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Audio Dave

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  1. There was no need to say anything. He addressed it by sending a still bleeding Hughes back on the ice for the next face-off and making the Refs send him back to the bench for repairs. It was quite the statement, everyone noticed, he didn't have to say anything and risk being fined or called a whiner. I think the response was perfect.
  2. Tocchet. That's what's wrong with Petey, Mikheyev and why we traded Kuzmenko.
  3. Novak would be a bit of a gamble. He 26 and has only player 108 NHL games, he might be a late bloomer, or he's been on a lucky streak. 62 points in 81 games over this season and last is impressive, but his 44.5 FO% isn't great.
  4. When has it not been? People have to go somewhere, unless we actually do something to end homelessness.
  5. The weather in Canada is also a factor. You're far less likely to freeze to death on the streets during the winter in Vancouver than any other big city in Canada.
  6. I think the best that we can hope for is Garland's agent finds a team interested in signing him to a 1-year deal at a lower cap hit and Garland is willing to bet on himself and terminate his contract with the Canucks for an opportunity to play top 6 minutes.
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