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[Article] ‘Mistakes upon mistakes’: Jannik Hansen slams Tyler Myers’ performance against Lightning


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‘Mistakes upon mistakes’: Jannik Hansen slams Tyler Myers’ performance against Lightning


By Mike Gould

3 hours ago

Jannik Hansen didn’t mince words during his latest appearance on Sportsnet 650 when discussing Tyler Myers’ performance against the Tampa Bay Lightning on Thursday.
Hansen, who spent a decade playing with the Canucks, has become a more regular guest on the radio station in recent years, often sharing his honest, unfiltered opinions — positive and negative — about the team’s performance.
In conversation with Dan Riccio and Satiar Shar on Friday’s edition of Canucks Central, Hansen skewed considerably more to the negative when talking about Myers.
Myers scored his first goal of the season in the 4–3 loss to the Lightning, but he also made a series of gaffes which resulted in a pair of goals against.
There was the inexplicable pass up the left side of the defensive zone onto the tape of Lightning forward Nick Paul, who scored Tampa’s first goal of the game seconds later.

Then, there was the moment he inadvertently tackled Elias Pettersson — this time, on the right side of the defensive zone — allowing Paul to set up Nikita Kucherov for the eventual game-winning tally.


Myers giveth, and Myers taketh. To hear Hansen tell it, enough is enough:


Jannik Hansen: I know a lot of people were riding [Myers] for that pass he tried to make to the centre. There’s a lot of issues with it […] But him barrelling out and taking out Petey, I think it is — that just sums up Tyler Myers in one picture right now. It’s just mistakes upon mistakes that just ends up in the back of your net. Because I’m sure he’s got the best intentions of going out there, pinching a Tampa player, clearing the puck, but instead he goes out there and he takes his own guy out, and they go back the other way and it’s a 4-on-2 in front of the net and they put it in the back of the net. It’s those little mistakes, but right now, for some reason with Tyler Myers, it just happens more often, if you will. He’s stood out. Against Tampa, those two were blatant, but there’s instances in the second Edmonton game, in the Philly game, where whether it’s lazy or these penalties that you hate them taking. It’s too many mistakes on one player where it’s hard not single him out. I hate to do it, because obviously he’s trying his best, he wants to win, too. He hates us talking about him like this, too, I’m sure. It’s not like he wakes up in the morning and says, ‘How do I piss off Vancouver media today.’



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So the team has paid the bulk of the cash to Myers already, and he will earn another 1m in actual pay for the remainder of the year: So the cost is kind of the same if we send him down via waivers, and call up a guy at around a million dollar salary. Maybe he is picked up on waivers and solves the issue, mind you with nothing coming back to us in the transaction, and maybe he just finishes his contract in Abby. I haven't liked him for the Canucks for several years and the reasons why seem to be more frequent and expanding. I wonder if that would also help our cap situation? I forget any burried cap stuff if he were to clear waivers?

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14 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

I loved Hansen as a player but he needs to STFU.  


What's the point of ragging on a guy that's already feeling down?  (Myers).  


Positive reinforcement + positive encouragement.  Let's help these guys when they're feeling down in the dumps.  


The amount of pressure that players in a Canadian market face is just insane......and it does the player absolutely no favours when everyone in the city is slamming the guy.   BTW, I'm not a huge fan of Thomas Drance but even Drancer pointed out that Myers' underlying numbers and stats were much better than that game indicated.  


Give guys like Myers and Garland a f'cking break for Christ sakes.  


Keep all the negative shit to 2022/2023.........because being so negative last season worked so well for us right?   Jesus......

Myers probably thinks he's doing just fine, that's how dumb he is

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12 minutes ago, HorvatToBaertschi said:

Myers probably thinks he's doing just fine, that's how dumb he is

Well his answers seem to suggest that. Trying to explain that pass to the Tampa player was cringe. No accountability or him saying, I screwed up. No excuses. I need to be better. That's all fans want to hear but he also has to change his play. Feels like no matter the mistakes, he doesn't really get punished. Why would he change?

Edited by Canuckfanforlife82
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27 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

So the team has paid the bulk of the cash to Myers already, and he will earn another 1m in actual pay for the remainder of the year: So the cost is kind of the same if we send him down via waivers, and call up a guy at around a million dollar salary. Maybe he is picked up on waivers and solves the issue, mind you with nothing coming back to us in the transaction, and maybe he just finishes his contract in Abby. I haven't liked him for the Canucks for several years and the reasons why seem to be more frequent and expanding. I wonder if that would also help our cap situation? I forget any burried cap stuff if he were to clear waivers?

