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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Nashville Predators // December 19, 2023


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4th line had a heck of a game. Kuzy is running out of lines to play on.


I'm hoping the best for him because he's such a stellar guy. Maybe he comes back next year more determined to make a difference. Maybe no training in Bali this summer...


Stay in Vancouver, learn the systems better, show the coaches he's dedicated to being a regular player.


People complaining about Kuz is understandable. But we also have to look at his effectiveness this year. Teams have figured out how to check him and eliminate him as a threat. This was bound to happen after scoring 39 last year. He has to learn how to get better and move beyond the tighter checking. Because it won't stop, teams know how to shut him down now. If he's going to be an impact top 6 player he's gonna have to fight through it. In my opinion this is what Toc and staff are working on. In my mind this whole season can be tough love for him in all the right reasons. Because if it all sinks in with him he will get back to lighting it up and being effective again next year.


I can only imagine how hard it is for him, he's 27 and he doesn't have much time to put everything together or he'll end up going back over seas.


I hope he keeps his head high, learns everything that he can and when he gets back in the line up he makes it hard to take him back out again...


As others have said Toc did this to Joshua and Hogs too, even Podz. Toc wants the best for all his players, Kuz included.


Kuz has to push and outplay Suter and Hogz for a top spot, it's a challenge but both those guys are catchable imo.


Love ya Kuz, come back strong!! We're all rooting for you!!

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15 minutes ago, Attila Umbrus said:

Theres gotta be some negatives we can talk about here right...?


Too many bench minors, it's affecting our teams ability to win games!...or wait...ok, no it's not...


These bench minors will be the death of us!...or...ummm...ok not yet, but it will. Because I said so! And I know best and you all know nothing!


We're winning too much, it's affecting our draft position, WTF is this management doing? We need Crystall to be a cup contender!!!!!


Zadorov and Myers are too big and block the goalies vision...although they're not getting scored on, it will happen. I swear!


Too many goals, not enough defensive hockey! We are outscoring our problemzzz


Anyone else want to add some stupid shit in here? Pleazzz feel free

Negatives - We can't play the Oilers again till the end of the year

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31 minutes ago, -Buzzsaw- said:

Good game by DeSmith... the first goal was a little weak, but after that he settled down.  2nd goal was pretty much impossible to stop.


If we continue to get this quality of play from our backup, I think the team is a shoo-in for the playoffs.


Also a good game from the Pettersson line, Petey was showing his flashes of brilliance, he is gradually starting to pick up the pace and get back to last year's late season's superb form.


And team was in lock down mode for most of the game after mid 2nd, except for going to sleep in the last 30 seconds... need to work on that.


I predict Dallas game will be a challenge... Dallas wants revenge from earlier in the year and they playing well at home.

Preds wanted revenge for dropping the first 2 meetings and was the hottest team and look what happened. We kicked their ass and swept the series. We usually play well vs Dallas 

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1 minute ago, stawns said:


A rock solid defensive game.......they didn't chase, stayed disciplined, kept the predators to the outside all night and jumped on mistakes.  Best game they've played since Dallas I think

A pretty textbook game I would think. No glaring issues. The X factor was their focus and man this

is one determined group. You can feel the magic about them.

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