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Everything posted by aGENT

  1. The government didn't increase your grocery costs FWIW. You can thank corporate profiteering (and a pandemic) for that. Housing is a multi layered issue, largely municipal (though the provinces certainly do own some responsibility as well, and across both the previous Lib(Con)s and current NDP here in BC). Though the latter are actually probably handling it better than any other province. As for the heavy handed Airbnb rules, while I certainly don't agree with ALL of them, the thought process isn't insane, it's also the will of a LOT of the people (even if you and I agree that particular part is misguided).
  2. Anyone use a steamer as a chemical free method of weed killer? I've got a brick patio and gravel path and driveway I think it could be useful for and was hoping someone could recommend a brand/model.
  3. Subject for another thread... But that's because we've gone decades now not paying the true costs for outsourcing everything to third world countries and their exploitive labour and poor environmental practices, while spewing greenhouse gasses to ship it half way around the world, so that we can continue our downward economic spiral addiction to cheap, disposable crap that allows CEOs to buy their third yacht and widens income disparity here because we hardly make anything anymore and hence don't have those well paying jobs anymore. Most of our biggest economic and environmental problems could be largely solved/heavily mitigated, simply with a massive shift in purchasing habits. But people like their cheap crap and prefer to blame politicians. The proposed global price on carbon should even the playing field a bit. It's at least a step in the right direction to paying true costs.
  4. To my Scottish ancestors too
  5. As a side effect, I hope this also pushes some production back to North America as shipping things across the globe becomes more expensive. It's better for the planet (us) and it's better for domestic economies (other than obviously the inflationary price of goods).
  6. Perfection, the enemy of good.
  8. One of our favorite restaurants in Duncan got shut down due post pandemic as well. It was staff shortages. They couldn't reliably get staff to open, to make money. Shitty. Again, it was a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. I'm really not sure what people expected to happen there? Business as usual? Fucking daft.
  9. This. Let's not also be so naive as to think that a global freaking pandemic isn't going to have some unfortunate consequences. One small business doesn't outweigh the health and safety of the populace. Let's also not pretend that the government didn't do a lot trying to help both people and businesses through it. The very same "printing of money" that the exact same poster endlessly complains about.
  10. Corporate profiteering is a FAR, FAR bigger contributor to fuel prices/inflation than even the brand new, higher, federal carbon tax, (which again gets refunded to those least able to pay for it). As usual, the right is barking up the wrong tree.
  11. It's literally the point of living in a society. If I'm doing well, I should pay more taxes to help fund services, infrastructure etc to help lift others up so they can do well too. Them doing well too means less poverty, less crime, a nicer society to live in, healthier, better educated, more successful people who can continue to buy whatever widgets/widget services helped make me successful in the first place, and contribute to further success for me too. In a better, stronger, happier, more educated society. Greedy, narcissistic, "me first", "taxes bad" people don't contribute to that (or at least only do so under severe protest, while constantly trying to claw us backwards).
  12. The BC NDP hasn't seemed to bring industry to a shrieking halt in BC despite your fears (or any other NDP run Provinces for that matter). The stance that we should protect and encourage higher value product/tech manufacturing IN Canada seems to fall right in to your wheelhouse. As for their seemingly strong stance on trade matters...well, it's easy to have strong stances on things when you're 3rd or 4th party. If in actual power, like ANY government you have to govern in reality and negotiate both in parliament, and in any international treaties and compromise on your "ideal" stances. Not sure why the NDP would be any different in that regard?
  13. I'd love to hear what's so "far left" about the Liberals to be honest. Equal rights for Trans people and the like isn't "far left" IMO, given that they're just people after all. And we agree that all people should have equal rights, right? Beyond that, what exactly are they so "far left" about that the right feels they need to swing their pendulum towards wack-a-doos as a result?
  14. I'm not sure what you disagree with in that article there. NAFTA has sent manufacturing jobs to the Southern US and Mexico with their cheaper labour and lax/nonexistent labour laws. I thought you were a proponent of more value added manufacturing jobs and not just being a cheap resource whore at the beck and call of rich corporations based in other countries?
  15. I'd see us get less screwed than the Conservatives would screw us. Nothing to do with a political point.
  16. As opposed to the Conservatives? Fuck yes.
  17. At this point, I'd argue that as much as I dislike Singh, and certain parts of their platform, a minority NDP government could very well be the best thing for Canada. And ideally get the other two parties to smarten the fuck up with their nonsense and get them (the Conservatives especially) back closer to centre.
  18. These are exactly the types of guys PIT had a reputation for signing/drafting, developing for like 4 years, and then "come out of nowhere" to be solid, contributing NHL role players.
  19. The answer, is likely more unions. If you can't tax the rich more, taxing corporations just gets passed along to the consumer, etc, etc, the answer you're left with is paying the low and middle class more money so they have more left after paying the bulk of our tax revenue, more left after paying less for health care (benefits) etc. That's generally accomplished via collective bargaining and strict labour laws.
  20. There may very well be a few. Again though, I think you're confusing disagreeing with bull shit with "Trudeau is the best Prime Minister ever and should never resign!" He's been "fine" IMO as the face of the party/country. That's different than agreeing with everything in their party platform or record. And I wouldn't lose a minute of sleep if they replaced him either. Especially if it meant a better chance of not having a conservative government after the next election. All they do is drag us backwards, not forwards. There IS bull shit on both sides. But one party has been actively campaigning, spreading FAR more of it, for like 2 years. We do call out both. I don't think you'll find anyone happy about arrive scam.
  21. FC, do you have anything of substance to add to the thread?
  22. I don't think there's anyone here that would overly care if Trudeau resigned. Some of us might even be downright happy about it. Some of you seem very confused, conflating arguing against utter bull shit nonsense, as support for Trudeau.
  23. How many assists/points? Guentzel has 2 goals, 10 assists and 12 points since arriving in CAR (8games). I love me some Hoglander and all (wanted to pummel people who kept trying to trade him over the last year) but he's no Guentzel.
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