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Van Arizona [Proposal]

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To Arizona Mikhev + 1st


To Vancouver

Lawson Crouse +  2nd



Hog Miller Brock

Crouse Pete Kuzz 

Joshua Teddy Garland

Lafferty Suter PDG/Aman


I think it's worth it. Crouse would fit like a glove and he's got 3 more years at 4.3m. I think Mikheyev is decent  net positive player. He's kinda the winger version of B Sutter. Crouse IMO would be a huge upgrade for the money. Our 1st is excellent this year. With guys like Tij, Zether, Mews, Hutson, Boisvert, Hage on the menu. I'd want a late 2nd to sleep at night. 


With all the focus on Brock Kuzz. I think Mik's spot is the area where an upgrade would be the most impactful in terms of balancing the roster. 



Edited by Hammertime
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7 minutes ago, Hammertime said:

To Arizona Mikhev + 1st


To Vancouver

Lawson Crouse +  2nd



Hog Miller Brock

Crouse Pete Kuzz 

Joshua Teddy Garland

Lafferty Suter PDG/Aman


I think it's worth it. Crouse would fit like a glove and he's got 3 more years at 4.3m. I think Mikheyev is decent  net positive player. He's kinda the winger version of B Sutter. Crouse IMO would be a huge upgrade for the money. IMO our 1st is excellent this year. With guys like Tij, Zether, Mews, Hutson, Boisvert, Hage on the menu. I'd want a late 2nd to sleep at night. 


With all the focus on Brock Kuzz. I think Mik's spot is the area where an upgrade would be the most impactful in terms of balancing the roster. 



I can’t see AZ saying yes to that unfortunately 

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Just now, Hammertime said:

To Arizona Mikhev + 1st


To Vancouver

Lawson Crouse +  2nd



Hog Miller Brock

Crouse Pete Kuzz 

Joshua Teddy Garland

Lafferty Suter PDG/Aman


I think it's worth it. Crouse would fit like a glove and he's got 3 more years at 4.3m. I think Mikheyev is decent  net positive player. He's kinda the winger version of B Sutter. Crouse IMO would be a huge upgrade for the money. IMO our 1st is excellent this year. With guys like Tij, Zether, Mews, Hutson, Boisvert, Hage on the menu. I'd want a late 2nd to sleep at night. 


With all the focus on Brock Kuzz. I think Mik's spot is the area where an upgrade would be the most impactful in terms of balancing the roster. 



with this management group I rather have a 1st than Hoglander but I think Kuzy + a B+ prospect on premium position (RD)like McWard or Bruster gets this done and we do not need to give up a first 

I don't like Kuzy, Milky far more versatile and don't forget he was big PKer in TOR and has not done PK here due to injuries and now our PK depth is a bit better

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3 hours ago, Hammertime said:

To Arizona Mikhev + 1st


To Vancouver

Lawson Crouse +  2nd



Hog Miller Brock

Crouse Pete Kuzz 

Joshua Teddy Garland

Lafferty Suter PDG/Aman


I think it's worth it. Crouse would fit like a glove and he's got 3 more years at 4.3m. I think Mikheyev is decent  net positive player. He's kinda the winger version of B Sutter. Crouse IMO would be a huge upgrade for the money. Our 1st is excellent this year. With guys like Tij, Zether, Mews, Hutson, Boisvert, Hage on the menu. I'd want a late 2nd to sleep at night. 


With all the focus on Brock Kuzz. I think Mik's spot is the area where an upgrade would be the most impactful in terms of balancing the roster. 



I see this as a generally parallel move. I can't see Canucks giving up a 1st round pick in a deal like this, I don't think the team is in any hurry to give up 1st round picks in the future.


The other issue is, Mikheyev has a 12 team NTC and if I was playing poker, I would be a LOT that Arizona is part of that 12 team no fly list.



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On 1/9/2024 at 4:27 AM, Hammertime said:

To Arizona Mikhev + 1st


To Vancouver

Lawson Crouse +  2nd



Hog Miller Brock

Crouse Pete Kuzz 

Joshua Teddy Garland

Lafferty Suter PDG/Aman


I think it's worth it. Crouse would fit like a glove and he's got 3 more years at 4.3m. I think Mikheyev is decent  net positive player. He's kinda the winger version of B Sutter. Crouse IMO would be a huge upgrade for the money. Our 1st is excellent this year. With guys like Tij, Zether, Mews, Hutson, Boisvert, Hage on the menu. I'd want a late 2nd to sleep at night. 


With all the focus on Brock Kuzz. I think Mik's spot is the area where an upgrade would be the most impactful in terms of balancing the roster. 



No way the Nucks break up the lotto line at this stage.

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