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Vaccine thread


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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I've had 4 shots and the virus itself once.  I'm strongly considering not getting this new shot.  I'm starting to be concerned with unknown long term side effects.  If the new variant starts to spread around New York State like wildfire, I'll get it so I don't become a walking incubator.  Until then, my trust with these drug companies and the FDA is low.  It doesn't help that people have politicized it like crazy. 


One side prays at the alter of the almighty deities Moderna and Pfizer while the other side wants you to believe that the gov't has a secret program replacing people with imposters they believe to be dead.


I'm not sure it has to be one extreme or the other, Sabre...


While I'm sure most agree that big Pharma will always act in their own interest, the "microchip" crowd is completely out to lunch. (and I'd argue, were responsible for a higher death rate)


I think a lot of people, while sharing your mistrust of these corporations, realized that the vaccines were a huge benefit to society and took them, along with the boosters when they became available, because it was the responsible thing to do. We looked past the politicization and made the decision based on reality, not some fear-induced fantasy that Bill Gates wanted to control our minds, or that some shadowing government cabal wanted to cull the population...


I just don't think the two things have to be mutually exclusive....

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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

I've had 4 shots and the virus itself once.  I'm strongly considering not getting this new shot.  I'm starting to be concerned with unknown long term side effects.  If the new variant starts to spread around New York State like wildfire, I'll get it so I don't become a walking incubator.  Until then, my trust with these drug companies and the FDA is low.  It doesn't help that people have politicized it like crazy. 


One side prays at the alter of the almighty deities Moderna and Pfizer while the other side wants you to believe that the gov't has a secret program replacing people with imposters they believe to be dead.

Just for consideration: one in a million folks may have adverse side effects from the jab. 1 in a thousand folks who gets covid will come extremely close to death or outright die. I don't think the science is saying the jab is 100% perfect, but I think the science is saying the jab is about 10000 times safer for you than getting covid in the wild. Food for thought. 

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1 minute ago, Optimist Prime said:

Just for consideration: one in a million folks may have adverse side effects from the jab. 1 in a thousand folks who gets covid will come extremely close to death or outright die. I don't think the science is saying the jab is 100% perfect, but I think the science is saying the jab is about 10000 times safer for you than getting covid in the wild. Food for thought. 


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As of Sept 19th there has been a global total of 13,505,262,477 vaccine doses given.  With an estimated 400,000 long term VAERS incidents of any significance the percentage of that risk is 0.00296180841%


You stand a higher risk statistically of winning the lottery 3 times in the same week than obtaining or being affected negatively long term by a covid vaccination.


The sheer numbers are so overwhelming as to be staggering.


I myself will probably not be getting another shot unless otherwise told to by the nations I plan on travelling to this winter.  But I sure as hell won't sit and worry about those who do or don't unless they are loud about it or whining.

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

As of Sept 19th there has been a global total of 13,505,262,477 vaccine doses given.  With an estimated 400,000 long term VAERS incidents of any significance the percentage of that risk is 0.00296180841%


You stand a higher risk statistically of winning the lottery 3 times in the same week than obtaining or being affected negatively long term by a covid vaccination.


The sheer numbers are so overwhelming as to be staggering.


I myself will probably not be getting another shot unless otherwise told to by the nations I plan on travelling to this winter.  But I sure as hell won't sit and worry about those who do or don't unless they are loud about it or whining.

I will get the latest when my cohort are suggested to get it, but I am with your line of thinking: the insufferable 13% who will throw fits and tantrums before they consider a rather routine shot in the arm aren't really worth worrying about, as the 87% of us who are vaccinated and likely to get the updated shot generally provide enough herd immunity to do the job. 99% would be so much better, but at this point in the situation it is what it is. 


For me the unfortunate end results, aside from the health risks of being unvaccinated, are that about 1/8th of the adult population has self identified to me as humans not to be trusted with anything of any importance to me and my life. Like when you see a crazy person being an absolute lunatic at walmart...you tend to avoid that person if you ever see them again out in town on the streets cuz you remember them being batsh*t crazy in walmart that time...that is how i view antivaxxers now and for the rest of my life. Shrug. To be clear, I am not saying that I am 'right' in thinking this way, it is just exactly how I think about those who will fly into fits of rage against people being vaccinated. So no need to argue, it wont change my mind, it will just move you into that column of people in my esteem. 

