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[Proposal] Two trades to be playoffs ready

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Hi folks, exciting days !
Here you are two proposals to make our team playoffs ready :

To VAN : C.Tanev  (x% retained)
To CGY I.Cole, D-Petey


To VAN : Monahan (x% retained)
To MTL : 1st Rd Pick (2024), L.Karlsson (They need C) + Futures considerations if Monahan re sign.


With Lotto line                                                       Without Lotto line

1st -    Pettersson Miller Boeser                           Hoglander Miller Boeser

2nd -  Hoglander Monahan Kuzmenko                Pettersson Monohan Kuzmenko

3rd -   Garland Blueger Joshua                            Garland Blueger Joshua

4th -  Mikheyev Suter Lafferty                             Mikheyev Suter Lafferty

+ PdG, Aman


1D - Hughes Hronek

2D - Tanev Zadorov

3D - Soucy Myers

+ Juulsen

Monahan seems to be the right deal, but we have to pay attention he wanted a last big paycheck (around 5M) at the end of his current contract.  So we should don't overpay, unless we have a good deal on the table. 

Thoughts ? 

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Trade #1

Absolutely NOT!  Gaining Tanev and losing Cole is not shoring up our defence and basically a lateral move anyhow.  Losing EP-D on top and that trade is a total backwards move. 


Trade #2 

No thanks. I’m not against Monahan for the right price but not the player I’m looking to  acquiring with our 1st rd pick. 


  • Cheers 1
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22 minutes ago, Grizz.325 said:

Trade #1

Absolutely NOT!  Gaining Tanev and losing Cole is not shoring up our defence and basically a lateral move anyhow.  Losing EP-D on top and that trade is a total backwards move. 


Trade #2 

No thanks. I’m not against Monahan for the right price but not the player I’m looking to  acquiring with our 1st rd pick. 



thanks for your answer.

Cole and Tanev provide the same stay at home, blocking shots capacities , while beeing better at every aspects (maybe not in interview  ). i see him as an upgrade. 


the D-Petey is maybe way to much to trigger the salary retain's, but we need it to make it work. My first idea (and main idea) was Woo, but you have to give someting to get something i guess.

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2 hours ago, DexM94 said:


thanks for your answer.

Cole and Tanev provide the same stay at home, blocking shots capacities , while beeing better at every aspects (maybe not in interview  ). i see him as an upgrade. 


the D-Petey is maybe way to much to trigger the salary retain's, but we need it to make it work. My first idea (and main idea) was Woo, but you have to give someting to get something i guess.

Cole is more resilient physically than tanev was for the canucks. Cant utilize a player when they are injured

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I don’t disagree with you that tanev is better defensively then cole, but we have soucey out for awhile and one has to presume we could see more injuries to our D core before seasons end, so I’d rather add without subtracting from the roster to ensure we have a competent back end come playoff time. 

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