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(poll) is it go time?


Is it go time?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. The Canucks management have help fix almost JB's mistakes, and this is our best opportunity in years.. how agressive should we be near the Trade deadline?

    • It's a Trap! we are still rebuilding and we need to take our time, we should not make any big acquisitions, especially rentals...
    • Play it by ear. if we are in the race for top 3 in our division, we should upgrade our D, if the right trade comes along... but no rentals and nor firsts should be traded
    • Go for it! we should do whatever we can to upgrade the roster, whether that means trading Myers@ 50% cap or aquiring A Top 4RD Renta,l anything to make us a contender, firsts are on the table...

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Management will only be making good hockey trades from here on out. They have a plan of building brick by brick and not rushing things too much. Our core of Petey, Hughes, Demko, and Miller are primed to give it a go, so we're not rebuilding. We also finally have a good outlook with prospects knocking on the door like Woo, Willander, Lekk, McWard, Bains, McDonaugh, etc., so we'll be having some expiring contracts gone soon and lots of ELCs coming our way.


This is not the year to go for it. It's the year to simply make the playoffs as best we can, create even more room with our cap, lock in our star player, and for once in our lives have some efficiency with the team and cap (aside from OEL, of course. That still stings a little.)


If the right hockey trade comes along then I'm all for it, but not at the expense of the plan just to go for it this year.

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5 minutes ago, Jester13 said:

Management will only be making good hockey trades from here on out. They have a plan of building brick by brick and not rushing things too much. Our core of Petey, Hughes, Demko, and Miller are primed to give it a go, so we're not rebuilding. We also finally have a good outlook with prospects knocking on the door like Woo, Willander, Lekk, McWard, Bains, McDonaugh, etc., so we'll be having some expiring contracts gone soon and lots of ELCs coming our way.


This is not the year to go for it. It's the year to simply make the playoffs as best we can, create even more room with our cap, lock in our star player, and for once in our lives have some efficiency with the team and cap (aside from OEL, of course. That still stings a little.)


If the right hockey trade comes along then I'm all for it, but not at the expense of the plan just to go for it this year.


if we could land another top 4 d like Pesce (or similar) and/or a legit RH3C, I'd be happy to see them burn more picks and prospects. We may only have 2 more years of Petey. 

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7 minutes ago, Canuck You said:

I hate it when people say this. Anything can happen, Just make the playoffs! Look at Florida. Demmer could steal a series or two , Someone can go beast mode, Ya never know.


Look at Florida for what? Finest example of a Cinderella team. Once Bobrovsky wasn't playing like a madman, they were an easy out (also, we don't really have a Tkatchuk level clutch player) I just don't see us beating teams like Colorado / Vegas / Carolina / Tampa Bay in a 7 game series. Sure, let's hope we get in and go as far as we can, so the kids get playoff experience and that our stars won't want to jump the ship, but let's not kid ourselves, we are not winning the cup in the next few years that's for sure imo.

Edited by Rubik
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10 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


if we could land another top 4 d like Pesce (or similar) and/or a legit RH3C, I'd be happy to see them burn more picks and prospects. We may only have 2 more years of Petey. 


As long as it doesn't screw our cap situation and we're not mortgaging the future too much with picks then I'm in, but I'd hate to see them trade away, say, Kuzy, a 1st, and a 2nd for Pesce. They can't overpay, is essentially it for me. I have a lot of confidence in Allvin & Co. now with the moves they'll make moving forward, so if they can improve our team with solid hockey trades, then I'm in.

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2 minutes ago, Jester13 said:


As long as it doesn't screw our cap situation and we're not mortgaging the future too much with picks then I'm in, but I'd hate to see them trade away, say, Kuzy, a 1st, and a 2nd for Pesce. They can't overpay, is essentially it for me. I have a lot of confidence in Allvin & Co. now with the moves they'll make moving forward, so if they can improve our team with solid hockey trades, then I'm in.


yep thats what I had in mind as well. I don't think they would do a dumb deal, but a market price one? sure. 


Untouchable prospects for me would be Willander, Podz. After that I'm listening depending on the deal of course.


I'm just looking at what we know for sure we have. We can all guess as to the future, but right now, we know we have this current group for 2 years. 1 if you're counting Kuzy as core. 


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We have some good pieces. We don't have the depth or quality to win 16 games. There's a big difference in making the playoffs, and constantly making the playoffs, and being a cup contender. If you're now saying "anything can happen...". Edmonton has two of the best forwards in the game. And they can only get as far as the conference finals.


Do I hope the Canucks can win a cup. Do I think it's this season? No. We have the right foundation, we just need the rest of the pieces to complete the puzzle.


But to see from the old message board people saying "Build the team the right way..." and getting tired of losing to now it's "Let's get into the playoffs and see what happens.." that's not a recipe for success.


How about let's see the team make the right moves. Not stupid, let's save our jobs moves.

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It all really comes down to what is missing


if it looks like the current roster has

- a top 15 pk

- a top 20 goals against

- a top 10 offence

- a solid goaltending duo

- a playoff position (better than the wildcard)


Then I think it would be worth it to make a big splash for a top 4 rhd to really solidify the blueline and to limit fatigue 


If that trade isnt there then staying the course is the best option and continue to grow as a team and unit and hopefully make the playoffs for some experience 


I truly hope that management doesnt use any cap space to be a magic ticket trade

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26 minutes ago, Canuck You said:

I hate it when people say this. Anything can happen, Just make the playoffs! Look at Florida. Demmer could steal a series or two , Someone can go beast mode, Ya never know.

