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I Know It's Early Still But ....


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8 minutes ago, HKSR said:

...where are all of you that were saying we are a good 4 years away from being relevant?  Some even going as far as saying we need to blow up this core? 


Come on guys.  You know who you are.  Stand up and eat some yummy crow lol


Not sure I fall into this category. 


If they sucked this year I would probably say start to consider it. From my perspective, it is make-or-break time.  We've passed the point of rebuilding on the fly. Bedard draft was my deadline but would have had to be started earlier if we wanted to go that route. 


I actually wanted more moves in the off-season. I want more moves now. Go all out and if it fails then tear it down. 



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13 minutes ago, HKSR said:

...where are all of you that were saying we are a good 4 years away from being relevant?  Some even going as far as saying we need to blow up this core? 


Come on guys.  You know who you are.  Stand up and eat some yummy crow lol

Nice tasty crow is on the menu all season long.  If healthy, this team with this coaching staff will make noise.

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10 hours ago, HKSR said:

...where are all of you that were saying we are a good 4 years away from being relevant?  Some even going as far as saying we need to blow up this core? 


Come on guys.  You know who you are.  Stand up and eat some yummy crow lol


I will admit that I wanted to completely blow it up this past January.


-Pettersson for a 2023 1st + elite prospect

-Hughes for a 2023 1st + elite prospect

-Demko for a 2023 1st + elite prospect

-Kuzmenko for a 1st and a B prospect

-Miller for two 1sts (Pens deal that was offered at that time)


And then weaponize cap space for more pics and prospects.


I would have tanked harder than Michael Jackson at Neverland Ranch in order to land one of Bedard, Carlsson, or Fantilli.   


I would have kept OEL, Boeser, Schenn, Myers, etc. as part of the veteran leadership while grooming the elite prospects with other vets that we would have signed (which likely would have been to unfavorable term and money since they would have had all the bargaining power).  


Thankfully, we did NOT go this route.    


I honestly didn't anticipate this coming season turning out like this at ALL.  And I'm pleasantly surprised.  

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We have been under-achieving for about 12-18 months to be fair but also, our stars weren't quite peaking the last couple of years and our depth was atrocious. Allvin made some ballsy moves to move Bo and acquire Hronek and smart moves to acquire depth guys like Lafferty, Blueger, Suter, Soucy and Cole and DeSmith. The big thing is coaching of course - this is the first time since AV that we've had a defence-first type of coach and it shows.

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11 hours ago, HKSR said:

...where are all of you that were saying we are a good 4 years away from being relevant?  Some even going as far as saying we need to blow up this core? 


Come on guys.  You know who you are.  Stand up and eat some yummy crow lol

Lol i said 4 years in like 2017 and i said blow up the team except petey quinn and demko in 2022 after the back to back horrible starts. i admit it. 

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11 hours ago, HKSR said:

...where are all of you that were saying we are a good 4 years away from being relevant?  Some even going as far as saying we need to blow up this core? 


Come on guys.  You know who you are.  Stand up and eat some yummy crow lol

Ive been preaching how good this team actually is for the last 3 seasons. We had go endure some growing pains to start with such a young team and we have finally put it all together at the same time. Everyone chirped me for arguing that this team is much better than the standings actually showed. Also credit to PA for building a great bottom 6 and my god Cole and Friedman are absolute fucking gems

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I was someone that wanted to blow this team up. We'll see how long we can sustain this before I eat any crow. I am very happy with how the team is playing. But if you think having Friedman in our top 4 is a sustainable way to win games. I dunno. We are lucky we have Demko. We were lucky we had Markstrom once upon a time too. We made the playoffs twice in 10 years. At the end of the day, I want consistency. This isn't just early, it's VERY early. But sure, plan the parade.

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I was arguing during the summer of last year how we should trade Miller and that a team lead by Pettersson, Hughes, ect could probably be competitive without him. I didn't see Miller as being essential, I saw him as a means to build a more balanced roster. Not sure that counts as blowing it up. I argued that we could trade assets, accumulate youth and picks, and probably compete. I argued a 1-2 punch of Pettersson and Horvat would probably do just fine, and I stand by that. 


If we'd done so and goaltending had been stable I reckon we could have been in the mix for a wildcard spot. We had a historically bad PK and goaltending and poor tending and defensive play sunk us. My take at the beginning of this season was more along the lines of us finishing in no man's land, a wild card spot, or maybe a third divisional seed if things went really well, if we'd begun this season with a 1-2 punch of Pettersson and Horvat we'd probably still be competitive. 


I've consistently argued that we're probably 4 or so years away from anything resembling contention, I don't think that's unrealistic. It's unlikely we're going to jump right back into the playoffs and walk straight to a final. 

Edited by Coconuts
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I didn't say 4 years, was thinking more like 2-3. 