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Thing is, mRNA shots were coming.  Covid just forced things.  There is an improved flu vaccine from Moderna that just finished Phase 3 that should be ready for the 24/25 season.  There are numerous other vaccines/treatments that have entered Phased human clinical trials.  I posted a number of them in the Covid thread on the old forum, including a pancreatic cancer treatment.  Here is a review article from 2018 I like to post about nRNA vaccines/treatments when retorting anti-vaxx folks  https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243


Thing is, many of these anti-vaxx folks drop this crap when they are faced with life/death decisions like organ transplants .  The few who don't, die.  Like the lady who went to court over the Covid vaccine requirement for organ transplants.

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4 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

Just for consideration: one in a million folks may have adverse side effects from the jab. 1 in a thousand folks who gets covid will come extremely close to death or outright die. I don't think the science is saying the jab is 100% perfect, but I think the science is saying the jab is about 10000 times safer for you than getting covid in the wild. Food for thought. 


I know all of this but in a normal circumstance the shot would have been tested for years to see what possible long term side effects can creep up.


I'm not an anti-shot person by any means.  I've just decided to be a bit discerning for the next few years. 


If it starts to rocket around the state, I'll make an appointment at Walgreens for the next day.  For now though, it's not yet joined in with my flu shot as an automatic yearly injection.

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4 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

I'm not sure it has to be one extreme or the other, Sabre...


It doesn't have to be, but it is for the most part.  When Trump started to crap talk the shot even after setting up the program that continued even into the Biden admin. that bought millions of doses and tests, the die was cast.  Many Republicans were immediately vehemently against it, and not to be outdone, many Democrats fell in line behind their new lord and saviour A. Fauci.



While I'm sure most agree that big Pharma will always act in their own interest, the "microchip" crowd is completely out to lunch. (and I'd argue, were responsible for a higher death rate)


You can only do so much to save stupid.  I got all of my shots because I had no urge to hurt others and wanted some kind of defense against a rapid virus spread. 


Still managed to get COVID though while wearing one of those stupid paper surgical masks.  Did my deep dive on those frickin' things.  Turns out that the virus is small enough that it could form a conga like and dance in and out of those.  I still remember during the lockdown sitting and reading articles claiming that they were nearly 90% effective which was a giant lie.



I think a lot of people, while sharing your mistrust of these corporations, realized that the vaccines were a huge benefit to society and took them, along with the boosters when they became available, because it was the responsible thing to do. We looked past the politicization and made the decision based on reality, not some fear-induced fantasy that Bill Gates wanted to control our minds, or that some shadowing government cabal wanted to cull the population...


Hence the reason I got all 4 shots and will still get this new 5th shot if COVID hits New York State hard. 


The Conspiracy nuttery would be entertaining if it didn't likely hurt people.

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4 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

Just for consideration: one in a million folks may have adverse side effects from the jab. 1 in a thousand folks who gets covid will come extremely close to death or outright die. I don't think the science is saying the jab is 100% perfect, but I think the science is saying the jab is about 10000 times safer for you than getting covid in the wild. Food for thought. 


I get it.  I'm not anti-shot.  I'm just going to wait a few more years until more information is in on it's longer term effects before I start getting it along with my flu shot.


It was likely the 4 shots that I had already gotten that kept my COVID symptoms minimal after contracting the virus earlier this year.

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26 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


I get it.  I'm not anti-shot.  I'm just going to wait a few more years until more information is in on it's longer term effects before I start getting it along with my flu shot.


It was likely the 4 shots that I had already gotten that kept my COVID symptoms minimal after contracting the virus earlier this year.


Hopefully you don't get a severe case of covid that gives you life long issues........ 


I know when i had covid i was close to going to emerg. I was not getting oxygen throughout my body..... I was down and out for a few days.

Sickest i have ever been in my life...  no question.

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“The virus doesn’t care if you are healthy or not,” he said, noting there are concerning studies that show COVID causing inflammation in the brain.


Vaccine or booster fatigue can be caused by a number of reasons, including misconceptions that there are too many immunizations or that older booster shots protect against the disease. People may also still be concerned about side effects.


As well, Bach said research has shown that as many as one in five COVID-19 patients could experience some form of long COVID, which the new vaccine can help prevent.


“You don’t know how this (illness) will affect your lifestyle for three months or maybe six months,” said Bach.


