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2002 Gold - Jooooooe Sakic

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Being on a med leave, I've got not much else to do but watch TV and lately I've been watching classic games on Youtube and dcided I would hit up the Gold Medal game from 2002 and am I glad I did.  To me, this was the beginning of the peak decade of hockey where the game has the sped, skilland systems of modern hockey and the grit of traditional hockey.  For the next decade, hockey struck just the right balance between berween tradition and progress.  Enjoy






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It's funny the things you remember....


Sakic's goal is embedded in the mind of every Canadian who watched that game, but I'll never forget Jim Lampley and Bill Clement mocking Team Canada after their opening loss to the Swedes. I expect that sort of ignorance from Lampley, who probably knows about as much about hockey as he does Cricket or Rugby, but Clement should have known better than to count out a team with that kind of roster.....


They sure weren't laughing after the final....

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1 hour ago, stawns said:

Being on a med leave, I've got not much else to do but watch TV and lately I've been watching classic games on Youtube and dcided I would hit up the Gold Medal game from 2002 and am I glad I did.  To me, this was the beginning of the peak decade of hockey where the game has the sped, skilland systems of modern hockey and the grit of traditional hockey.  For the next decade, hockey struck just the right balance between berween tradition and progress.  Enjoy



I mean, we lost a full year of hockey not even two years later.


Just saying.

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48 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


I mean, we lost a full year of hockey not even two years later.


Just saying.


That's the business side, not the hockey side

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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:

It's funny the things you remember....


Sakic's goal is embedded in the mind of every Canadian who watched that game, but I'll never forget Jim Lampley and Bill Clement mocking Team Canada after their opening loss to the Swedes. I expect that sort of ignorance from Lampley, who probably knows about as much about hockey as he does Cricket or Rugby, but Clement should have known better than to count out a team with that kind of roster.....


They sure weren't laughing after the final....


You forget how good Burnaby Joe really was.  By far the best player on the ice, but a young Iggy too, so good 


Lots of Canuck connections on TC too

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7 minutes ago, stawns said:


You forget how good Burnaby Joe really was.  By far the best player on the ice, but a young Iggy too, so good 


Lots of Canuck connections on TC too


Oh, I remember.....that Mario guy was pretty good, too.....

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17 minutes ago, stawns said:


That's the business side, not the hockey side


Didn't Scott Stevens completely destroy Paul Kariya's head a year after that?  I recall the early 2000s (the tail-end of the dead puck era) being a time of rampant holding, tripping, interference and other forms of obstruction.  It drove opponents batshit crazy and triggered a lot of scrums.  I'd probably suggest the game really started changing with the league's two new rookies (Ovie & Sid).

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Just now, Miss Korea said:


Didn't Scott Stevens completely destroy Paul Kariya's head a year after that?  I recall the early 2000s (the tail-end of the dead puck era) being a time of rampant holding, tripping, interference and other forms of obstruction.  It drove opponents batshit crazy and triggered a lot of scrums.  I'd probably suggest the game really started changing with the league's two new rookies (Ovie & Sid).


That was more in the 90's.  The 2002-2012 found a nice balance where skill was on display, but players had to be tough and the games weren't decided by special teams. I like some hooking, holding etc.

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2 hours ago, stawns said:

Being on a med leave, I've got not much else to do but watch TV and lately I've been watching classic games on Youtube and dcided I would hit up the Gold Medal game from 2002 and am I glad I did.  To me, this was the beginning of the peak decade of hockey where the game has the sped, skilland systems of modern hockey and the grit of traditional hockey.  For the next decade, hockey struck just the right balance between berween tradition and progress.  Enjoy






You should watch the "Gorillas out of the cage" game of Canada vs Russia at the vancouver olympics



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15 minutes ago, stawns said:


That was more in the 90's.  The 2002-2012 found a nice balance where skill was on display, but players had to be tough and the games weren't decided by special teams. I like some hooking, holding etc.


The attitude towards that type of hockey has changed a lot over the years.  A LOT.



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2 hours ago, Miss Korea said:


The attitude towards that type of hockey has changed a lot over the years.  A LOT.