Unlikely at this time of the year (most playoff teams are pretty much close to the cap).  Around the trade deadline and/or a team with multiple injuries on their blueline might gamble on his though.

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26 minutes ago, -dlc- said:

Although I tend to agree with you and really want to shed the negativity (my God, the JT stuff was painful), players also aren't immune from it. You have to have a thick outer skin, especially playing in a market like Vancouver.


Many Canucks have been put through a bit of a grinder at times...and they've done just fine. It's a matter of using criticism to be better...not wallowing in it or being defensive. Which I'm not suggesting Myers is doing.


I like him and am pulling for him to get past this stuff. He's not all bad but at a time when we really need to generate some wins/points to not let things slide again, he's not helping with that. And  should be.


Sure, everyone has moments and everyone makes mistakes...but his are stringing together and that's concerning. He has to focus better...the dogpile on Petey could;'ve actually hurt him! 


Honey badger calls it like he sees it and I do respect that. Everyone on the team has to be accountable and we count on Myers as a top (?) defender. Let's hope he gathers himself and gets it together to become more of an asset rather than a liability.


Fans here will not accept another huge hole that puts us out of contention. And we're nervous when losses start accumulating...nip it in the bud. Yes, even me....the biggest homer. Not only does the team deserve a playoff run, the fans really do. And good and bad habits have to be addressed early on, not when there's a final push to try to get there. Myers is doing some boneheaded stuff and so it's hard not to notice.

Maybe the coach will make him a healthy scratch to reinforce the message. I wonder if he some of the sloppy play is to scuttle any other team wanting him? probably not, but it crossed my mind. 

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43 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Well his answers seem to suggest that. Trying to explain that pass to the Tampa player was cringe. No accountability or him saying, I screwed up. No excuses. I need to be better. That's all fans want to hear but he also has to change his play. Feels like no matter the mistakes, he doesn't really get punished. Why would he change?

And somehow, after 4 years of this kind of level of play (he was fine during the COVID 56 game year imo), he's still never been healthy scratched. How are you supposed to make him accountable when we've never disciplined him, even during rebuilding years. 

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11 minutes ago, HorvatToBaertschi said:

And somehow, after 4 years of this kind of level of play (he was fine during the COVID 56 game year imo), he's still never been healthy scratched. How are you supposed to make him accountable when we've never disciplined him, even during rebuilding years. 

Ya, I am not sure why there is fear there to do something? It is deserved. Leaving him alone sure hasn't worked.

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3 hours ago, BabychStache said:

Problem is that management still hasn't found a better replacement. Like it or not, he's one of the best RHD options right now for the team. 

Yup. It’s the RHD shortage. Playing with a plethora of lefties was tried in vain…& no longer an option.  


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1 hour ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

I loved Hansen as a player but he needs to STFU.  


What's the point of ragging on a guy that's already feeling down?  (Myers).  


Positive reinforcement + positive encouragement.  Let's help these guys when they're feeling down in the dumps.  


The amount of pressure that players in a Canadian market face is just insane......and it does the player absolutely no favours when everyone in the city is slamming the guy.   BTW, I'm not a huge fan of Thomas Drance but even Drancer pointed out that Myers' underlying numbers and stats were much better than that game indicated.  


Give guys like Myers and Garland a f'cking break for Christ sakes.  


Keep all the negative shit to 2022/2023.........because being so negative last season worked so well for us right?   Jesus......

No Hansen is right. 

And we’ve given Myers and Garland a couple of breaks now. It’s been going on for 5 years with Myers and 3 with Garland. How many “breaks” do they need when they’ve shown consistently how brutal they’ve been? We’ve lost games as a direct result to Myers and to a lower extent Garland and his selfish, puck hogging solo dashes he does that don’t amount to anything.


This is nothing new. Canucks fans are tired dude. We’ve pissed this decade away with constant mistakes upon mistakes upon mistakes. We have a right to be highly critical until we actually see progress. 

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1 hour ago, HorvatToBaertschi said:

Myers probably thinks he's doing just fine, that's how dumb he is


Having a low hockey IQ doesn't make him "dumb".


He seems to get flustered when the pace becomes frantic and that's when he makes mistakes.

He is better suited to 3rd pairing duties where the competition is slower and the toi is far less.






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9 minutes ago, higgyfan said:


Having a low hockey IQ doesn't make him "dumb".


He seems to get flustered when the pace becomes frantic and that's when he makes mistakes.

