey will need to step it up for sure, but I think we all know he certainly has that in him!
  2. Bingo, it doesn’t need to be a million or two less, that’s a big chunk of money. But you have your top guys like miller and petty taking a little less, that will show the other players to follow. This will allow signing a 2 mil player instead of a league minimum. Thats great business and I love this management
  3. He left money on the table tho, he is a center that has been in the selke conversation the last couple years. The cap is going up and he could have gotten more. So that’s what makes it a discount. Yes he has been a different player the last couple months, but he’s also playing with mediocre wingers i agree he is the 4th best Canuck at the moment. It’s not a huge discount, but it is one, and I think fans should be happy to See it. He will become the first Swedish born player ever to record back to back 100 point seasons if he gets there this year and is only 25.
  4. Wow… 11.6??! That is very reasonable, and a hometown discount with the cap going up drastically in the coming years. he is a better player than Nylander for sure and younger. he said he wants to win, this shows that he was absolutely telling the truth and helps management build a stronger team by leaving money on the table. Thank you Petey, we love you and I personally am very excited to see what our future will look like!! LFG!!!
  5. I’d argue that, Garland is good on the forecheck and has great agility as well to create time and room for him. Good on the boards. Good vision most of the time. Not saying he’s great, but speed is also not his only asset
  6. I think they have already explained that a few times. They wanted to see which players actually gelled under toc and his structure. See who he can work with and what he doesn’t think will work. Management had a plan and followed it through. plus with our lottery luck, we be picking 5 tops haha
  7. Great trade here! Sucks the way it ended for Pearson in Vancouver. But we had wayyy too many wingers and over the cap. With Hoglander needing waivers. Someone needed to go. Desmith is a reliable backup that will provide solid insurance for Demmers. Only a 3rd to get us compliant, i am very happy with the state of our roster. allvin and Rutherford continue to impress me with their tidy work
  8. Thanks stealth! I actually had tears in my eyes when I just saw the red closing forum banner. Been a huge cdc nerd for 20 years and it has really helped me through some very difficult times mentally and physically. You people are beauty’s and I’m glad I can still talk hockey with all y’all
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