I still don't believe it. I await boeser to fade in the big games and return to hitting the goalie in the chest, to myers leaving the posts and creating simple tap-ins, to hronek falling apart with shoulder injuries and tocchet meddling with the lines and being outcoached. I definitely expected hughes to have a huge season (i predicted him to get 15 goals). 


It's early, the pacific is terrible and we're still to play a lot of eastern teams which killed us last year. We make the playoffs and i'll cop to being way wrong but it's a long season.


Here's the key thing though, the more wrong i am, the better the canucks do. Do you want me to hop on the bandwagon or do you need me on that wall waiting?








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13 hours ago, HKSR said:

...where are all of you that were saying we are a good 4 years away from being relevant?  Some even going as far as saying we need to blow up this core? 


Come on guys.  You know who you are.  Stand up and eat some yummy crow lol

 I was wondering how long it was going to get a post like this. There were so many that were adamant last year that we needed to clean house and the Tank commanders were out in full force. 

We had the key components 1C/2C, 1D and G. Bo and Boeser were from the failed attempt after the Sedins.

We had major faults for sure(leadership,coaching,culture) but we had the bare bones to build a good team. 

Proper management came in and quickly identified who the 1C/2C were , who the leaders were , who the coach needed to be and started from there.

They identified a plan, financially, and personnel wise and I think they are on the right track so far.

Things were broken and none of it had to do with players like Petey, Hughes or Demko, yet we wanted to rid ourselves of them? Totally ridiculous idea, yet many thought this was a reasonable plan.

I remember Pittsburgh in the past and I envied how they were able to build a winning franchise and how to win championships. We now have personnel who were a part of that. I was excited to get these guys but many were not. 

Our early success shows we kept the right personnel and we have the right people running the show. Our core is young and still learning. 

I have full confidence we are only going to get stronger and we will remain competitive for at least the near future. 

We are pretty tough to beat now, imagine when management has had more time to build this team EXACTLY the way they want it. Good times are ahead Canuck Fans. 

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14 hours ago, HKSR said:

...where are all of you that were saying we are a good 4 years away from being relevant?  Some even going as far as saying we need to blow up this core? 


Come on guys.  You know who you are.  Stand up and eat some yummy crow lol


Well as you said it's early let's not forget the "Torts best coach in Canucks history" thread only halfway that season 


So for eating crow. No, glad they are playing great now but the core had no benefit of the doubt after 3 awful seasons and only showing up in meaningless games. 


As I said before. The core needed to prove their critics wrong, this season they are doing just that but I won't take back what I said about a core that has done nothing prior to this season so far.

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Now that we don't play the Oilers for a while we will see how well we do.  3 wins against the Oilers and add one against the Sharks.  That is almost half our points and more than half our goals.  Really padded the record and that stats in a place we usually play down to the competition and lose.  If we can continue to take the opportunities we have to win games we can be a league leader.  Time will tell.  

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I went back to the old site to read some of my old posts. Glad to say I didn't jump off the wagon. 

In fact I predicted Boeser as one of the guys who will train hard over the summer and one we should keep. I also said Miller is turning the corner under RTs tutelage. 

What's funny to me is that management did a lot of things I didn't expect and completely blew my suggestions out of the water and did better than I ever imagined. 


I had OEL, Hirose, Kravstov, Schenn, Podz and even Dries in my lineup for this year...

Holy crap did management do an amazing job lol 


The fact that they bought out OEL was unfathomable but to turn that into Soucy and Cole was a home run. 


Suter Bleuger and Lafferty over guys like Dries, Podz and Kravstov? Again a slam dunk. I still have hopes for Podz but at this point, those guys deserve the spot over Podz. 


Great job to PA and the pro scouting staff. Amazing work


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didn’t really understand the blow up the core. 

my opinion. I saw some posts saying players are going to be past their prime ect. We have one of the youngest cores still. I think the average age on the team was 26-27. That’s still a very young team. We had some bumps and growing pains but I never wanted the core to be dismantled. Players primes late 20s 27-32. Even then a lot of players have break out years early-mid 30s. 

The Canucks have been through many coaching changes and systems. Also past GMs didn’t build a solid supporting cast. Felt like they were just after whatever they could get. 

I believe now there is a solid core as always was just learning but becoming mature and confident. I think the Horenk trade was stellar. We need to solidify the D and they have done just that. Supporting cast is doing their jobs. While I don’t think this 9-2-1 pace will continue I do think now we are headed for the playoffs which is well needed experience. 

there will always be bumps through the season but healthy goaltending, solid back up. And everyone doing what they need to we will have a great season will still a young core. 

TLDR; core wasn’t the problem. Young team still. Supporting cast finally solidified along with D. Having a break out year. Healthy tending. Teams growing with lots of potential. 
systems and stability in place. Bumps still bound to happen. 


