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US Elections Thread


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14 hours ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

Looks like I didn’t need to create a new thread. A user kindly messaged me about the transition to this new place. I’m only ever online these days on election nights and am not watching hockey anymore, so I’ll probably stick to here. Thanks Sharpshooter for continuing this thread so people can know what’s going on with our neighbors to the South.

Tomorrow was going to be the big election in New Hampshire Rockingham-1 Trump +0.4 district where Democrats could tie the chamber 199-199-2 with the Republican candidate saying Democrats sacrificed blood from abortions to their god of molech (I’m not joking either, he said that). You can probably ascertain the Republican Party didn’t want him as their nominee, but he beat the GOP preferred candidate in the primary (I swear I’ve heard that somewhere before) so here we go.

However, a Biden 55-43 district Democrat just resigned, so until that’s filled (which will likely be December/January) that won’t happen. In practical matters it doesn’t make a difference because dozens of reps (each one in NH represents about 3,000 people) are absent each day. It’s also not going to happen where the Republican speaker is ousted mid-session, so in all likelihood Dems won’t have a shot at the practical majority until the 2024 elections. But technically if they win this race and the next 2 blue district specials, they’ll tie and every seat makes it easier for them to flip the majority without the coattails of GOP juggernaut Gov Sununu on the ballot who will not run in 2024. It’s always easier to hold a seat then flip one.

The Democrat running lost in 2022 by only 25 votes and has raised $46k compared to the Republican who raised $450. Both parties are acting like this is an easy Democratic pickup given the aforementioned information, but low turnout special elections all depends on who shows up, so we shall see tomorrow what voters there think. After that there’s no special elections until the November general elections for nationwide local offices, PA Supreme Court, VA legislature, KY State Executive, MS/LA state elections and a bunch of other special elections in various states.

Until tomorrow night, cheers everyone and have a good one! 🍻

Good to have you here mate

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Of course in NH politics a day changes everything. A Republican resigned today in a Trump +8, Shaheen +6 seat, so tonight’s special election would tie the chamber if the Democrat won. So what I just said in the previous post is already wrong. There’s also a deep blue Biden seat special in PA, so we’ll see if there’s an over performance there as well.

Moving on, the election’s not even close. Dems are flipping the Trump +0.4 seat from red to blue. The only thing left to be decided is just how much Democrat Hal Rafter overperformed Biden. NH House is now officially tied 198-198-2.

And now we have the margin. A Biden +12.2 overperformance.



Edited by StanleyCupOneDay
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As expected from the other special election. 3 precincts will report Friday in heavily Dem area so expect the margin to grow for Dems.

For those who weren’t around in the previous special elections, here’s what they looked like. Democrats have 21 over performances from 2020 results. Republicans have 3 over performances from 2020 results.



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7 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

Bring lots of locks Lock.

And a flak jacket.

And Blue Cross.

Truth is I got laid off my job in the summer but I'm in tech so I'm literally applying to anywhere but Canada to see what happens. I feel like I'm playing "spin the wheel to see where I end up" lol

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1 hour ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

As expected from the other special election. 3 precincts will report Friday in heavily Dem area so expect the margin to grow for Dems.

For those who weren’t around in the previous special elections, here’s what they looked like. Democrats have 21 over performances from 2020 results. Republicans have 3 over performances from 2020 results.



I guess Bobimbo needs to give a lot more helping hands to potential voters....

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1 hour ago, The Lock said:

So there's a chance I might be moving to the states within the next few months. I'm really hoping it's "safe" now. lol

It is overall, but it depends on your definition of what safe is. The population is at war with each other over politics and gun violence is still prevalent. You can’t escape one day without politics being brought up for something or hearing of another mass shooting/school lockdown somewhere, it’s way different than up North. Canada is just a much safer country. And political violence is increasing as we just saw an insurrection attempt to overthrow democracy 2 years ago.

That’s not to say you’re going to die if you move down South, its much safer than most of the world, it’s not the apocalypse or anything, but chances are greater of negative impacts or worse than it is here on all sorts of subjects including crime and sickness, even death, that’s just a fact. Also there’s no free healthcare there, so take that into consideration of your cost analysis. I’m not trying to scare you, but you deserve to know the truth in making your decision.

The safer places are definitely the smaller Democratic-run states when it comes to murders and gun violence, so if you must go to the US I’d say try to stay in the NorthEast or better yet, the Pacific Northwest (which is by far the closest to what Canada/BC is then any other states, there’s a reason the “Cascadia” Oregon/Washington join Canada or make BC and the 2 states their own country plan pops up fairly often (it won’t ever happen, but they’re like BC in a lot of ways)). Don’t go to Republican led states if you can avoid it, especially the Deep South.

I’m very sorry to hear you lost your job and am hoping you’ll be able to find one to provide for yourself and/or your family. All the best to you in your search.

Edited by StanleyCupOneDay
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4 minutes ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

It is overall, but it depends on your definition of what safe is. The population is at war with each other over politics and gun violence is still prevalent. You can’t escape one day without politics being brought up for something or hearing of another mass shooting/school lockdown somewhere, it’s way different than up North. Canada is just a much safer country. And political violence is increasing as we just saw an insurrection attempt to overthrow democracy 2 years ago.

