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Messier says Canucks positioned to win Cup in Q&A with NHL.com

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52 minutes ago, Dumb Nuck said:

So if we win it he’ll be all smug, if it happens don’t know if I’ll celebrate or cry now.


What a freakin’ mess.


and later find out he bet 100K on them to win the cup..........during the preseason.  

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8 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

You too refuse to eat Lay's Chips to this day as well?😉

That and Subway.  Also won't do business with Rogers.  When the time finally comes, I'll make sure to hydrate well before visiting his tombstone.

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10 hours ago, thesauce said:

Yeah we still hate you. Thanks though.


Messier was one if the best players in the NHL. That doesn't get erased because he signed a major contract in Vancouver and played less involved on the ice in the twilight of his career. 


He was a major win for the team and the development of some of those young Canucks.


Linden was a great leader in Vancouver, saw the team bring in one of the greatest leaders in the game and made a call on relinquishing his Captaincy, a mistake on Linden's part.


Keenan pushed Linden out literally. Not Messier.


The late Wayne Maki having his number used? Well that is the unfortunate part but in the end money talks ( I have long argued that numbers should stay in circulation, yes hang a Smyl jersey from the rafters, retire Smyl 12 but keep the numbers in circulation ).


Messier was not all bad and its a tiresome argument or narrative to carry forward. You just need to ask NHL people who worked with or played with him in Vancouver to know he had value and helped this franchise. Its ok to not like him, but its getting old.


Its the same as Marchand haters or people who think the Bruins and their fans are garbage or classless. Not the case, again tiresome.


Move on.

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2 hours ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:

The late Wayne Maki having his number used? Well that is the unfortunate part but in the end money talks ( I have long argued that numbers should stay in circulation, yes hang a Smyl jersey from the rafters, retire Smyl 12 but keep the numbers in circulation ).

This is the way.

(Also proven to work by the Montreal Canadiens for, what?, 100 years?)

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4 hours ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:


Messier was one if the best players in the NHL. That doesn't get erased because he signed a major contract in Vancouver and played less involved on the ice in the twilight of his career. 


He was a major win for the team and the development of some of those young Canucks.


Linden was a great leader in Vancouver, saw the team bring in one of the greatest leaders in the game and made a call on relinquishing his Captaincy, a mistake on Linden's part.


Keenan pushed Linden out literally. Not Messier.


The late Wayne Maki having his number used? Well that is the unfortunate part but in the end money talks ( I have long argued that numbers should stay in circulation, yes hang a Smyl jersey from the rafters, retire Smyl 12 but keep the numbers in circulation ).


Messier was not all bad and its a tiresome argument or narrative to carry forward. You just need to ask NHL people who worked with or played with him in Vancouver to know he had value and helped this franchise. Its ok to not like him, but its getting old.


Its the same as Marchand haters or people who think the Bruins and their fans are garbage or classless. Not the case, again tiresome.


Move on.

First off:  Thank you holy one, for giving us your permission, to win thy holy grail. 


That was my first reaction when seeing this somewhere else a few days ago. 


Personally think it's ok to forgive and forget, when you're ready.    Even though the fans in NYR still chant Potvin sucks when NYI are in town, it's changed from pure hate to edgy playfull banter over the years.    They don't hate him anymore ... once a battery whizzed by his ear, close enough to feel almost feel it, during his playing days, there was a time he was worried for his life  "what if that was a truck battery lobbed deon the nosebleeds?" 


One thing that comes up with rainbows and unicorns, is Sundin's half season with the Canucks, and how that helped the Sedins in the playoffs.    "just treat them like regular season games, and you will do fine"   ...somehow helped them explode.    Messier played with Naslund on the same line.   For 3 years.    And over and over again, he said that Messier was a big part of his success...not just one side comment, about Sundin, that somehow went from "like the regular season" to he's got the hand of god, and touched Kesler, the Sedins, Burrows, Bieksa and they all became core players with some high pitched trumpeted music and angels singing in the back ground.    The hero worship .. a tad over the top,  but to each their own. 


In reality,  Messier's first year the team imploded.    Linden was traded (which became the best trade tree in club history, and possibly the best in league history, it didn't end until Markstrom signed in CAL),  and those loyal to him sent packing.    Keenan wasn't fun to look at behind the bench.   Team went from winning a revenge series against a loaded St. Louis team with Keenan, to Rick Ley and Quin taking over again, to Keenan ... yikes.   And Renney yikes.     It was a dark time for sure.   Bure wouldn't sign.  So was traded for at the time sure felt like underwhelming return (Hedican wasn't chump change either),  the team just entering its prime finally got its second line center ... and blammo!   


Reason to hate the guy (94).   Don't think anyone could have predicted it going so poorly.   If only he'd just fell in line behind and supported Linden, and did up to then, even in the dead puck era, close to 50 goals and 90-100 points a season.. he likely wouldn't have broke his leg trying too hard at one point and maybe that team could have won a cup.   


Didn't dislike Messier coming to town originally, we missed Ronning the year prior.    It would be like us getting within a goal from the cup this year, then a year later (because all these guys were just entering their primes), some bozzo we hate joins the team, and right away Miller, Brock, Joshua and Demko say fuck this and leave.   QHs and EP say adios too.   It's not like he was Marchand.   Would be a lot more like getting Bergeron at 36. 


Those pieces went on to give us the best stretch of regular seasons, a few short years later, and some playoff memories.    15 years of them.    If we are being honest, that's what happened.   And we did get Linden back four years later to boot. 


Also watch every single 89-90 playoff game.   For some of us older folks,  it went from at least respecting Messier a lot, was a heck of a hockey player, to facing him in 94 and those emotions, to pure hate.    Wasn't a lot of big feelings, for sure.   Keenan was insufferable.    And Messier shouldn't have ever been allowed to take the C.    Part of signing him, should have been take the A, and change the number.   Something tells me, Gretzky's leadership would have been a lot better, he would have taken the A.   Only wore the C when Leetch was injured.   Personally feel ownership had everything to do with this, that Orca entertainment a-hole.   Necessary to keep the team in Vancouver maybe.    It was a tough time to be a fan. 

Edited by IBatch
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