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Ricky Ravioli

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    Ricky Ravioli

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NHL Grinder (10/14)

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  1. https://globalnews.ca/news/9120550/pierre-poilievre-campaign-promises/
  2. He's had 9 years and the best we can do is he's "partially kept some of his promises" That's how government in Canada works. That's not an excuse. PP has stated his plan multiple times. Will he be successful? Who knows? Probably not? All I know is after 9 years it's someone else's turn to try
  3. Where was his success? He hasn't hit any targets or goals
  4. What's Trudeau's plan? He ran on making housing more affordable. That hasn't happened. He also planned to build more housing. Hasn't hit those targets either. Electoral reform? That hasn't happened and clearly won't. He also promised every Canadian would have a family doctor. Again hasn't happened. Promised to restore the economy. Again, also hasn't happened. So again I ask. What's Justin Trudeau's plan?
  5. Literally none of any of that has anything to do with the conversation that was being had though.
  6. Personal jabs? I was not the one insinuating that anyone who has a problem with immigration is a Nazi... If the population of Canada is 30 million at midnight and 2 people are born at the same time as 2 people dying is the population 30 million and 2 or still 30 million?
  7. Man your ignorance knows no bounds eh? If the same amount of people are dying as being born, than yea. Population isn't going to increase is it? You know like the problem Japan is currently having? Your takeaway is nothing but pure ignorance because you can't or won't admit you are wrong. Everything and everyone is a racist or Nazi or bigot. Grow up
  8. But that's not why our population is exploding right now. So again I'm trying to understand why you are linking the 2?
  9. We have always had access to those item's yet population is growing far too fast currently. How could you possibly even link the 2?
  10. Spoiler alert. It won't for 2 reasons at least. 1. Lack of housing being built currently. 2. Population growth is too high right now
  11. Umm if there are 15 years running around without parents, we have a bigger problem than a abortion clinic being 1 hour away... "Ffs" Also not having parents means you now can't get a ride to the clinic? Give me a break
  12. 15 year olds don't have parents to drive them? Also what is barbaric about having to drive an hour? Jesus Christ talk about first world hyperbole
  13. They were chanting Skinner when it was 2-1 and what happens? 2 weak goals on the Canucks. Bad karma man lol
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