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With tonight's loss to the Flames, it's evident we're not cut out for playoff hockey. Who are we selling at the deadline?

Olli Juolevi

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Do you realise it’s been a long ass week for the boys, just coming back home from the East (4 different time zones) to play ONE home game, and off to fly back out to Calgary in another time zone to play a back to back game?! Plus, 3 of our key guys are injured too. 

They’re humans, not machine.. smh

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21 minutes ago, Olli Juolevi said:

We have a few expiring contracts this year. If GMPA has any sense at all he'll flip these guys before the deadline and extract some value rather than lose them for nothing. I've taken the liberty (and saved all of you the hard work) to compile a comprehensive list of our potential assets to sell before the deadline and the returns that we should expect for them.


Beauvillier: He kind of sucks and carries a disproportionately large cap hit but he was a first round draft pick himself so I would expect nothing less than that in return for him.

Blueger: Pretty solid bottom 6 center at a great cap hit. Most importantly, he's won a Stanley Cup and teams covet that. He's worth a first rounder at the deadline, easy.

Sam Lafferty: Solid, versatile bottom 6er with some jam. Maybe somewhat limited in his offensive upside but he gets to the dirty areas and makes shit happen. I'd say he's only worth a second rounder but he has no trade protection so I expect a bidding war to drive that price up to a first rounder, although probably a very late one.

Dakota Joshua: Solid, versatile bottom 6er with some jam. Maybe somewhat limited in his offensive upside but he gets to the dirty areas and makes shit happen. I'd say he's only worth a second rounder but he has no trade protection so I expect a bidding war to drive that price up to a first rounder, although probably a very late one.


Tyler Myers: 6'8 RHD with a history - need I say more? That's a first rounder at the deadline, likely with a solid prospect attached.

Ian Cole: Reliable 2nd pairing D man at a very reasonable cap hit. Just about any GM with a functioning cell phone will call GMPA to inquire about this guy. He also has no trade protection so this will definitely be a bidding war. Just like the aforementioned Blueger, he's also won a Stanley Cup so that's an automatic first rounder except in Cole's case he has two Cups so that's probably two first rounders coming back.

Mark Friedman: An absolute buzzsaw of energy who fears no man. Did I mention he's a RHD? Who doesn't love those. He's young enough to grow with his acquiring team for years to come (a team that's more ready to make a run in 2-3 years, rather than 5+ like us. Maybe Anaheim) as well. If you think about the years of playoff appearances he'd make with that acquiring team, what an experience that is for them and their fans just on its own, but it also drives the value of their first round pick down by forcing it later in the round. I bet we could sell a GM on these dreams of playoff runs in the coming years and they won't even care about their first rounder, they'll just hand it over to us as a thank you. 


Casey Desmith: An elite backup goalie. Guys like him make the difference between getting into the Playoffs and just missing out with the extra points he'll get you as compared to a regular backup. He's worth a first.


Now the big dogs. The creme de la creme. The elite guys.


Elias Pettersson and Filip Hronek. I don't think I need to educate anybody on CFF about what these guys have done this year. They're both worth 3 first round picks, a solid early 20's roster player, and two top prospects.



So by my count, if we execute all these moves I'm suggesting (which seem obvious to me, can't believe somebody else hasn't already made this post) we'd have:


15 first round picks

2 solid early 20's roster players

4 blue chip prospects



That looks to me like a dynasty somewhere in the early 2030's. Let's do it.






You're a joke...either literally or figuratively

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15 minutes ago, -AJ- said:

I have a hard time seeing how anyone could think this is anything but a meme.


Chill out and have a laugh. Great post.

Thanks. After the 4-1 goal I got to work on this, thought I’d shitpost a little and bring a bit of levity after a loss to the Flames, my second most hated team. 

Some of these guys were a little tough to justify their first round price tag. I can’t imagine doing these in our Sea of Granlund years, at least not while sober.  

Edited by Olli Juolevi
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