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(Discussion) The Swede Line

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Hoglander Lindholm Pettersson

Suter Miller Boeser 

Joshua Blueger Garland

Mikheyev Aman Lafferty 


Hoglander has impressive skill, we have all seen it. He's earned himself a spot on Tocchets team. He worked hard the last couple seasons on cleaning up mistakes. He is getting rewarded on the 4th line because of it however I think we would be a good fit with Pettersson and Lindholm. He works hard to forecheck, win the little puck battles. When hes on the ice he infuriates the other players and this would take attention away from Pettersson and Lindholm. He makes other players take penalties and he can still punish people with cocky hockey moves. 


Not to mention him and Pettersson are buddies and the 3 of them could shout hockey plays in Swedish and the other team wouldn't know whats happening unless they spoke the language. 


Mikheyev on the 4th line kind of works too. He can generate offence and play a strong north south game. I kept Suter on the second because I think he is a better play maker and set up man. 

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2 hours ago, Rypien-Punch said:

Hoglander Lindholm Pettersson

Suter Miller Boeser 

Joshua Blueger Garland

Mikheyev Aman Lafferty 


Hoglander has impressive skill, we have all seen it. He's earned himself a spot on Tocchets team. He worked hard the last couple seasons on cleaning up mistakes. He is getting rewarded on the 4th line because of it however I think we would be a good fit with Pettersson and Lindholm. He works hard to forecheck, win the little puck battles. When hes on the ice he infuriates the other players and this would take attention away from Pettersson and Lindholm. He makes other players take penalties and he can still punish people with cocky hockey moves. 


Not to mention him and Pettersson are buddies and the 3 of them could shout hockey plays in Swedish and the other team wouldn't know whats happening unless they spoke the language. 


Mikheyev on the 4th line kind of works too. He can generate offence and play a strong north south game. I kept Suter on the second because I think he is a better play maker and set up man. 


The type of code-switching you're thinking of is almost impossible on-ice.  It's one thing if all five players on the ice are Swedish, but there is very little one can do to try and trick opponents like that.  What they can do is discuss tactics on the bench or between faceoffs.  But doing so doesn't really provide any benefit during play.  Even Andrei Kuzmenko could get his point across with his broken English.



Here is Kuzmenko and Beauvillier discussing tactics on the bench.  There really isn't much you can talk about ON the ice during play.  I'll also post a video of Quinn Hughes.  The type of communication he does during play is super simple.




Edited by Miss Korea
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Being a past multiple long roof owner and fan I frequented a few forums, one being "Swedespeed".

Maybe Hog...EP...EL together can find a Scandinavian chemistry?

Alternatively EP...EL...Mik surely make a kick ass shutdown line!   GCG  

Edited by Catman
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Not sure Höglander will be a top 6 player. But I’m real excited about when Lekkerimäki arrives. 

Pettersson     Lindholm     Lekkerimäki


Now THAT is going to be ultimate Swedish line. 

I have a feeling we will be re-signing Lindholm this summer. We gave up too much just for him to be a rental. JR doesn’t just want one cup in Vancouver. He wants 2 or 3. 

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The Lotto line weren't very good in the last few games apart from on the PP so I'd like to see Petey start with Lindholm in Carolina. As for their winger, Mikheyev makes the most sense due to his speed and size but Hoglander is a bit harder-working, less skilled/big but I think would be just as good a fit. Suter on Miller/Boeser's wing worked well in the past too or they could take Mikheyev.


Lots of options going forward. If the Lotto line stay together then you know we'll just end up rotating Mikheyev, Garland, Suter and Hoglander around Lindholm.

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36 minutes ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

The Lotto line weren't very good in the last few games apart from on the PP so I'd like to see Petey start with Lindholm in Carolina. As for their winger, Mikheyev makes the most sense due to his speed and size but Hoglander is a bit harder-working, less skilled/big but I think would be just as good a fit. Suter on Miller/Boeser's wing worked well in the past too or they could take Mikheyev.


Lots of options going forward. If the Lotto line stay together then you know we'll just end up rotating Mikheyev, Garland, Suter and Hoglander around Lindholm.


100% Petey and Lindholm will play together. It’s not even a discussion. Lindholm was brought in for that exact purpose, to give us two dominate offensive lines.  Petey/Lindholm and Miller/Boeser are the pairings. Every contender in the NHL is shitting their pants right now at the thought of playing us…

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9 hours ago, Miss Korea said:


The type of code-switching you're thinking of is almost impossible on-ice.  It's one thing if all five players on the ice are Swedish, but there is very little one can do to try and trick opponents like that.  What they can do is discuss tactics on the bench or between faceoffs.  But doing so doesn't really provide any benefit during play.  Even Andrei Kuzmenko could get his point across with his broken English.



Here is Kuzmenko and Beauvillier discussing tactics on the bench.  There really isn't much you can talk about ON the ice during play.  I'll also post a video of Quinn Hughes.  The type of communication he does during play is super simple.




The last one with QHs's, "Luke'y!Lukey!"Lukey" was the best part, QHs trying to distract his little brother lol.      

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Hoglander-Lindholm-Petey is what I want to see.  This is a more offensive line than if Mikheyev replaces Hoglander with the other two.  They both forecheck well but Hoglander seems to come out of board battles with the puck more dangerously and breaks down defences on the cycle.  Mik, with his speed, has the edge on the rush.  My sense of Lindholm is that his offensive potential is higher on the cycle, where he sneaks into open spaces with the best of them.  Petey and Hoglander will both be able to find him. 

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Mik  Pete  Lindy  (at practise today).


That will be an effective line.  Lots of passing with speedy Mik, playmaking Lindy and scoring Pete.


Lindy takes the face offs.  It will take a few games for them to gel, but I think they will be a great line.

They will also be a line that plays a solid defensive game.  Finally escaping from the dismal Flames

locker room, Lindy reclaims his passion for the game and returns to his usual form. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Rypien-Punch said:

If you and 2 other Canadian guys were playing on a line in the SHL would you speak Swedish to each other on the ice? 


Do you ever even read the responses to your topics?  I've already explained everything in my first response to you.  At this point you're just wasting everyone's time.  Read the responses for once.

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On 2/3/2024 at 6:15 PM, Miss Korea said:


The type of code-switching you're thinking of is almost impossible on-ice.  It's one thing if all five players on the ice are Swedish, but there is very little one can do to try and trick opponents like that.  What they can do is discuss tactics on the bench or between faceoffs.  But doing so doesn't really provide any benefit during play.  Even Andrei Kuzmenko could get his point across with his broken English.



Here is Kuzmenko and Beauvillier discussing tactics on the bench.  There really isn't much you can talk about ON the ice during play.  I'll also post a video of Quinn Hughes.  The type of communication he does during play is super simple.





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Like the skill on the line. Having 2 defensively responsible players makes up for what is (though improving) still a weakness in Hoglander’s game. 
Hopefully Hoggie’s defence will continue to step up while playing with these two or this line may not be workable in the playoffs very regularly. 
Not worried about toughness on the line.  Hoglander is a pugnacious little bugger.

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