Playoff’s definitely will show this teams true desire to win


I think the big question marks to this season are

- how well the 3rd and 4th lines play

- how the PK does

- if the new systems improve team defence 


if those trend up then i do think anything can happen

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This capped out, mid team in purgatory needs to rush everything and give up as many draft picks as possible to become a slightly better capped out, mid team in purgatory. Giving up draft picks will also ensure that we remain a capped out, mid team in purgatory for years to come. Drafting and developing draft picks takes too long. Being active on July 1st is how you build a capped out, mid team in purgatory and that is what the fans want. 

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Just now, Ghostsof1915 said:

I get what you're saying. But if Calgary used that first to draft an elite prospect. Management would never live it down. Especially to a division rival.

That first would likely be in the 20s


Also Andersson is a stud and that prospect would be making an impact in 3-5 years


the one thing I dislike about millers contract is that he needs to be a top player on the team for the canucks to have a chance to win. That might only last for 3 or 4 years. It, creates a win now scenario 


I say Andersson because I dont see Calgary being anything much more than a place for Huberdue to retire now and they are going to fall hard for 5 years having all that money into +30 players. The rest of the teams are going to pull out all the value from their roster so there wont be conflict for playoff spots

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I think we're close on paper for sure, just depends on how it plays out when rubber meets the road.
An almost certain for me would be trading Beauvillier and Myers for whatever assets we can get as rentals (after playing Beau on L1 to boost his value, and hopefully Myers has a contract year season kind of performance).  As good as Myers can be, we've already got 2 or 3 RHD who can be top-4 caliber (Cole/ Soucy/ Hronek) so freeing up his $6 million from a 3rd pair role would be great, since I think Juulsen/ etc. could already be close to delivering what he does at a fraction of cost.

After that (and sorting out the lineup and needs) then we can trust management to address whatever needs they see fit, and I think they've done a good job of that so far.
If somehow we can find a long-term partner for Hughes without breaking the bank then definitely, but for the most part I think most roles have been addressed:

1-4 C (Petey/ Miller/ Suter/ Blueger), top-6 winger depth (Kuz/ Mikheyev/ Boeser/ Garland/ Podkolzin/ Hoglander), at minimum top-5 D (Hughes/ Cole/ Soucy/ Hronek/ either Hirose or Wolanin), and goaltending (Demko/ DeSmith/ Silovs).  IF we need more physicality then I would definitely be open to trading a depth forward or one of the picks from Beau or Myers trades to get it, and same with getting a 1B if DeSmith sucks, but it might be time to see where the pieces fall and then add on the fringes (with the only splash exception being for #1 RD, if available, IMO).

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I think the difference this year will be from the transformative power of unity. It's hard to get a read on potential success if you just add up the players in the aggregate. Good players, prepared players, become better players--even great players--when possessed by the magic of a true team spirit. 


This is something the management from top to bottom has emphasized since last year, but everyone says it every year so it's natural to be skeptical. 

But this year i sense a glimmer that it might happen.


I've played on teams when it happens. The whole becomes greater than the parts -- even the spare parts. 

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1 hour ago, Johnny said:

It all really comes down to what is missing


if it looks like the current roster has

- a top 15 pk

- a top 20 goals against

- a top 10 offence

- a solid goaltending duo

- a playoff position (better than the wildcard)


Then I think it would be worth it to make a big splash for a top 4 rhd to really solidify the blueline and to limit fatigue 


If that trade isnt there then staying the course is the best option and continue to grow as a team and unit and hopefully make the playoffs for some experience 


I truly hope that management doesnt use any cap space to be a magic ticket trade

that is what im hoping for but not a rental, surely we can find a defenceman with a amazing cap with term, it will cost us but we must try soon or we already have to rebuild again 🤢... but like many have pointed out we are going to get option 3...

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1 hour ago, Phil_314 said:

I think we're close on paper for sure, just depends on how it plays out when rubber meets the road.
An almost certain for me would be trading Beauvillier and Myers for whatever assets we can get as rentals (after playing Beau on L1 to boost his value, and hopefully Myers has a contract year season kind of performance).  As good as Myers can be, we've already got 2 or 3 RHD who can be top-4 caliber (Cole/ Soucy/ Hronek) so freeing up his $6 million from a 3rd pair role would be great, since I think Juulsen/ etc. could already be close to delivering what he does at a fraction of cost.

After that (and sorting out the lineup and needs) then we can trust management to address whatever needs they see fit, and I think they've done a good job of that so far.
If somehow we can find a long-term partner for Hughes without breaking the bank then definitely, but for the most part I think most roles have been addressed:

1-4 C (Petey/ Miller/ Suter/ Blueger), top-6 winger depth (Kuz/ Mikheyev/ Boeser/ Garland/ Podkolzin/ Hoglander), at minimum top-5 D (Hughes/ Cole/ Soucy/ Hronek/ either Hirose or Wolanin), and goaltending (Demko/ DeSmith/ Silovs).  IF we need more physicality then I would definitely be open to trading a depth forward or one of the picks from Beau or Myers trades to get it, and same with getting a 1B if DeSmith sucks, but it might be time to see where the pieces fall and then add on the fringes (with the only splash exception being for #1 RD, if available, IMO).

good point, that 10 million in cap could be turned into anything, hopefully not two rentals but i would be ok with 1 low end rental if it meant we got a top4 RD on a decent contract... we may have to just trade our way out of this mess every year, trading picks for college players and trade upgrades

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if the new additions are a good fit and can play their role so that the D and PK are improved thats one large step in the right direction, the other step needs to be done by 3 players mainly...Brock, Hogs, Podz....those 3 need to play as top 6 NHL players. id say if that can happen we are officially playoff bound....:classic_cool:

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