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Everything posted by StanleyCupOneDay

  1. Every election night brings a lot of history making. Love every second of it.
  2. This was a bizarre New York race where the former Democrat switched parties, the Dem primary losers endorsed the Republican and the Democrat who won the primary was a progressive. It was also the most competitive NYC Council race. Democrat wins.
  3. Let’s let North Carolina get in on the fun.
  4. The Republican outspent the Democrat by like 5 to 1 here. Still lost.
  5. Republicans we’re hoping to win all these 6 Trump won seats, but instead they’ve lost them all.
  6. Downballot Ohio: 7-0 R flipped to 7-0 D. Are Democratic Party supporters tired of winning yet?
  7. This young man is now a city councilor in the largest city in Indiana. Democratic youth are taking the reign of leadership.
  8. The last bloc voting group that swings wildly in elections from R+90 to D+90 shows their power once again when they vote for an Orthodox Democrat in New Jersey.
  9. This was a major upset for Republicans defeating the head of South Jersey machine (NJ elections are weird, where political machines basically run everything and determine nominees) in 2021 with a truck driver who spent nothing. Democrats flipped it back and any chance for Republicans to flip either chamber are now gone.
  10. Shocking newsflash: 15 week abortion ban is not popular with voters like Glenn Youngkin and Republicans expected.
  11. Guy who was caught on camera saying he wants a total abortion ban with no exceptions loses. Democrats now favored to FLIP the Virginia State House from red to blue.
  12. Some New Jersey news. 2 seats flipped red to blue.
  13. Republicans now up to a whopping 4 State Senate seats in MA.
  14. Tilt/Lean D rated seat. 3 more needed to flip the State House.
  15. Biden +1 district, but more downballot Republican. Not a necessary seat for Democrats to win the Virginia State House though.
  16. New political talent in Indiana. Flipped to blue.
  17. There you have it, now official. Democrats hold the Virginia State Senate and block Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s MAGA agenda if they had won a trifecta.
  18. Not all good news unfortunately as Republicans flip the largest NH mayorship.
  19. That’s a wrap in Ohio for abortion. Reproductive freedom now a constitutionally protected right, immediately ends the 6 week abortion ban passed by Republicans in the legislature.
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