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The Sharks Could Be Open to Trading Logan Couture and Tomas Hertl

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Since taking over as GM of the San Jose Sharks last July, Mike Grier has wasted little time making significant moves to rebuild their roster.


That includes trading notable talents such as Brent Burns, Timo Meier and Erik Karlsson.


Those deals left observers wondering if Sharks captain Logan Couture and center Tomas Hertl could be next on the trade block.


On Sept. 21, Bay Area News' Curtis Pashelka reported Grier said he checks in regularly with Couture and Hertl. He indicated he'd be willing to listen to trade offers on both players if they reached the point when they wanted to be moved.

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Makes sense to me, though I would caution against getting rid of all vets on rebuilding team.


All that said, Grier's statement seems like one any GM would say about any player. If a GM wouldn't listen to trade offers when a player says they want to be moved, what kind of GM is that?

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So far it's just talk, but this is how a GM should be moving forward by selling off the most valuable assets, not just holding them until they get stale. This is what has happened throughout our GMs history. It started with Gillis, Benning, and at times, it was with JR/Allvin.


I do feel like Miller could've been traded and we'd recover picks. Instead, we traded draft picks for cap space. We were the only "retool" team that traded high draft picks away (acquiring Hronek) and we paid a premium for him.

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35 minutes ago, Pears said:

You see their contracts right? The only one who might be worthwhile is Hertl but no one's touching Couture's unless they retain quite a bit. 

Hadn't thought of that. Guess I should have checked cap friendly. But you know what I mean.

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I think they would have to retain on both players. Hertl contract takes him to 37 years old. If we bought out in the final couple years, its not a team sinker. I would be interested in a deal like: 


Van: Hertl (15% retention)

San Jose: Myers, Podz and 1st 2024


This would give us a premier top 6 center for the prime of his career, at a cap hit under 7 million. 


I think nowadays you aren't going to get crazy returns for long term contracts. You will have to take on expiring unwanted contracts in return for additional prospect/pick capital. 


Look at what we were offered for Miller last year - 2 late first round picks. Miller can get you at minimum a ppg average and is better than Hertl. 


Sharks are going to be in tough to get rid of these contracts. 


Maybe we could make an additional move that one other member suggested. 


Nash: Beauvillier, Karlsson and pick 

Van: Trenin, Carrier/Fabbro


Resign Bear in December. 



Kuz Pete Hoglander 

Miller Hertl Boeser 

Mikheyev Suter Garland

Joshua Blueger Trenin


Hughes - Bear 

Soucy - Hronek 

Cole - Carrier/Fabbro





The likelihood of this is like less than 5%. Just spit balling. 

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2 hours ago, PureQuickness said:

So far it's just talk, but this is how a GM should be moving forward by selling off the most valuable assets, not just holding them until they get stale. This is what has happened throughout our GMs history. It started with Gillis, Benning, and at times, it was with JR/Allvin.


I do feel like Miller could've been traded and we'd recover picks. Instead, we traded draft picks for cap space. We were the only "retool" team that traded high draft picks away (acquiring Hronek) and we paid a premium for him.

I don’t think you can hang players not getting traded on Gillis.  He was contending every year as a top team in the league and then fired after one bad season.  His roster was still a top ten team again the year after he was fired.


He and Gilman have also publicly reported that they wanted to make some trades to turn over some players at peak value, but were denied by ownership.

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NMC for Hertl. Enjoy having a 2 team list and trying to get fair value. Who the hell would take Couture? Yes his production is decent, but with 4 years on his deal, 8mil per, at 34 years old is not a good contract and will only get worse each year. Neither player will net much, but you can get a half way decent package for Hertl. Just not any time soon. Most every team he'd waive his NMC for is cap strapped. Just checked and Couture also has a M-NTC. According to Capfriendly his list is 3 teams. Lol. So you're not getting value for either of these guys. But I guess the goal is to just ice an AHL roster. Seen what we did with our AHL squad and felt is was a good strat for tanking I guess.

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1 hour ago, Master Mind said:

They should have traded Hertl when he was a pending UFA.


Now they'll be hard pressed to get much value from him with his contract. Same with Couture.


They should have, I do think he ends up moved though


I think Couture stays though, I think he'd be tough to move for one but I do think he's a guy they'll keep around as a cultural building block


Gotta have someone in their top six and even rebuilding teams need veterans, Couture gets a bad rap in Canuck land but they could certainly do worse 

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A team like Boston should look to get Hertl. Top 6 center at about 30. If they are re-tooling he could be a good target. Maybe give up a 1st and a prospect to pull him, but it may cost more than that. 


For Van I'm not sure the fit. If they would retain a little then something might be able to be worked out. We love trading our 1st (which is fairly valuable around the league based on how bad we are viewed) then toss in 1-2 prospects. Not a young guy though so I'd rather they didn't and instead focus on the group here and if we're to add look for 26 and younger.

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8 hours ago, Provost said:

I don’t think you can hang players not getting traded on Gillis.  He was contending every year as a top team in the league and then fired after one bad season.  His roster was still a top ten team again the year after he was fired.