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When they bought out OEL last summer and added Hronek to the core, they put their cards on the table. 
There was zero doubt, that management wanted to push the agenda. 
On top of this, nobody knows if Petey will be here after next year, or even after this season, if they can't agree on a contract, so they are forcing the issue. 
Petey stating, he wants to win, also suggests they had to start pushing, so honestly don't understand anyone suggesting it should be blown up. 

It could be argued that this season has started above expectation for most, as the vast majority saw this team as a wild  card'ish team..


As for taking up to 4 year before becoming legit, its understandable folks would suggest that, as it normally takes time, but again, what was the point in buying out OEL and saddle the team with cap penalty, if they weren't going draw the advantage of the extra cap space this season....


So it was quite obvious from the start that management was seeing this as an opportunity to at least make the play offs. 

On a side note, its still early days, but only few real optimistic fans would have thought we'd have a start like this.... after all its the best start in franchise history. 

For the record I thought they were pushing for it as soon as the OEL buy out happened, but expected the real push to be next season.... might still be. 

PS. Can I just mention @Elias Pettersson called for the buy out of OEL last spring, to get the flexibility to improve the team here and now, and got ridiculed for it... 

Looks like he had a point. 

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Don't think anyone but complete homers were saying this would be our year, and for those that did, kudos!


...Don't think i've read much about four years down the road, that's kind of idiotic given Demko's and QHs deals.   That's the first window with this core.    Seen 2/3 often though.   I 100% agree with Button's comments, if we didn't trade Horvat basically for Hronek, we might as well blow it up and trade a QHs or EP, draft picks won't help us much during QHs and Demko's current deal, unless they are used for players - same with the whiny stuff around De-Smith.   Please do that, every year if you can unless we are scortch earthing it. 


The success we are seeing has a lot to do with Tochett, they actually listened to him and came into camp in the best shapes of their lives.   And QHs Hronek is looking like Neidermayer-Pronger or Steven's (ANA/NJ) or possibly even Al Mac Pronger good (they played basically half of every game and we're almost perfect).    


It's driving the offense.   We are doing better than I thought possible.   Both this year and last year, have said 100-110 points if everything goes very well...At this point we keep this up until Christmas or so, we could have a rash of injuries, play .500 or so, and still get that 100 points.    Nothing went well last year, until we got Tochett.    Martin wasn't a starter.    And well our PK was bad.   Still!.  


Things will fall to earth a little.   Shooting percentages are out of whack (only EPs looks sustainable from the core, which includes Brock right now ... he's back!).    That's when systems games and Demko/De-Smith will hopefully keep us going (through injuries too).   We aren't the 70's Habs, so 130plus season isn't happening. 


This is a joyful time, going to enjoy the game on Thursday,  OTT fans take the "Go Cancucks Go" chants about as well as you can expect. 

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I'll jump in on this...


I was wrong in being a Benning supporter, blinded by his drafting of Brock, Petey, Demko, Hughes, and trading for Miller.


I was also wrong in thinking that Allvin & Co. should've taken one step back before going for it with this core of Petey, Hughes, Demko, and Miller (and Brock), as it turns out that I was kinda right in the first place that Benning's core work was incredible, and going for it now was the right call after all. 

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On 11/6/2023 at 10:20 PM, HKSR said:

...where are all of you that were saying we are a good 4 years away from being relevant?  Some even going as far as saying we need to blow up this core? 


Come on guys.  You know who you are.  Stand up and eat some yummy crow lol

Hmmm pretty sure that's not me, what I was afraid of when JR and AL came in that they'd be messing with a roster that just needed better secondary players to compliment the core, we skipped ahead a bit with Kuzmenko showing up as advertised and then picking up Mik, that put us ahead right there, let alone Soucy, Cole, Blueger, Laffy, and then to top it of Smitty as a back up... Just as important, the coaching staff.

I'm not surprised in the least that we're doing as well as we are, we were on a tear at the end of last season with a lessor roster. 

All we need is depth now, well our recent picks seasoned more.

I'll pass a plate of crow to someone else though!  😉 I'll send over a lot of plates to the bush league media we have in Vancouver as well.. 

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On 11/7/2023 at 10:40 AM, JeremyCuddles said:

I was someone that wanted to blow this team up. We'll see how long we can sustain this before I eat any crow. I am very happy with how the team is playing. But if you think having Friedman in our top 4 is a sustainable way to win games. I dunno. We are lucky we have Demko. We were lucky we had Markstrom once upon a time too. We made the playoffs twice in 10 years. At the end of the day, I want consistency. This isn't just early, it's VERY early. But sure, plan the parade.

Without depth? When is this parade going to happen exactly? If your planning it this year or next, might want to standby to cancel it last minute, we've been through this scenario 3 times in our existence, and 3 times we had no depth, guess what happened because of it? 3 letdowns.. want to go through it a 4th time with the same result? 

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