He is better suited to 3rd pairing duties where the competition is slower and the toi is far less.






I'm sorry but I maxed out at rep B, as a defensive winger... and I know the following;


- Don't blast a shot on my star players

- Don't tackle my star players

- Don't put the puck in front of my goalie, ESPECIALLY if no one is there

- If 3 opposing players are on the boards and you have time shorthanded, rip it down the middle


He's a dumb human who's great at hockey and made a career in the greatest league on earth. Unfortunately, at this point, his stupidity ALONE is costing his team points in the standings. 


He's getting tons of flack for the Tampa game, but don't you worry that I've seen it every single game so far as well. I remember Pettersson visibly being frustrated at his decision making during the Philly game as well. A good example that you can find in that game is a simple breakout, Pettersson is flying down the left wing, calling for a pass. Myers shrugs him off, blasts the puck for icing, as they skate back, Pettersson slams his stick in disbelief. Pay close attention to our forward's body language after a Myers play. It says it all. He's too dumb to play, he needs to be in the press box to light a fire under him. Problem is, when he gets a fire lit under him, he tends to overcompensate and try more things, which usually are even more dumb. It's the inifinite stupidity loop that is the chaos giraffe. 

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1 hour ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

I loved Hansen as a player but he needs to STFU.  


What's the point of ragging on a guy that's already feeling down?  (Myers).  


Positive reinforcement + positive encouragement.  Let's help these guys when they're feeling down in the dumps.  


The amount of pressure that players in a Canadian market face is just insane......and it does the player absolutely no favours when everyone in the city is slamming the guy.   BTW, I'm not a huge fan of Thomas Drance but even Drancer pointed out that Myers' underlying numbers and stats were much better than that game indicated.  


Give guys like Myers and Garland a f'cking break for Christ sakes.  


Keep all the negative shit to 2022/2023.........because being so negative last season worked so well for us right?   Jesus......


Based on your reaction ... I think he can fit as a Canucks analyst perfectly. 


Two points

Hansen was just being honest. What was he going to say? Myers' performance is just fine? 

As for playing in a Canadian market. I said it before and said it again. "Boo Hoo" sorry media pressure comes with being an athlete in the big leagues. Why is media and market pressure a problem only for hockey players and not Basketball and even Baseball players that have no problem playing in big markets where the media pressure is on them? 

Edited by iinatcc
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2 minutes ago, iinatcc said:


Based on your reaction ... I think he can fit as a Canucks analyst perfectly. 


Two points

Hansen was just being honest. What was he going to say? Myers' performance is just fine? 

As for playing in a Canadian market. I said it before and said it again. "Boo Hoo" sorry media pressure comes with being an athlete in the big leagues. Why is media and market pressure a problem only for hockey players and not Basketball and even Baseball players that have no problem playing in big markets where the media pressure is on them? 

Not only that, it seems as if players in basketball and baseball want to play in big markets unlike NHL players who are afraid of Canadian teams.

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As someone said the Canucks have no options but to call a RD up from Abby or play the guy they are sitting out. Ideally he plays 3 RD and they build some value into him for a TLD. If Myers was a tad more physical it might help. When he drilled Petey with that slapper I had to stop watching. 

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14 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

As someone said the Canucks have no options but to call a RD up from Abby or play the guy they are sitting out. Ideally he plays 3 RD and they build some value into him for a TLD. If Myers was a tad more physical it might help. When he drilled Petey with that slapper I had to stop watching. 

And EP’s response to that event said all you need to know. Complete and utter frustration with 57

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1 hour ago, iinatcc said:


Based on your reaction ... I think he can fit as a Canucks analyst perfectly. 


Two points

Hansen was just being honest. What was he going to say? Myers' performance is just fine? 

As for playing in a Canadian market. I said it before and said it again. "Boo Hoo" sorry media pressure comes with being an athlete in the big leagues. Why is media and market pressure a problem only for hockey players and not Basketball and even Baseball players that have no problem playing in big markets where the media pressure is on them? 

Most big markets have multiple major league teams not to mention college sports which are also quite popular in the US, there isn't a singular focus on one team like there is here in Canada. I still disagree with the poster you quoted, if anyone has earned the right to express his opinion its Hansen. He played hard, put the team first and wasn't a liability on a team that was actually successful. To add to that he sounds like he genuinely cares about the performance of this team and isn't trying to further his media career by trashing the players and organization. Its ironic that posters that want people to "STFU" for expressing their opinions are out here posting their own.

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