He and Gilman have also publicly reported that they wanted to make some trades to turn over some players at peak value, but were denied by ownership.

He built those teams that were contending?


His roster??? HIS????? Gillis???? Are you serious????

Lets look at the 2014-15 team. I’m not going to fully divulge that entire roster, but just the main pieces. Lets see this team “he built”

Sedins - Burke

Burrows - Burke

Bieksa - Burke

Edler - Nonis

Hansen - Nonis

Vrbata - Benning

Dorsett - Benning

Bonino - Benning

Miller - Benning

Sbisa - Benning


now lets look at “his” roster that was a top 10

Hamhuis - okay not bad, but past his prime and declining. A free acquisition that wanted to play for his home town team. Not hard to pull that one off.

Richardson - bottom 6

Kassian - lol

Weber - thats Yannick not Shea

Matthias - softer than melted butter

Lack - woopty doo


Mike Gillis was good at trading away the future, handing out NMC and NTCs and signing some guys who wanted to play in Vancouver. His trades were crap, his drafting was basically non-existent and when push came to shove, he’s the GM and needs to sell his plan to the owner.

Gillis is the most overrated GM. Its no secret why he hasnt been able to get back into the league. Burnt bridges, made a mess of things and couldnt draft/build a team. 


His impact on 2010-11 was nowhere near as impactful as Burke and Nonis, these guys built the 2010-11 team, Gillass just put them over the top, which by no means do I blame him at all for the mess he created, other than the fact he and Nonis (minus 1 draft each) sucks ass at drafting. He did sell the future to achieve the ultimate goal, but we got as close as possible and after that time really began to tick.


Edited by AnthonyG
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1 hour ago, AnthonyG said:

He built those teams that were contending?


His roster??? HIS????? Gillis???? Are you serious????

Lets look at the 2014-15 team. I’m not going to fully divulge that entire roster, but just the main pieces. Lets see this team “he built”

Sedins - Burke

Burrows - Burke

Bieksa - Burke

Edler - Nonis

Hansen - Nonis

Vrbata - Benning

Dorsett - Benning

Bonino - Benning

Miller - Benning

Sbisa - Benning


now lets look at “his” roster that was a top 10

Hamhuis - okay not bad, but past his prime and declining. A free acquisition that wanted to play for his home town team. Not hard to pull that one off.

Richardson - bottom 6

Kassian - lol

Weber - thats Yannick not Shea

Matthias - softer than melted butter

Lack - woopty doo


Mike Gillis was good at trading away the future, handing out NMC and NTCs and signing some guys who wanted to play in Vancouver. His trades were crap, his drafting was basically non-existent and when push came to shove, he’s the GM and needs to sell his plan to the owner.

Gillis is the most overrated GM. Its no secret why he hasnt been able to get back into the league. Burnt bridges, made a mess of things and couldnt draft/build a team. 


His impact on 2010-11 was nowhere near as impactful as Burke and Nonis, these guys built the 2010-11 team, Gillass just put them over the top, which by no means do I blame him at all for the mess he created, other than the fact he and Nonis (minus 1 draft each) sucks ass at drafting. He did sell the future to achieve the ultimate goal, but we got as close as possible and after that time really began to tick.


Effectively all those “Burke” players were on contracts signed by Gillis, same as in the peak President’s Trophy years.


So ya, it was his roster.  Same as JT Miller is now a Rutherford/Allvin player on this roster.  They decided to re-sign him and allocate the cap to him… he is part the team they are deciding to build.


It doesn’t matter who drafted him or who traded him.


PS.  Eddie Lack player half that season and had a better save percentage than Ryan Miller did.


PPS.  Go to bed Weisbrod and stop

trolling forums just because you can’t find a job.



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1 hour ago, Provost said:

Effectively all those “Burke” players were on contracts signed by Gillis, same as in the peak President’s Trophy years.


So ya, it was his roster.  Same as JT Miller is now a Rutherford/Allvin player on this roster.  They decided to re-sign him and allocate the cap to him… he is part the team they are deciding to build.


It doesn’t matter who drafted him or who traded him.


PS.  Eddie Lack player half that season and had a better save percentage than Ryan Miller did.


PPS.  Go to bed Weisbrod and stop

trolling forums just because you can’t find a job.





Lmfao do you think before you type?

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2 hours ago, AnthonyG said:

He built those teams that were contending?


His roster??? HIS????? Gillis???? Are you serious????

Lets look at the 2014-15 team. I’m not going to fully divulge that entire roster, but just the main pieces. Lets see this team “he built”

Sedins - Burke

Burrows - Burke

Bieksa - Burke

Edler - Nonis

Hansen - Nonis

Vrbata - Benning

Dorsett - Benning

Bonino - Benning

Miller - Benning

Sbisa - Benning


now lets look at “his” roster that was a top 10

Hamhuis - okay not bad, but past his prime and declining. A free acquisition that wanted to play for his home town team. Not hard to pull that one off.

Richardson - bottom 6

Kassian - lol

Weber - thats Yannick not Shea

Matthias - softer than melted butter

Lack - woopty doo


Mike Gillis was good at trading away the future, handing out NMC and NTCs and signing some guys who wanted to play in Vancouver. His trades were crap, his drafting was basically non-existent and when push came to shove, he’s the GM and needs to sell his plan to the owner.