I'm not talking about that, that's a dirty hit in any era.  Just players have to battle through checks and tough defense.  You earned your offense back then

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On 3/5/2024 at 3:29 PM, stawns said:


That was more in the 90's.  The 2002-2012 found a nice balance where skill was on display, but players had to be tough and the games weren't decided by special teams. I like some hooking, holding etc.

Funny, the league got so bad they needed to change the rules.  Rafalski was second in d scoring in the 2000's (pretty sure anyways). To me it was like two different decades.   



  The first one pre lockout was still pretty good, but the product had been waning for a considerable amount of time, and the talent wasn't coming up to replace it, guys were aging out... started when Ottawa and SJ joined the league.   The iron curtain was already down, and Europe's best was already mostly in (Mogilny, Bure, Federov, Larionov, Makarov, Festisov, Selanne, Sundin or coming soon (Forsberg).    



And the one after the lockout and the adjustment period.    Dancing clowns playing 4 mins a game.   And plenty of AHLers filling NHL jobs to keep the expansion game going.     Despite the Canucks having a great stretch of hockey, it wasn't the best hockey for me.   Hope you feel better, remember 2002 well.   Was sure a lot better result then the 96 Cananda cup and first Olympics with NHLers in Nagano.    As for the hockey?   Well the Sedins almost quit before the lockout.    Ludwig and Hatchers lost their jobs ...  There was a huge quality gap, that wasn't been filled.    That's the way I see it anyways.   Iginla wasn't as good as Joe New for quite sometime after the trade.    No power forwards came out of the 2000's either.   Not like they used to be anyways.    Lidstrom couldn't win a Norris until the old guard aged out.   And the hockey was getting tamer despite the dancing bears who started to shame the sport for team honour, instead of guys who could actually play 10 minutes and not hurt the team.   No Gary Robert's, Shane Corson's, Tochetts', Neely's, Shanny, Steven's etc coming out of the minors anymore.     Iginla was one of the last ones.   Most of the stars of the 2000's, came from the 90's.    Not many guys could challenge Selanne, Alfie, Sundin, Sakic, Forsberg, Jagr etc.   St. louis? Datsyuk..  And Sid/Ovi.   It wasn't my favourite era.   Early 2000's were better,  Sakic at 37, scoring 100 after the lockout ... Zubov 71 same thing...Alfie over 100 at 34 etc.     Too many power plays.   And somewhere in there, finishing checks started to become recorded as hits.    And hits started to disappear.  


It had its moments too.   2002 actually is the line I draw in the sand for end of an era.   ANA winning a cup with a throwback team.   And us going to the final.   2001, the epitome of the COL/DET/NJ battle, 2001 and 2002 the end of an era really, for greybeard HHOFers.    Hasek, Hull,  Borque, Blake., Robataille, Yzerman, Forsberg, Al Mac, Leetch ..Was nice to see Chelios, Sakic , Alfie, Selanne and Sundin to keep going, and watch Iginla blossom....COL/DET rivalry about to end... And of course Sakics big game... without looking, wasn't it Jovo who was part of that play?   The "Golden Goal" that didn't need to be the golden goal, just the game winning one.    Those teams were stacked.    WCE was also fun, but never felt like we had much of a chance without a working second line and mediocre at best goaltending. 


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On 3/5/2024 at 6:13 PM, stawns said:


I'm not talking about that, that's a dirty hit in any era.  Just players have to battle through checks and tough defense.  You earned your offense back then

Yes.   Watching video, sometimes grainy footage of old games,  every inch of ice was a battle zone.   The games was way way different then  say when Theo Fluery played, and Toews did.   War zone.    League couldn't keep finding the guys to fill the jobs they created, the dead puck era had its moments though.    Just not really for us.   Which is too bad, showed quite a bit of promise.    Get the team was hanging on by a thread and bleeding 

money.    Would have liked to see Lindros, Forsberg and Bure's careers play out differently..the 80's was something too.  And the 90's held on as long as possible.   All-star games used to be great events.    Hedican was one of the dozen or so guys who qualified or skated a 13.5 or better lap ... players were in a completely different level of physical shape too.    TB's beach volleyball game ... yikes it was shameful.   Tochett was right to call us out. 

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