“The virus that was circulating back in 2020 is not the same virus that’s circulating now. They have continued to evolve. And as they evolve they can escape the immunity that you’ve gained by either prior infection or prior vaccination,” she said Friday



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17 minutes ago, moosehead said:

Hopefully you don't get a severe case of covid that gives you life long issues........ 


I know when i had covid i was close to going to emerg. I was not getting oxygen throughout my body..... I was down and out for a few days.

Sickest i have ever been in my life...  no question.


It's possible even if unlikely.  I went to my cousin's funeral about a year and a half ago after he lost his fight with the virus.

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18 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


It's possible even if unlikely.  I went to my cousin's funeral about a year and a half ago after he lost his fight with the virus.


  I have 3 teachers in my family.....  they tell me covid is spreading rapidly through their schools. ( kids and staff ).

I think there are way less protocols in the schools now...  very little hand washing / masks  etc this year .   


Stay safe.


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21 minutes ago, moosehead said:

I have 3 teachers in my family.....  they tell me covid is spreading rapidly through their schools. ( kids and staff ).

I think there are way less protocols in the schools now...  very little hand washing / masks  etc this year .   


Stay safe.


Kids are germ factories?!  I'm shocked!!!  😆


No worries, I'm childless and live alone. 


You just dinged my dating life though.  Gonna have to date a bit older now and avoid the single moms over the winter. 😂

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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Kids are germ factories?!  I'm shocked!!!  😆


No worries, I'm childless and live alone. 


You just dinged my dating life though.  Gonna have to date a bit older now and avoid the single moms over the winter. 😂


Canadians are pretty dumb.  All the healthy behaviors that were done during the last years has been pretty much abandoned .....

Schools did not improve  air quality. /.ventilation.          

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2 hours ago, moosehead said:


  I have 3 teachers in my family.....  they tell me covid is spreading rapidly through their schools. ( kids and staff ).

I think there are way less protocols in the schools now...  very little hand washing / masks  etc this year .   


Stay safe.


The poor horses. They will suffer serious worm problems because all the tasty dewormer will all be gone.


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14 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

Just for consideration: one in a million folks may have adverse side effects from the jab. 1 in a thousand folks who gets covid will come extremely close to death or outright die. I don't think the science is saying the jab is 100% perfect, but I think the science is saying the jab is about 10000 times safer for you than getting covid in the wild. Food for thought. 

The vast majority of the "1 in a thousand" (whether vaccinated or not) were over the age of 80.  The original covid was also more severe than the current variants.  The hospitalization data proves both.

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1 hour ago, bolt said:

The vast majority of the "1 in a thousand" (whether vaccinated or not) were over the age of 80.  The original covid was also more severe than the current variants.  The hospitalization data proves both.

Are you inferring that the over 80 crowd are not people or not worth saving? I don't understand the flex here.

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8 hours ago, bolt said:

The vast majority of the "1 in a thousand" (whether vaccinated or not) were over the age of 80.  The original covid was also more severe than the current variants.  The hospitalization data proves both.

The data has been posted before. The Covid vaccines we got worked at every level to reduce severe disease and infection. It’s not arguable fact. Unless, of course, the evidence used to argue comes from the poster board at the local feed store. Hee Haw! 

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9 hours ago, bolt said:

The vast majority of the "1 in a thousand" (whether vaccinated or not) were over the age of 80.  The original covid was also more severe than the current variants.  The hospitalization data proves both.

also...i wonder what helped curb the 'severity, could it be that over 85% of us are vaccinated? hrmmmmmm.

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Other than North America the new shots aren't recommended under the age of 65 unless you're higher risk.  But if you want to flex and pretend your going to save a senior by getting your 5th shot with as most here say a 0% (no evidence attached of that claim) chance of side effects go ahead. Over 76% of Canadians are now not partaking in getting a booster every 6 months (there's genuine reasons for that not that their all hee haws as some of you put it). 















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17 minutes ago, producepusher said:

What does this have to do with the boosters in which most men between the ages of 18-35 aren't taking?  



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13 minutes ago, producepusher said:

I think it works both ways. I read a story a number of months back about a mid 30s guy in Summerland BC who is now paralyzed and his doctor's deemed it from the vaccine. My assumption would be that you live in British Columbia, so looks like it hits a lot closer to home. 

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