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Nikita Zadorov | #91 | LD/RD


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For the price, this is a great acquisition.


Zadorov adds big time team toughness and physicality.


He is probably not top pairing, (unless Goncharev works his magic) but optimally could be a #4 with some pointed coaching.


At worst, he is a solid #5.


We need players like this to go deep in the playoffs... the size issues the team currently has needed addressing... this is a big step.


As much as I love Nikita Tryamkin, I think the chances of him returning as a Canuck are now pretty much zero.

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5 minutes ago, -Buzzsaw- said:

For the price, this is a great acquisition.


Zadorov adds big time team toughness and physicality.


He is probably not top pairing, (unless Goncharev works his magic) but optimally could be a #4 with some pointed coaching.


At worst, he is a solid #5.


We need players like this to go deep in the playoffs... the size issues the team currently has needed addressing... this is a big step.


As much as I love Nikita Tryamkin, I think the chances of him returning as a Canuck are now pretty much zero.

So basically he's like Tryamkin only that he could actually play at the NHL level.🥸

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The only issue regarding big Z is that he tends to head hunt a bit too much.


But I expect Goncharev and Foote to lay down the law and tell him... '...be physical, but don't get yourself in trouble and don't get out of position.'


He has a definite reputation, and a lot of players start to get wobbly knees when they see him start to line them up.


If he can use his reputation, and also make some timely hits, as well as being the bogeyman who will stop other other team's players from targeting Hughes/EP/Hronek, then he will be worthwhile.

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6 hours ago, -AJ- said:

Some info I've found on our new big man:


- TOI recently suggests he's a #5 who can step into the 2nd pairing at times

- Quite heavy on the OZS% since 2022-2023 at 61%

- Can expect 20-25 points if he's used as offensively as he was in Calgary--otherwise, expect less than 20 points a year

- High hit frequency (and force) at over 2 per game

- Surprisingly low block frequency for such a big player at less than one per game

- Mediocre giveaway/takeaway ratio

- Takes more penalties than he draws. This is normal for a defenseman, but numbers suggest he's a bit worse at this than the average Flames defenseman, but this may just account for him being the physical style of defenseman.

- A regular on PK2 for the Flames with decent results

- Spot duty on the PP, but not a regular

- High Corsi at 59.0%, but again, his OZS% is 61%, so that will boost his numbers


Overall, my estimation is that he's probably overpaid for what he brings, but nonetheless, what we paid for him was fairly cheap and his contract is over soon, so I don't mind the trade. He should be better than our current extra soldiers (Juulsen, Friedman, McWard, etc). My guess is he's probably a lot like Myers with maybe a bit less chaos.

A cheaper and more physical Myers, with a bit less offense, is pretty much what I'm expecting. Hopefully he will be a bit better defensively as well.

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I love the acquisition, he is exactly what we need for the playoffs. The only concern I have is that Buttman's minions do not like our team playing physically. I can still remember our last playoffs, when Myers was our only physical Dman and took a "too much man" penalty every second hit. And that road trip years ago when our team was being consistently bullied by the California teams, so our coach told the team to push back. And we spent half the road trip playing 3 on 5.

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12 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Hopefully, this guy brings all the qualities some people wanted in Tryamkin. Even better, this guy is actually ah NHL player.

He's going to have great defense coaches to learn from too. Who knows, maybe he'll hit a new plateau here, and even if he doesn't, he fills a need this team has had for some time. 

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Hope he plays right away against Calgary and destroys Kadri. He can make mistakes and risky hits at times but I think that's why pairing him with Cole makes sense - a true, safe stay at home defenceman. That's one heck of a physical shutdown pairing. We're quickly becoming a very tough defence to play against.


If we want to have some fun we could roll two tandem pairs like this

Hughes - Cole
Zadorov - Hronek


Would be really hard to shutdown two PMD-DD pairings

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  • Jess changed the title to Nikita Zadorov | #91 | LD/RD
7 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:


What are your thoughts on Zadorov?  
I only ask because you and I were on the same page 99% of the time on CDC, with my old username. 
I love oldschool smashers like Big Z.  
Im excited for his Stevens’’esq hitting on our blueline

Nothing I love more than a big mean defender. They completely change the opposing team’s game plan. Zadorov gets meov 

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From the article this guy seems pretty smart and has got some confidence. His size and being known to be a hard hitting D will definetly be a boost. my concern movin forward is if we lack some skill.....a Bear type of player would be a nice piece....





Myers odd man out?


in a better world....i wouldnt mind 2nd pair Cole-Tanev and Soucy-Zadorov as third....


that looks pretty good on paper, but still remains to be seen wether or not this is the way to go....sometimes things just gets overcomplicated so im hopin for some chemistry and a good mix of speed and skill vs size and strength.

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36 minutes ago, Mrwipeout said:

From the article this guy seems pretty smart and has got some confidence. His size and being known to be a hard hitting D will definetly be a boost. my concern movin forward is if we lack some skill.....a Bear type of player would be a nice piece....





Myers odd man out?


in a better world....i wouldnt mind 2nd pair Cole-Tanev and Soucy-Zadorov as third....


that looks pretty good on paper, but still remains to be seen wether or not this is the way to go....sometimes things just gets overcomplicated so im hopin for some chemistry and a good mix of speed and skill vs size and strength.

IMHO Soucy, Meyers and Zadorov are all 4/5 d-men. Cole & Bear are 5/6 d-men. Bear would be a decent bottom pairing guy for a regular season slot but I have doubts about him as a playoff d-man. I suspect he will get offers on both CAP and duration that the Canucks should/will not meet. 


A question might be how much this existing group can grow thru until the TDL. My afore mentioned 4/5 d-men can compete to nail down 2nd pairing roles. I can see;


QH - Hronek

Cole - Meyers

Zadorov - Juulson/Friedman



QH - Hronek

Soucy - Meyers

Cole - Juulson



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