Gillis is the most overrated GM. Its no secret why he hasnt been able to get back into the league. Burnt bridges, made a mess of things and couldnt draft/build a team. 


His impact on 2010-11 was nowhere near as impactful as Burke and Nonis, these guys built the 2010-11 team, Gillass just put them over the top, which by no means do I blame him at all for the mess he created, other than the fact he and Nonis (minus 1 draft each) sucks ass at drafting. He did sell the future to achieve the ultimate goal, but we got as close as possible and after that time really began to tick.


Touting Dorsett and Sbisa as "main pieces" but leaving Tanev completely out is hilarious. Then saying that Hamhuis was a "free acquisition" and "not hard to pull that one off". None of Benning's pieces that you listed were "hard to pull off".


But these points are lost on you as your posting history indicates you worship at the altar of Jim Benning. I have never seen someone fanboy this hard over an utter failure of a GM. That moron that you keep defending shit all over himself and this team and left a mess for the next guy to clean up. I am sure in response I am just going to get some nonsense about Gillis despite Benning having 8 years and accomplishing squat.

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18 minutes ago, Riddikulus said:

Touting Dorsett and Sbisa as "main pieces" but leaving Tanev completely out is hilarious. Then saying that Hamhuis was a "free acquisition" and "not hard to pull that one off". None of Benning's pieces that you listed were "hard to pull off".


But these points are lost on you as your posting history indicates you worship at the altar of Jim Benning. I have never seen someone fanboy this hard over an utter failure of a GM. That moron that you keep defending shit all over himself and this team and left a mess for the next guy to clean up. I am sure in response I am just going to get some nonsense about Gillis despite Benning having 8 years and accomplishing squat.

Losing Tanev was (maybe?) Benning biggest blunder, and he had many. The perfect partner for Hughes and Benning screwed it up. 

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5 hours ago, AnthonyG said:

He built those teams that were contending?


His roster??? HIS????? Gillis???? Are you serious????

Lets look at the 2014-15 team. I’m not going to fully divulge that entire roster, but just the main pieces. Lets see this team “he built”

Sedins - Burke

Burrows - Burke

Bieksa - Burke

Edler - Nonis

Hansen - Nonis

Vrbata - Benning

Dorsett - Benning

Bonino - Benning

Miller - Benning

Sbisa - Benning


now lets look at “his” roster that was a top 10

Hamhuis - okay not bad, but past his prime and declining. A free acquisition that wanted to play for his home town team. Not hard to pull that one off.

Richardson - bottom 6

Kassian - lol

Weber - thats Yannick not Shea

Matthias - softer than melted butter

Lack - woopty doo


Mike Gillis was good at trading away the future, handing out NMC and NTCs and signing some guys who wanted to play in Vancouver. His trades were crap, his drafting was basically non-existent and when push came to shove, he’s the GM and needs to sell his plan to the owner.

Gillis is the most overrated GM. Its no secret why he hasnt been able to get back into the league. Burnt bridges, made a mess of things and couldnt draft/build a team. 


His impact on 2010-11 was nowhere near as impactful as Burke and Nonis, these guys built the 2010-11 team, Gillass just put them over the top, which by no means do I blame him at all for the mess he created, other than the fact he and Nonis (minus 1 draft each) sucks ass at drafting. He did sell the future to achieve the ultimate goal, but we got as close as possible and after that time really began to tick.


Burke…amongst the greatest Canucks’ GM’s of all time. 

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5 hours ago, AnthonyG said:

He built those teams that were contending?


His roster??? HIS????? Gillis???? Are you serious????

Lets look at the 2014-15 team. I’m not going to fully divulge that entire roster, but just the main pieces. Lets see this team “he built”

Sedins - Burke

Burrows - Burke

Bieksa - Burke

Edler - Nonis

Hansen - Nonis

Vrbata - Benning

Dorsett - Benning

Bonino - Benning

Miller - Benning

Sbisa - Benning


now lets look at “his” roster that was a top 10

Hamhuis - okay not bad, but past his prime and declining. A free acquisition that wanted to play for his home town team. Not hard to pull that one off.

Richardson - bottom 6

Kassian - lol

Weber - thats Yannick not Shea

Matthias - softer than melted butter

Lack - woopty doo


Mike Gillis was good at trading away the future, handing out NMC and NTCs and signing some guys who wanted to play in Vancouver. His trades were crap, his drafting was basically non-existent and when push came to shove, he’s the GM and needs to sell his plan to the owner.

Gillis is the most overrated GM. Its no secret why he hasnt been able to get back into the league. Burnt bridges, made a mess of things and couldnt draft/build a team. 


His impact on 2010-11 was nowhere near as impactful as Burke and Nonis, these guys built the 2010-11 team, Gillass just put them over the top, which by no means do I blame him at all for the mess he created, other than the fact he and Nonis (minus 1 draft each) sucks ass at drafting. He did sell the future to achieve the ultimate goal, but we got as close as possible and after that time really began to tick.


Yeoman’s work right here. 

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