That’s not to say you’re going to die if you move down South, its much safer than most of the world, it’s not the apocalypse or anything, but chances are greater of negative impacts or worse than it is here on all sorts of subjects including crime and sickness, that’s just a fact. Also there’s no free healthcare there, so take that into consideration of your cost analysis. I’m not trying to scare you, but you deserve to know the truth in making your decision.

The safer places are definitely the smaller Democratic-run states when it comes to murders and gun violence, so if you must go to the US I’d say try to stay in the NorthEast or better yet, the Pacific Northwest (which is by far the closest to what Canada/BC is then any other states, there’s a reason the “Cascadia” Oregon/Washington join Canada or make BC and the 2 states their own country plan pops up fairly often (it won’t ever happen, but they’re like BC in a lot of ways)). Don’t go to Republican led states if you can avoid it, especially the Deep South.

I’m very sorry to hear you lost your job and am hoping you’ll be able to find one to provide for yourself and/or your family. All the best to you in your search.

Thanks for the advice. I definately have thought of my best and worst places to go to in the states at least so hopefully I wouldn't be going in blind either way if this comes to fruition. It's not entirely based on Democrat vs Republilcan when it comes to places but there does seem to be a bias towards the Democrat side. A lot of the Republican areas I'm looking at are actually gradually turning Democrat anyway, such as Texas and North Carolina, probably because they keep bringing in tech people. lol

Edited by The Lock
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4 hours ago, The Lock said:

Thanks for the advice. I definately have thought of my best and worst places to go to in the states at least so hopefully I wouldn't be going in blind either way if this comes to fruition. It's not entirely based on Democrat vs Republilcan when it comes to places but there does seem to be a bias towards the Democrat side. A lot of the Republican areas I'm looking at are actually gradually turning Democrat anyway, such as Texas and North Carolina, probably because they keep bringing in tech people. lol

Fair enough, it’s absolutely your own decision to make. I know it’s more of “where can I get a job” that’s the priority over “where do I want to live”, which is completely understandable. If you do move to either of those states don’t be surprised if you see people going in stores with AK-47’s around their neck because they’re open carry states and I believe there’s no licensing requirements either.

It’s a very common thing down there with guns being everywhere and as a BC resident you’ve probably never encountered that before in your local grocery store or restaurant or walking around, so just a heads up before you dive in to expect it so it doesn’t scare/surprise you when you see it.

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9 hours ago, StanleyCupOneDay said:

Fair enough, it’s absolutely your own decision to make. I know it’s more of “where can I get a job” that’s the priority over “where do I want to live”, which is completely understandable. If you do move to either of those states don’t be surprised if you see people going in stores with AK-47’s around their neck because they’re open carry states and I believe there’s no licensing requirements either.

It’s a very common thing down there with guns being everywhere and as a BC resident you’ve probably never encountered that before in your local grocery store or restaurant or walking around, so just a heads up before you dive in to expect it so it doesn’t scare/surprise you when you see it.

Oh I for sure expect differences, including guns, people's attitudes, etc. I'm sure there will be some shock no matter where I go anyway. lol

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Taylor Swift call to action drives 13,000 people every 30 minutes to voter registration site


Singer urged US fanbase to use their ‘powerful’ voices by taking action on National Voter Registration Day




In the article they say there is 8 million newly eligible young voters, of the ones that actually register and vote I would think the vast majority vote Dem.

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1 hour ago, Playoff Beered said:

Taylor Swift call to action drives 13,000 people every 30 minutes to voter registration site


Singer urged US fanbase to use their ‘powerful’ voices by taking action on National Voter Registration Day




In the article they say there is 8 million newly eligible young voters, of the ones that actually register and vote I would think the vast majority vote Dem.

When you factor in an almost 700,000 toll of covid mortalities that were republican voters (estimated numbers) in the US those are potential numbers that are overwhelming

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19 hours ago, The Lock said:

Oh I for sure expect differences, including guns, people's attitudes, etc. I'm sure there will be some shock no matter where I go anyway. lol

I work in Texas now and have worked in Colorado, Utah, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and probably others I’m missing over the last 13 years. Outside of metropolitan areas the people are extremely polite in pretty much every state mentioned. The people in the southern states are at an entirely different level of polite. People are generally excited that you’re in their state and usually give you suggestions as to what to see and do. If I were to actually move down here it would probably come down to Utah or Colorado because I snowboard and wakesurf. The best places to live are your small/medium cities. There is a feeling of community down here like nothing you’ll ever experience in Canada. The arrogance only really comes from the metropolitan areas of the NE and the west coast. The vast majority of Americans are horribly and unfairly categorized. 
Here is something that people flat out can’t believe when I tell them. There is more racism in Canada and segregation in Canada then there is in Texas. You see far more racial diversity in the blue collar workforce. In Canada that’s not the case. You rarely see racial diversity in fabrication, Trades, or anything like that. 
Honestly, you’ll love it here. It will surprise you and people will think you’re really interesting. 

edit: Canadians are far more serious than Americans. They always bug me about being too serious all the time, I stress everyone out lol. 

Edited by LaBamba
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